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Help getting over my fear of mountain lions?


if it smells like fish
I am going the other direction , I am trying to find a mountain lion lol hoping to get some telephoto lens shots...... they sell eyes for back of head supposed to ward em off but how does one prove they work lol;;;;peace

Bud Green

I dig dirt
I've seen 2 mountain lions in the wild in my whole life, and I've spent a shitload of time in the woods.. You're WAY more likely to run into a 5 acre field of 15 foot Thai plants in full bloom than you are to be attacked by a mountain lion..
Besides, either way, you're gonna get wasted...


Kill the fear!

Kill the fear!

Go out there and kill a mtn lion with your bare hands! Then make a hat out of its head to wear when your wandering the wilderness! No mtn lions going to fuck with you if your wearing its brother on your head.



Active member
this picture was taken off a game cam right in my neighborhood. apparently they are rarely ever seen in packs like this. this is why i carry a .45 Kimber when i walk the property. also making a ton of noise probably keeps them away, the sound of a quad's engine or a few shots into the hillside will scare everything away.


Active member
another pic…..one of my trimmers found these while he was researching mountain lions in NorCal. absolutely hilarious how coincidently this crazy ass picture was taken so close to the grow.


Horticultural enthusiast
ICMag Donor
^^ A pack of cougars is pretty scary.

I got growled at in a remote grow from the opposite side of a small creek. It sounded like the start of an alley cat fight, a low guttural noise. Me and my buddy backed away slowly, both scared shitless.

You pretty much need protection out in the cut and a dog is probably the best.


Horticultural enthusiast
ICMag Donor
If you're silly and ignorant enough to waddle into cougar country with no means of defense, you'd better hope there's some sticks and stones around when the shit hits the fan. You can be like the chimps in 2001: A Space Odyssey, only now with 100% more mountain lion attacks!

I picked up two big rocks haha


Ive heard that wearing a large necklace of "hippie bells" can keep them scared off while hiking.


if it smells like fish
I've seen 2 mountain lions in the wild in my whole life, and I've spent a shitload of time in the woods.. You're WAY more likely to run into a 5 acre field of 15 foot Thai plants in full bloom than you are to be attacked by a mountain lion..
Besides, either way, you're gonna get wasted...
so true.. I have found a few grows ..being a fisherman and loving hiking too ..you would be surprised how many poly lines I have run across too...I have seen a few mountain lions but never sitting still for a photo,usually just their ass and tail as they slip away lol


Natalie J. Puffington
I’ve awoken at night twice (in my own house, not camping, thank goodness), to the sound of a mtn lion outside screeching…the eeriest, creepiest and coolest thing I have ever heard.

Sounded like this, but creepier…

And yes, I too get a kinda creeped out at times hiking out here…I’ve seen huge mtn lion paw prints quite a few times…not to mention the coyotes!

Bud Green

I dig dirt
..I have seen a few mountain lions but never sitting still for a photo,usually just their ass and tail as they slip away lol

Yup, "slipping away" is a good way to put it...The bigger one I saw musta been 125 lbs.

Natty girl: Ive heard the sound too..
Funny thing is, the two that I saw, I NEVER heard!
and the couple that I've heard, I NEVER saw!

I grew up by the ocean and I remember when "Jaws" came to the movies... Me and a bunch of my surfer buddies had the beaches almost to ourselves for 6 months because people were afraid to go in the water...
You don't wanna let fear keep ya from enjoying your life....


Horticultural enthusiast
ICMag Donor
Yup, "slipping away" is a good way to put it...The bigger one I saw musta been 125 lbs.

Natty girl: Ive heard the sound too..
Funny thing is, the two that I saw, I NEVER heard!
and the couple that I've heard, I NEVER saw!

I grew up by the ocean and I remember when "Jaws" came to the movies... Me and a bunch of my surfer buddies had the beaches almost to ourselves for 6 months.
You don't wanna let fear keep ya from enjoying your life....

Yeh I never saw the cat just heard it. I think it was telling me to kick rocks


Those game cam images were really impressive. I can see how large caliber side arms would feel like a healthy precaution. I imagine people in that area are real careful with their animals. At the same time, I think it is great that we have not yet wiped out all of what was here before us.


Active member
Those game cam images were really impressive. I can see how large caliber side arms would feel like a healthy precaution. I imagine people in that area are real careful with their animals. At the same time, I think it is great that we have not yet wiped out all of what was here before us.

yea depends on how far into the wilderness you are, but its definitely advisable to keep pets indoors up at my elevation. some of my friends will leave their entire pack of dogs out but i doubt a mountain lion would take on 3 cane corsos, boxers and pit bulls.

unless it was the same pack in the game cam lol…..wonder what would happen is 3 mountain lions fought 3 corso's.


Active member
apparently a cow died in someones pasture…and the owners put up a game cam to see if anything would come and eat it.

dinner bell for the local cougars!


Active member
yea imagine my surprise when the description says only a few miles from my property!! makes the butt cheeks clench a bit when walking around at night….

the other evening i heard weird stressful sounding meows coming from the darkness…it didn't sound like normal house cat calls, kinda freaked me out. so i put the beam on the area and two stray cats were mating lol…was hoping for a cougar!

picture is also concerning because my 1911 only holds 8 rounds…i gotta upgrade and get another gun with a bigger magazine!