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Heaths latest tree grow

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Active member
Im doing very well with an AKxCritical Mass strain, known to be heavy, and the biggest problem one will run into is light penetration even with 3000w IF you're serious about a 6 foot WIDE plant. Do you realize how wide that plant is? Even a 1000w (which I run mostly and all vert) will have trouble penetrating deeply enough to get any light to interior buds. Nevermind covering a 6 foot TALL plant with a 1000w vert presents its own limitations. That's like running a 1000w over a 6 foot tall plant and expecting the bottom half of the plant to yield anything more than tiny popcorn. I don't know of Ghettogrow's exploits but I'd probably question his dry yield totals too.

Not calling him out but after this many years of non-stop growing, Ive realized a lot of the legends of past yields are exaggerated.

Can't compare outdoor grows to indoor so that's irrelevent. So many reasons why. Do you grow? No offense but "newbie" in your handle doesn't inspire confidence. You're pointing to other people's claimed yields. How are your own? I'm speaking from experience here, not hearsay. Yes I run a system very similar to Heath's. 27gal tubs with bottom feeds and top drains recirculating, indica trees, vert bulbs (3x1000,2x600) on a flip between rooms. CO2ed, measured humidity, constantly monitored hydro solution of House and Garden Aqua Flakes and supplements, 1/2hp chiller, 270gallon total volume, pond air pump, etc etc. Yes I run a similar system to Heath's. I don't claim to be a master grower but I hold my own and Ive pulled up to a pound and a half from a tree in a perfect circumstances dialed-in system. That's a pretty damn big plant indoors. 4 pounds? 3 pounds? I seriously doubt those numbers as completely dry product. Just my .02.
Yes I am new grower, I've been around my friends grows allot and helped out. But this will be my first start to finish by myself.

Not trying to say negative things about you, but if your gunna come in here and say Heath is bullshitting then I'm gunna go ahead and tell you, if you've been growing for years and can only pull 1.5 pounds from a tree using hydro, you are WAY off the mark, seriously!!:tiphat:

My friend grows Jack Herer, puts two plants under one 1000W light and reflector hanging above, not even vertical style!!! Running in soil in just plain Pro Mix media, with GH 3 Part Nutrients and he gets 2.5 - 3 pounds a light. I could only imagine what he'd be getting if he was doing this in hydro plus if he had lights hanging on three sides of the plant. Believe me when I tell, big difference from somebody that has grown for years and someone that is a MASTER GROWER!!! I'm definitely not saying I'm a master grower, my buddy wouldn't even call himself that.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Heath is no liar, I've met the man several times and I can tell you, he just doesn't have the ego to need to lie. He's been growing since the 70s and really knows a lot about the plants. He designs his rooms/systems carefully, keeps things simple re nutrition, ie doesn't add a bunch of extraneous shit, making things more likely to have problems, but on top of that he chooses high yielding plants. If he had 2 plants of a strain, one was super potent but medium yield, and one was slightly less potent(still a good smoke) but much higher yield-he goes for the yielder because that's gonna pay. He would go through 10 packs of whatever seed to find a good plant.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Yes I am new grower, I've been around my friends grows allot and helped out. But this will be my first start to finish by myself.

Not trying to say negative things about you, but if your gunna come in here and say Heath is bullshitting then I'm gunna go ahead and tell you, if you've been growing for years and can only pull 1.5 pounds from a tree using hydro, you are WAY off the mark, seriously!!:tiphat:

My friend grows Jack Herer, puts two plants under one 1000W light and reflector hanging above, not even vertical style!!! Running in soil in just plain Pro Mix media, with GH 3 Part Nutrients and he gets 2.5 - 3 pounds a light. I could only imagine what he'd be getting if he was doing this in hydro plus if he had lights hanging on three sides of the plant. Believe me when I tell, big difference from somebody that has grown for years and someone that is a MASTER GROWER!!! I'm definitely not saying I'm a master grower, my buddy wouldn't even call himself that.

Dude...I call bullshit on 2-3 bows on a horizontal grow....I've received beens directly from Heath, never met the man but he is an hero of mine and inspired me to go for better production, grown both horizontal and vert...and i am NO master grower, but unless you can document that " claim" it's just talk.....I've seen the best growers in Santa Cruz who have grown longer than I can remember pull close to 2 per 1k but never above or anything close to 3......pictures or its bull...flame away newby!


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
Eat your Wheaties this morning Mega? lol... We know it can be done, but it helps when you have documentation, otherwise you will get flamed...
My father-in-law talks about 20 footers with colas the size of coffee tables...


My friend grows Jack Herer, puts two plants under one 1000W light and reflector hanging above, not even vertical style!!! Running in soil in just plain Pro Mix media, with GH 3 Part Nutrients and he gets 2.5 - 3 pounds a light. I could only imagine what he'd be getting if he was doing this in hydro plus if he had lights hanging on three sides of the plant. Believe me when I tell, big difference from somebody that has grown for years and someone that is a MASTER GROWER!!! I'm definitely not saying I'm a master grower, my buddy wouldn't even call himself that.

Lol. ...the Internet.


Active member
OK, someone please help clear this up for me... I've been looking at allot of recirculating hydro setups, the DWC one in particular and it has a water in on one side of the bucket and a water out on the other side of the bucket..... Wich is like how GhettoGrow has his. And it's how I thought Heath Robinson had his as well??? But looking at the pics above of the sketches he drew and of the large black tank he built it looks to me like there is only one hole in the bucket for return to the rez....?? So is the level of water in the bucket only being maintained by the top feed in Heath's setup?? Or is there a in feed as well that I'm not seeing? Is his setup not the same as the DWC kits you can buy or something different? Maybe I'm just not seeing something? Thanks guys...

gettogro uses an undercurrent style system, different from the one Heath used. Heath ran(runs?) the same style of system I use (Thank you Heath), top feed over hydroton. Heath outlines 2 drain styles, one where the drain sets the level, another where a float valve sets the level. I prefer letting the drain set the level and then I manually refill my system, because I like to see how the nutrient solution changes without anything being added to it. Also, if you let drains set the level, I think it's preferable to grade them back to the res if possible rather than running along the floor, you get much better flow and oxygenation. Top feed over hydroton is huge for oxygenation though, spreading the water thin over so much surface area, completely recharges all of it with oxygen.

Here's a 3.35er I took down a few weeks ago, OG ghost kush from S1 seed, not even a heavy yielder. Dried perfectly, or it'd be worthless in the BC market anyway. It's not easy, can't have any fuckups, but it can definitely be done. (The pic is just the top of her, she was about 6 foot tall, 5-6 feet wide.)


My cylindrical cages are around 50 square foot surface area. 4x4 is only 16 square foot, I'd like to see a pic of a 4x4 stuffed with 3lbs, 3lbs wet on a plant takes up a lot of space! Not saying it can't be done.. I'm sure it probably can with near perfect circumstances.


Active member
I know a lot of old school growers from stowe, vt area, and believe me, they hit 5 elbow on 8 ft flood tables with two 1k's constantly. they would complain that a clone that someone passed them didnt pass the test. the test being hitting 4+ on a 2K table.

sensi star, chocolate chunk, jack herer, ECSD clone only. these guys had no problem with 1 gpw.



Active member
Sorry bud. No documentation my buddy doesn't give a fuck about forums. All he cares about is making money witch he does hand over fist!!! Between his 5 grows I'd say he's close to 200 lights going!!!

Why would I lie about what he produces?? What do I gain from that??


gets some
Yes I am new grower, I've been around my friends grows allot and helped out. But this will be my first start to finish by myself.

Not trying to say negative things about you, but if your gunna come in here and say Heath is bullshitting then I'm gunna go ahead and tell you, if you've been growing for years and can only pull 1.5 pounds from a tree using hydro, you are WAY off the mark, seriously!!:tiphat:

My friend grows Jack Herer, puts two plants under one 1000W light and reflector hanging above, not even vertical style!!! Running in soil in just plain Pro Mix media, with GH 3 Part Nutrients and he gets 2.5 - 3 pounds a light. I could only imagine what he'd be getting if he was doing this in hydro plus if he had lights hanging on three sides of the plant. Believe me when I tell, big difference from somebody that has grown for years and someone that is a MASTER GROWER!!! I'm definitely not saying I'm a master grower, my buddy wouldn't even call himself that.

And this is why I don't interact much on IC anymore. "My friend this, Ive read about that, and yeah it's all true! I haven't actually grown anything but I know this! You can do much better! blah blah blah." Most of us got caught up with fantastical yield claims early on until years of learning and growing let the realities of indoor limitations sink in.

Btw, your friend's yield claims are also not believable. No one is suggesting that vert trees yield more than tables or SOG or any other method. Trees keep plant numbers down while still producing solid yields. Talking about what someone does on a table or horizontal lights is entirely unrelated.


Active member
OK:whee: Then why are you here?:biggrin:

Like I said, I never said I can grow shit.... I may try my best efforts and grow 2 ounces a plant!!!:laughing:

But there are those of u out there who think you are growers just because you've been doing it for for 10+ years and in all that time haven't learned to evolve. Just sayin.....

First thing my buddy told me, "I know tons of guys you have been growing for 20 years and still don't know shit!" And thats the truth, doesn't even have to be growing weed, goes for everything in life. Lots of people do stuff but are as dumb as a stump!!:moon: Or just plain LAZY witch is the case most of the time.

Have a good day....


Veg & Flower Station keeper
First thing my buddy told me, "I know tons of guys you have been growing for 20 years and still don't know shit!" And thats the truth, doesn't even have to be growing weed, goes for everything in life. Lots of people do stuff but are as dumb as a stump!!:moon: Or just plain LAZY witch is the case most of the time.

Have a good day....
Jimi Hendrix became master of the guitar playing a broom for a year or 2.
Sorry bud. No documentation my buddy doesn't give a fuck about forums. All he cares about is making money witch he does hand over fist!!! Between his 5 grows I'd say he's close to 200 lights going!!!

Why would I lie about what he produces?? What do I gain from that??

Hey buddy, to me, your chosen name says it all...who the fuck would pick a name like LEDNewie when they knew master growers that can pull 3 per 1K? No master grower would even think of using LED's to grow buds for production purposes. Nobody who knows and hangs with a grower using 200 lights would pick the newbie thing, either. The internet should have a bullshit meter built in.....



Active member
Hey buddy, to me, your chosen name says it all...who the fuck would pick a name like LEDNewie when they knew master growers that can pull 3 per 1K? No master grower would even think of using LED's to grow buds for production purposes. Nobody who knows and hangs with a grower using 200 lights would pick the newbie thing, either. The internet should have a bullshit meter built in.....


It's just a name you fucking tard, go smoke a bowl. I'm sure thats the only thing in life your good at:dance013:


Veg & Flower Station keeper
Do you switch from 1 blue LED over your shot glass in veg to 1 red LED in flower? :laughing: IDK, if I knew a grower w/200 lights I'd at least call myself TRI-BANDLEDBLAZE or something like that. ;)


New member
This might make people ditch their 1000s for 600s...

There has to be another "secret" to these amazing results... simple & affordable nutes, no fancy aero/fog jets, not the most powerful lights, no AC, no CO2, no bloom boosters. What is it?

I don't get it... this stuff makes me feel pathetic about my results.

simply amazing.
Plant count dictates yields............................:peacock:


Plant count does not dictate yield. My friend and myself have the same strains. He runs 12 I run 3 or 4. Same nutes, same 5 gallon dwc buckets he has more watts and I yield more. Why? My plants are bigger. I still have more cubic feet of canopy getting good light. His plants are crowded and have too much unused growth. Our plants when flowered at 4 inch clones end up 2 feet tall. I wish I was joking. Worst plant for sea of green ever but great for trees.

He really runs 36 and I run 9-12 but its the same just broken down onto different parts.

Heaths numbers are believable I got 13oz off 1 plant severely under fertilized and many other mistakes with a not huge yielding strain on my first tree grow
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