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Haze Discussion Thread continued

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
What did the Spanish rendition packs look like? This was the pack I just finished.


Well-known member
Premium user
They were repackaged I believe just like the deep chunk freebie. They were the ones Tom was upset about I am pretty sure.


Well-known member
im looking for pointers on dry/cure numbers for hazes. it seems 60degrees and 60% humidity are the numbers that i hear for "most" harvests.
just wondering if you guys have found some different parameters for these more wispy varieties?

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
im looking for pointers on dry/cure numbers for hazes. it seems 60degrees and 60% humidity are the numbers that i hear for "most" harvests.
just wondering if you guys have found some different parameters for these more wispy varieties?
Generally speaking, I like 60’s up to about 70 degrees and to start with RH closer to 65. When the flowers are drying, with an RH of around 65, I’ll put them into brown paper bags and cinch the top...or leave it open if flowers are showing above 65 RH. Lower ambient RH to high 50’s to 60. Then continue to slowly dry in the bags for a day or two more till they are around 63. Then jars with a close eye and opening as need be to coax them down to 62. Once that’s been stable for a day or two, add boveda packs and burp occasionally.

Genghis Kush.

Active member
I can’t vouch for it cause I wasn’t there but I do doubt that the “Haze Brothers” whoever they were branded their Haze as to be original. Back in that day it prolly got named Haze because its usage caused dreamy/Hazey states of awareness like feeling as being in dreams or yr mind feels like it’s in a Haze. Just my personal take on it. I know for a fact that the predecessors of the ‘60’s Hippie movement being the ‘50’s beatnik generation were the first white Americans that showed interest in getting high and so started to import quality seeds to San Francisco & Cali from Columbian and Mexican regions long before the Haze brothers came to play.
They gathered seeds from the best ganja they smoked while travelling through South & Middle America and brought these to Cali.
These courageous unknown individuals prolly were the “Haze” pioneers paving the way for the creation of what’s later became Haze being worked and selected by people that loved psychedelics and we now simply refer to as “Haze”
IMHO BOEL was also somehow connected or even emerged from the same crew, inspired by writers as Ginsberg, Kerouac & Burroughs in search for purpose & meaning to what we call life.
Could also be two different “groups” of passionates connecting. Then there’s my gutt feeling that BOEL maybe introduced Thai to add to the Haze via Vietnam vets that imported SEA genetics. Maybe the Haze brothers were just chuckers chucking Thai over Columbian/Mex cultivars creating “Original Haze”? Who’s to say…. we can only speculate within all giving info and logical sense and trying to catch that special magical vibe of yesteryear back from the 1950’s until today 2022 and prolly going mythical shit reaching 2100, haha
After America started the war on drugs things rapidly digressed which caused power struggles and personal shit resulting in SamS making his way with whatever was left of the so called “Haze brothers” legacy to the only place in the world that tolerated ganja, being Holland where over time it got reworked by various individuals for better and/or worse….
Just so extremely thankful we are all able to experience a good Haze, we all know why.
It’s something priceless we must embrace with respect & love and care.
‘ I know for a fact that the predecessors of the ‘60’s Hippie movement being the ‘50’s beatnik generation were the first white Americans that showed interest in getting high”

this is false.
Cannabis has been consumed in the United States by ”white “ people for hundreds years.

The easiest example is the book “The Hash Eater” written in 1857.

“The popularity of The Hasheesh Eater led to interest in the drug it described. Not long after its publication, the Gunjah Wallah Co. in New York began advertising "Hasheesh Candy":

The Arabian "Gunjh" of Enchantment confectionized. — A most pleasurable and harmless stimulant. — Cures Nervousness, Weakness, Melancholy, &c. Inspires all classes with new life and energy. A complete mental and physical invigorator.[5]
John Hay, who would become a close confidant of President Lincoln and later U.S. Secretary of State, remembered Brown University as the place “where I used to eat Hasheesh and dream dreams.”[6] And a classmate recalls that after reading Ludlow’s book, Hay “must needs experiment with hasheesh a little, and see if it was such a marvelous stimulant to the imagination as Fitzhugh Ludlow affirmed. ‘The night when Johnny Hay took hasheesh’ marked an epoch for the dwellers in Hope College.”[7]

Within twenty-five years of the publication of The Hasheesh Eater, many cities in the United States had private hashish parlors. And there was already controversy about the legality and morality of cannabis intoxication. In 1876, when tourists could buy hashish at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, the Illustrated Police News would write about “The Secret Dissipation of New York Belles… a Hasheesh Hell on Fifth Avenue.”[8]

Howard Phillips Lovecraft owned a copy of The Hasheesh Eater, bought in 1925 from fellow writer and bookseller Samuel Loveman.[9] In a 1927 letter to Bernard Austin Dwyer, Lovecraft declared the influence of Ludlow's writings on his own:

Have I read Fitzhugh Ludlow's Hasheesh Eater? Why, Sir, I possess it upon mine own shelves; and wou'd not part with it for any inducement whatever! I have frequently reread those phantasmagoria of exotic colour, which proved more of a stimulant to my own fancy than any vegetable alkaloid ever grown and distilled. [...] The reeling panoramas out of space and time have an unmistakable tinge of authenticity, and even the metaphysical speculations were far from arid."[10]

Marijuana was mainly imported through New Orleans before ww2 .

In the 1920s the father of american country music Jimmie Rodgers was also a railroad breakmam in the was known as the Johnny apple seed of marijuana for spreading marijuana seeds where ever the train traveled since he was always rolling joints.

A large section of the American west was formally apart of Mexico.
Cannabis interest started long before the 1950s


Well-known member
‘ I know for a fact that the predecessors of the ‘60’s Hippie movement being the ‘50’s beatnik generation were the first white Americans that showed interest in getting high”

this is false.
Cannabis has been consumed in the United States by ”white “ people for hundreds years.

The easiest example is the book “The Hash Eater” written in 1857.

“The popularity of The Hasheesh Eater led to interest in the drug it described. Not long after its publication, the Gunjah Wallah Co. in New York began advertising "Hasheesh Candy":

John Hay, who would become a close confidant of President Lincoln and later U.S. Secretary of State, remembered Brown University as the place “where I used to eat Hasheesh and dream dreams.”[6] And a classmate recalls that after reading Ludlow’s book, Hay “must needs experiment with hasheesh a little, and see if it was such a marvelous stimulant to the imagination as Fitzhugh Ludlow affirmed. ‘The night when Johnny Hay took hasheesh’ marked an epoch for the dwellers in Hope College.”[7]

Within twenty-five years of the publication of The Hasheesh Eater, many cities in the United States had private hashish parlors. And there was already controversy about the legality and morality of cannabis intoxication. In 1876, when tourists could buy hashish at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, the Illustrated Police News would write about “The Secret Dissipation of New York Belles… a Hasheesh Hell on Fifth Avenue.”[8]

Howard Phillips Lovecraft owned a copy of The Hasheesh Eater, bought in 1925 from fellow writer and bookseller Samuel Loveman.[9] In a 1927 letter to Bernard Austin Dwyer, Lovecraft declared the influence of Ludlow's writings on his own:

Marijuana was mainly imported through New Orleans before ww2 .

In the 1920s the father of american country music Jimmie Rodgers was also a railroad breakmam in the was known as the Johnny apple seed of marijuana for spreading marijuana seeds where ever the train traveled since he was always rolling joints.

A large section of the American west was formally apart of Mexico.
Cannabis interest started long before the 1950s
Very common even before the 19th century hash craze, see http://antiquecannabisbook.com/

All the way until the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 put an end to it.

Then a few years later it was Hemp for Victory time. And thanks to that victory, an unprecedented time of prosperity that raised the generation that invented sex and drugs, or so they believe. Certainly no white man had tried them before. :D

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
‘ I know for a fact that the predecessors of the ‘60’s Hippie movement being the ‘50’s beatnik generation were the first white Americans that showed interest in getting high”

this is false.
Cannabis has been consumed in the United States by ”white “ people for hundreds years.

The easiest example is the book “The Hash Eater” written in 1857.

“The popularity of The Hasheesh Eater led to interest in the drug it described. Not long after its publication, the Gunjah Wallah Co. in New York began advertising "Hasheesh Candy":

John Hay, who would become a close confidant of President Lincoln and later U.S. Secretary of State, remembered Brown University as the place “where I used to eat Hasheesh and dream dreams.”[6] And a classmate recalls that after reading Ludlow’s book, Hay “must needs experiment with hasheesh a little, and see if it was such a marvelous stimulant to the imagination as Fitzhugh Ludlow affirmed. ‘The night when Johnny Hay took hasheesh’ marked an epoch for the dwellers in Hope College.”[7]

Within twenty-five years of the publication of The Hasheesh Eater, many cities in the United States had private hashish parlors. And there was already controversy about the legality and morality of cannabis intoxication. In 1876, when tourists could buy hashish at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, the Illustrated Police News would write about “The Secret Dissipation of New York Belles… a Hasheesh Hell on Fifth Avenue.”[8]

Howard Phillips Lovecraft owned a copy of The Hasheesh Eater, bought in 1925 from fellow writer and bookseller Samuel Loveman.[9] In a 1927 letter to Bernard Austin Dwyer, Lovecraft declared the influence of Ludlow's writings on his own:

Marijuana was mainly imported through New Orleans before ww2 .

In the 1920s the father of american country music Jimmie Rodgers was also a railroad breakmam in the was known as the Johnny apple seed of marijuana for spreading marijuana seeds where ever the train traveled since he was always rolling joints.

A large section of the American west was formally apart of Mexico.
Cannabis interest started long before the 1950s
I concur with this but from the moment marihuana got listed as a dangerous & addictive drug the perception on it got screwed. After a long period of demonising marihuana the beatnik generation were the first to openly renewed the interest to it and started a change in the perception on it. At least as far as I know.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Damn everyone lost interest lol.

I read a post today on IG that Todd McCormick had bought what was left of Cultivators Choice seed stock?. I'll try and find it again.
And you believe him? :)

And even if he got the real, actual seeds, I seriously doubt he's going to know what to do with them.

But, obviously, that's just mnsho. ;)

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