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Heart problems


New member
Hi. I am a 55yr old male,smoked good pot for 40 of em. Just had open heart surgery to replace my aortic valve. Its 3 wks after surgery and I feel super. I am slim and in great shape-no other health probs.However........my cardiac doctor would have me believe that if i resume smoking pot (and I told him I`m a very light user) that it would almost certainly trigger a heart attack. Does anyone here have a good objective input on this? Love to hear from ya. Hate the idea of givin up weed!


To be honest that sounds absolutely rediculous.. If you have been smoking for 40+ years I'm sure you are incredibly used to the effects of weed. I could see someone new to smoking having an anxiety attack or the like and triggering a heart attack but otherwise it sounds rediculous..
I'm not a doctor or have any medical education so maybe someone with more experience would be best to answer.


stone fool
It has been almost five years since I had heart surgery, and mine was just stints, not nearly as serious as yours. I can not smoke hazes at all, period. Most other herbs are ok if they do not produce anxiety. Toking does increase bp, and it could cause you problems, or not, mostly depending on you and if you have a brain that works.

You are a bit younger than I, but we are in the same boat, every day from here on out is a good day to die. If you take care of diet and health, you will be able to smoke weed soon if not right away. Start with a toke or two, be honest with yourself, if you feel bad, wait till you recover a bit more. Diet, exersize, meds, and ya got a chance, good luck, I thought I would be dead by now, it's all fucking good from here on out!


Well-known member
Scorpio;3536760-my cardiac doctor would have me believe that if i resume smoking pot (and I told him I`m a very light user) that it would almost certainly trigger a heart attack. Does anyone here have a good objective input on this? Love to hear from ya. Hate the idea of givin up weed![/quote said:
doctors are like politicians, they will lie to you to get the results THEY want. for the average male over 50, smoking a joint increases your odds of a heart attack in the NEXT HOUR by about 50%, from what i have read. probably similar to the effects of a near-miss auto crash, or having a cop come to your door by mistake instead of going to your neighbors house, LOL! ANYTHING that ups your heart rate can trigger one. i try to avoid speedy weed, early harvest stuff etc.


New member
Thanks so much for the good comments boys.I am thinking a good pure indica.I told my doctor that if he`s right,then if I step on a snake during one of my walks for cardiac health,I`m a fucking dead man.Thanks again, and would love to hear from more folks who have had or have heart problems. Happy tokin`


Ha! What did your Doc say to that? Did he have a really grave tone of voice when he told you? I think a lot of docs just go off what they learned in school, all of which was definitely not pro-pot.

I have wondered about this though, my dad is a just a few years younger than you scorpio and he had to have major heart surgery...I wondered if I would have to quit in a couple decades if the same problems arose in myself. I wish you the best of luck in recovery-seems like one hell of a thing to go through.

How has it been since though? Have you taken that first toke yet?

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Forget smoking it, it is simply not worth putting any strain on your heart, I speak from experience when I say start eating it instead, you need not give up this way, and you will have a far better effect, medically speaking. Stay well.


I would say the DR is full of shit, smoking cigarettes will be a super risk but pot does nothing to your heart so that is BS....he is just using your situation to further his proppaganda...


I have COPD and Hep C and did tons of pot research looking up stuff about it and have NEVER seen anything heart related about pot, so I am inclined to think your DR is like my grandparents DR who thinks pot is more addicting then heroin....stupidity still abounds but people believe it cuz they figure DR's are educated...I can't figure how someone can be so smart and so stupid at the same time...


stone fool
Hazy Lady, your advise is just plain wrong. Eating herb will be fine for him in a couple seasons, but would be foolish now. Once you eat your dose, you are on a ride, you can not stop or do very much to modify the high if you bum or have a heart episode. Toking, you stop when you get enough, huge difference relative to heart issues.

OD'ing on edibles, with a heart problem feels just like a heart attack, no fucking fun at all. And at that moment, the difference in life and death is if you can stay calm and control your shit, you live.

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New member
Haps-I hear what ur sayin.I did a brownie that kept me pinned in a chair for 6 hours! Thanks to all for the comments-I am listining to all and would love to hear more.


Hey Scorpio, not sure if this would help or not, but if your dr is concerned about the smoke inhalation and all the bad stuff like tar you could try vaping. My mother had a bad ticker too, but she didn't smoke pot, only cigs. I know with vaping you can control the type of buzz you want, ie..more heady hi vs the couchlock, I'm ready to eat a brownie, drink a big gulp and go to bed hi. I'm not saying you might not cough or anything, but it is a different type of coughing imo. But like Haps said,start very slowly and be honest with yourself. Good luck with it, and hope you don't have to stop.


stone fool
I love the cannamilk, green dragon, and canna olive oil, and make and use all of them, as a part of my heart health program. But they would have been too much the first six months or so after surgery. Edibles increase the BP for a more sustained period than toking, at least for me which is all I can speak to.

When I went to the er, I had been having minor attacks for four days, they hit me with a nitro spray, expecting that to relieve the pressure right away, and it did not, they were puzzled, and did an eeg, which confirmed I was having a heart attack. Then after my stints, the doc said I would have permenant damage and need more stints and surgery. But subsequent nuke testing showed only minor damage that could repair itself, the doc was happy, and said I got lucky, he did not understand, I do.

In Israel they have been doing cannabis testing longer than anywhere else. I found a study that said that regular cannabis use stresses the heart, and forces it to deal with lower oxygen levels on a regular basis and the heart learns to adjust and deal with it without taking damage. So, I survived, and got better, BECAUSE I smoke weed babay!

Heart docs are a commodity, arrogant pricks with no heart at all themselves. I recommend firing them if they do not help you, I did this year, and got great satisfaction from telling my cardioligist that the only problem I had with my heart health program was him, and he was fired. Great for my heart.



Active member
I would stick to vaping, eliminating the carbon monoxide and other noxious byproducts of smoke. And stay away from "racy" strains. My "smoking" now is almost strictly vaping.
Let's face it, smoke is not good for you, regardless of it's source.


stone fool
That is opinion retro, not proven fact. A more accurate statement would be that smoke can be bad for some people.


Active member
Hi. I am a 55yr old male,smoked good pot for 40 of em. Just had open heart surgery to replace my aortic valve. Its 3 wks after surgery and I feel super. I am slim and in great shape-no other health probs.However........my cardiac doctor would have me believe that if i resume smoking pot (and I told him I`m a very light user) that it would almost certainly trigger a heart attack. Does anyone here have a good objective input on this? Love to hear from ya. Hate the idea of givin up weed!

Hey, Scorpio, I have no relevant input, but I want to wish you well and hope your recovery goes smoothly. I also hope you'll come back in time and give some feedback on your decisions and experiences.

It angers me that most doctors can be so ignorant yet have so much power over peoples' lives. I went vegan several years ago for health reasons, and was disturbed by my family practice doctors' unwillingness to learn about it.

I'm guessing that you are NOT in a medMJ state, otherwise you might have access to some more open-minded and cannabis-educated practitioners? Here is a niche for doctors wanting a more humane practice!!!

All the best to you, Scorpio!



Active member
That is opinion retro, not proven fact. A more accurate statement would be that smoke can be bad for some people.

I would have to disagree with that. I do believe that smoke of any type is bad for the lungs.
That hasn't stopped me from doing it, but I do realize that I am not helping the health of my lungs by smoking. For many years, the cigarette companies said that same thing: that it hasn't been "proven" yet.
But any doctor would advise his patients not to smoke, even before it was proven that cigarettes cause cancer. It took them 50 years to prove it.


stone fool
Check the actual study done over a long term with a lot of folks in cali. Weed has more bad stuff in it that tobacco, but the study showed no neg result for pot smokers long term, and the pot smokers who also smoked tobacco had reduced lung cancer deaths over just tobacco users.

Not trying to peck a fight, just sayin.

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