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Heart problems


burnt out og'er
I'd stick with Hap's advice here, but I'm wondering...

Did your doctor not give you one of those heart shaped pillows after the surgery and encourage you to cough a lot with the pillow against your chest?

Coughing helps keep cardiac arteries cleared. Many hospitals hand out the pillow to bypass patients encouraging them to cough for the sake of keeping the pipes flushed.

I have copd emphysema and I find that smoking actually slightly lowers my blood pressure after taking a nebulizer treatment for lung function maintenance.

disclaimer...the pillow thing might not apply to someone who's had heart valve surgery, if that's the case so go easy on me folks.


New member
I thank you all again for the comments. I am going to give myself time for everything to heal well(I am 3 wks from surgery),and then plan to resume smoking some good indica.I am a long time grower (still growing),and know all strains very well.Right now the idea of coughing would be hell-it`s hard to even blow my nose, but all that of course is from having my chest ripped open. I am slim and in exellent shape otherwise and I am 4 weeks ahead of schedual as far as physical recovery is concerned. I am walking 6 miles a day,including steep hills, and I have no loss of breath whatsoever.So anyway,at this point,my research continues but my doctor can go fuck himself.Oddly enough,he never said a single word about my drinking (and it was heavy)-right now I am sticking to 2 or 3 glasses of red wine in the evening to keep me sane. Can`t wait for a hit of afgani. I will keep ya`ll posted on my progress and thanks again for the input.Its really helped.

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