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Help an Elderly lady


668, Neighbor of the Beast
dontstepongrass said:
the nice thing about having money for RESPECTABLE legal team is that you aren't put in a position to have to (or so the cops would have you believe that you have to, you in fact NEVER have to) sing like a bird. that's another term for snitch.

Which got me to thinking. How is it most people choose a lawyer in the first place? I suppose a fair amount just pick one out of the phone book. If I had to randomly pick one now I'd look through NORML first then the book. I've used a friend of a friend lawyer a few times but once I had no choice but to hit the book, so I called 4 and actually interviewed them while in jail. I could tell they weren't used to it and the guy that I hired busted out laughing when he realized that HE was being interviewed. He turned out to be a really good lawyer.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
SomeGuy said:
Which got me to thinking. How is it most people choose a lawyer in the first place? I suppose a fair amount just pick one out of the phone book.

If it were me, before I even told them my case, the first thing I'd ask them in person is their all around stance on cannabis. If the lawyer pops a vein out of the forehead when you ask them, chances are he/she isn't going to give you a very good defense. I'd be looking for sincerity, that's for sure... It might take awhile before you find it but it'd make all the difference when you do.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Dontsteponthegrass, seems that you and I agree on most points, except for some minor issues:

"oh boy... are u listening? any lawyer worth his salt will demand at least a $8-10k retainer, and that JUST TO LOOK AT YOUR CASE."

I think an 8-10K retainer would only apply to fairly serious felonies. DUI lawyers in chicago usually cost 1500-2K (including trial), I know because a friend of mine had to hire one (he won at trial btw). If you get caught shoplifting and your lawyer tells you he needs 8k to represent you for a trial, then you need to look elsewhere. Maybe if you hired the best criminal defense attorney in the state to rep you, and he filed numerous motions and did a big long jury trial, but that would be overkill for a relatively minor case, wouldn't you think so?

fvk: maybe having a weed-friendly attorney would help, but criminal defense attorneys have to defend rapists, murderers and child molesters. Does that mean he has to be ok with murdering, raping and molesting kids in order to represent them effectively?

My stance is this: a lawyer, much like a doctor, only treats the problem as it arises. You, the client (or patient) bears primary responsibility for preventing the need for a lawyer/doctor. If you keep your grow stealth, never consent to searches and never confess during questioning, you will be in much better shape and likely not need a lawyer (or be in a much better position if you do need one).
Just like if you eat right, exercise daily and don't drink or smoke to excess you will likely have much fewer health problems requiring a doctor's care.
Of course, sometimes shit happens and you're gonna need that doctor or that lawyer, but I still maintain that 95% of not getting caught (or being healthy) is PREVENTATIVE CARE.