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Help! Are these a variety of broadmites or cyclamen mites?


Well-known member
Just wanted to post an update. I’m happy to say that the Swirskii is working well. Been added them every 2,3 weeks on everything for the last few months now. I still see outbreaks here and there but after a dusting of Swirskii, leaves start to straighten out. Plants are very happy in the flower room. I make sure to add them day 0-7 in there as well . After a long time of using hard core nasties, I’m very grateful these little guys are taking over the problem. wish I tried them first. Definitely cost more but no need to be around poison and wearing all that ppe. I haven’t used my atomizer in awhile either.
I’m sure if I stopped adding them, the cyclamans would populate fast and take over . Evil bastards.
It’s also nice to get smaller quantities from natures good guys. They’ve been on point! ARBICO is great , but makes you wait a week and more expensive. I need to start breeding my own to keep the numbers high. I spray good bug food every time before dusting too. I spray it on everything.
Nice. That's my usual method to deal with most bugs too. I just saw some strange twisting and yellow tips yesterday and almost ordered some mites. I thought I might have broad mites since I've heard they cause symptoms like that. I checked with a scope and didn't see anything so I'm thinking deficiency or lockout now. What did your plants look like?


Well-known member
If using the sachets, do they need to be used all at one time, or can some of the sachets be kept in some sort of storage, for later use?

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
If using the sachets, do they need to be used all at one time, or can some of the sachets be kept in some sort of storage, for later use?
You hang them in the crop all at once, then they provide protection against pests for about 3 - 4 weeks, swirkiis will hatch from eggs inside the sachets and constantly emerge to feed.

It can be difficult if there is a minimum order and you only have a small grow.


New member
Nice. That's my usual method to deal with most bugs too. I just saw some strange twisting and yellow tips yesterday and almost ordered some mites. I thought I might have broad mites since I've heard they cause symptoms like that. I checked with a scope and didn't see anything so I'm thinking deficiency or lockout now. What did your plants look like?
I hope you don’t have them but good mites will only help . I think the good bug food made a big difference. I didn’t use that at first and it was hard to find a live Swirskii after dusting. It also may have been the last Kontos drench I did the previous month . Now I see them around any leaves that have outbreaks. Being back in tlo and just using amended soil and teas has made everything really good too. Nice to have the white ash back. I went with Swirskii because of whiteflies always coming in. The property is surrounded by large trees with them and either broads or cyclamen. i see the same damage on everything but I can’t be treating other ppls property. I use to use my atomizer out there but figured I was doing more harm then good.
Mother Nature is amazing. It’s nice to have an army, spoken I see a whitefly or other damage, I know I do t have to worry as much. I almost went with cummeris after watching the KIS podcast with the bug lady. Damn she’s smart. I’m stoked on my decision with Swirskii though. They are a blessing!

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