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Hawaii Green harvest 2016


Active member
With the new legal tax generating medical grows that were just licensed don't you think they will crack down harder this year?

there's a couple congressmen behind those 7 dispensaries I'll bet and they won't want any competition from fern forest.

I think somebody should shut those copters down because of the pollution and wasted fuel.
Get the environmentalists worked up about them.

I don't think I've seen any LEO choppers but I could be wrong. I haven't used binoculars to view the choppers that go over several hundred or a 1000 feet up. I was under the impression that the fern forrest region was in the flight path of tour choppers going up to the volcano region.

This is going to be my first grow in the area. The torrential rain seems hard enough to possibly break or destroy plants out in it. I thought about putting up a greenhouse but I feel like that would attract attention from the air.

I've always made plots of 3-4 plants spread out in the past but with the crazy rain I'm just trying to figure out how to handle growing in the forest here.

Can any of you guys comment who have experience? I just want to grow some plants but between the rain and the choppers (even if they're commercial who's to say a pilot won't report a new greenhouse popping up to LEO?)?

I'd appreciate the advice.



Active member
Where the birds at?big sland yet...left a big mess ovah hea,first it was mature or not mature,to come on property ,now it's tagged or not tagged to come on property.ugh


Active member
don't think I've seen any LEO choppers but I could be wrong. I haven't used binoculars to view the choppers that go over several hundred or a 1000 feet up. I was under the impression that the fern forrest region was in the flight path of tour choppers going up to the volcano region.

This is going to be my first grow in the area. The torrential rain seems hard enough to possibly break or destroy plants out in it. I thought about putting up a greenhouse but I feel like that would attract attention from the air.

I've always made plots of 3-4 plants spread out in the past but with the crazy rain I'm just trying to figure out how to handle growing in the forest here.

Can any of you guys comment who have experience? I just want to grow some plants but between the rain and the choppers (even if they're commercial who's to say a pilot won't report a new greenhouse popping up to LEO?)?

I'd appreciate the advice.

Don't worry, nobody cares about another Damn greenhouse popping up. Seriously.
If you ever got a chance to look at the island from da air there are thousands of greenhouse in every subdivision. Too many to check.
To beat the rains you need the right strains. Otherwise you will fail. That is 20yrs growing in Puna experience speaking.
I have had at least 20 big girls in the wide open continually since last year and nothing, no interference.


Active member
I don't know if I was lucky or not,but I have 20 plus big ones in full sun in the ground....and nothing happened...they hung out right over with various birds ,and nuttin.various neighbors,whose are not as obvious as mine,had cops in their yard takin plants.how do they choose which cardholders to check?it seems ovah hea that 4 cards is the safe max,what is safe max on other islands?
Let's keep thinking and sharing info .....shooootz


Active member
I don't know if I was lucky or not,but I have 20 plus big ones in full sun in the ground....and nothing happened...they hung out right over with various birds ,and nuttin.various neighbors,whose are not as obvious as mine,had cops in their yard takin plants.how do they choose which cardholders to check?it seems ovah hea that 4 cards is the safe max,what is safe max on other islands?
Let's keep thinking and sharing info .....shooootz

They might pick a number of things, or just randomly check card holders. I think by law they might have to do "random" or everybody in a region. Just a way to prevent being accused of targeting people or discriminating.

Your neighbors that got popped, were they all card holders? If so, they must have gone over the limit for the cards they held. That's important though, where they card holders?

All this stress over just wanting to grow some herb, have some variety, and some guarantee that if a couple plants die, rot out, get rooted out by boars, etc, that there's back ups.

I hate lawyers. They think they own us and treat us like livestock to feed off of. Okay enough ranting...


Active member
They are card holders,most plants taken because not labeled.also taken for overage.all card holders,so was random,cuz choke guys didn't get checked right next door to each other.again no arrests,even when they where way over.alot of stress forsures.im thinking jus vegging in ground and keepin numbers cherry.big ones seems to be the way.less harvests,bigger yields,but of course variety becomes difficult when you don't clone your own.aloha and lets keep updating and sharing ideas to deal with this ever changing climate.shoootz


Active member
Casper Why did they let them in to count? No Nothing here all is quite. Maybe it is because our buddy slapped a law suit against the state for racketeering. He has a point.
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Active member
They are card holders,most plants taken because not labeled.also taken for overage.all card holders,so was random,cuz choke guys didn't get checked right next door to each other.again no arrests,even when they where way over.alot of stress forsures.im thinking jus vegging in ground and keepin numbers cherry.big ones seems to be the way.less harvests,bigger yields,but of course variety becomes difficult when you don't clone your own.aloha and lets keep updating and sharing ideas to deal with this ever changing climate.shoootz

Yeh man, the updates and brainstorming are good. So the whole card holder thing sounds some what random, which is what I'd expect if they were going to try to argue it's legitimate in court, even though DUI checks and this are the same sort of thing in violating ones liberty. So for the neighbor's who had their plants taken, were 100% of the plants taken? It sounds like some might have been left?

Do you think there's any chance the guys who were way over, but who the cops didn't get checked have any friend cops or are kicking some bud or money to the cops? This would be really good to figure out but I would tread real carefully about it. People are gonna be sensitive about that sort of thing. But it would REALLY be good to know. Always count your outs.

The no arrests is the coolest thing I'm hearing so far. This is incredible. I remember living in Virginia and Maryland and growing when there was no medical. They threw your ass in the clink if you got nailed...I've actually met some people that throw me off over here because I'd want to get to know someone better to make sure they ain't setting me up on a sale. Lawnmower guy was nice but forward. I'm a whistleblower from another state against judges and I swear they've been messing with my medical care since the suits. It's all behind the scenes stuff like sending me to a doctor who says there's nothing wrong with my leg, meanwhile you can see on the MRIs the left and right legs and the left one CLEARLY has cracks and splits running through the hamstring tendon. It's a big tangent. But yeh no arrests for growing MJ on your property? Crazy stuff. Makes me a little less concerned about throwing out about 10 plants.

You're right about variety. I like it when I can get it, but since I couldn't grow for 6 years due to health, I'm going bonkers. I've got 7 different strains going now 5 sativa's and 2 indica's. Gotta work on getting seeds from all of em this first grow.

I think if you have the license that you need to stick to the guidelines on it IF you're growing on your property or whereever you have to register to grow. Don't gamble. It sounds like this is handled a little bit like probation and who wants to live with the stress of knowing they might snatch your hard work and genetics.

Buuut, when you are the "ultimate user", and the plant is only being used to as defined in the statutes, then they can't do any thing about it. That license creates certain rebuttable presumptions.

Have a look through this boring ass code if you get the chance:


They hit people with violations of this all the time even when it doesn't apply. Check out this definition:

"Ultimate user" means a person who lawfully possesses a controlled substance for the person's own use or for the use of a member of the person's household or for administering to an animal owned by the person or by a member of the person's household.

This is rambling enough for now. Thanks for the details on the procedures during the raid. If you could get some small different variety clones started indoors, sex them, chop the males unless you want seeds, then find a public/off your property location for growing, you could move all but the clones out to that guerilla grow. But don't get greedy doing a lot.

I've been thinking about the way things look from the air. I think it would be easier to get busted over here if you grow any more than even one monster in a location. Some of my plants that I moved outdoors are blowing up so fast it's crazy. So if you grow it tall it stands out more, or if you grow screen of green style, it's gonna be huge and wide and stand out. It might be possible to chop these gurls back every once in a while during season to reduce visibility from the air. Smaller targets are harder to spot. I hate the idea but if it allows a complete grow, with more variety, or the chance to seed some females while separated from all the others then great.

Give that last part some thought. It could help with variety. Just gotta locate a good guerilla grow location.


Active member
Been pretty quiet in Hilo. Just the usual military and lava tours.

Those lava tours are the white and blue choppers that head mauka to volcano right? Those things pass over both going up and coming down every day. Wish I wasn't near the flight path. They tend to be north of me though.


Active member
Casper Why did they let them in to count? No Nothing here all is quite. Maybe it is because our buddy slapped a law suit against the state for racketeering. He has a point.

I'd love to see the complaint. These BAR members are extorting our ignorance. I hit up the judges and police with a suit in LA County. They buried it and broke the court rules and statutes to kick the case out. Too many judges and money involved. Every thing they license they abuse. They make people get licenses who aren't required even by their own laws. Then they rely on shithead lawyers to represent you and never raise the fact that you are a member of an exempted class of persons when it comes to the license regulations they attempt to apply to you. There's billions in the misapplication of law for ALL licenses, marriage, drivers, business, etc.

Your friend will be lucky if it goes any where. I think their strategy is that if there aren't any TV stations spreading it to the masses, or the masses aren't independently behind the whistleblower and making a rukus, that the judges simply violate their court rules and dismiss your case, or they create strawman arguments and don't give you the chance to point out exactly what they're doing and why it doesn't apply and is dishonest.

He might get flagged as a "headache guy" which means they will not fuck with him on this sort of thing at all in the future. This has been good for me, but they still might covertly figure out ways to mess with you (like in my prior post about potential influence of my health care.

Your friend should figure out what goals he's shooting for here because an honest shot at pointing out their corruption in open court is just something the court will avoid at all costs. It's definitely worth some publicity showing the public the corruption of the courts and cops. The more people get sick of it the more likely we can fix it through numbers.

Gotta crash. Wired but tired. Heavy metal poisoning is a roller coaster....Have a good one.


Active member
I'd love to see the complaint. These BAR members are extorting our ignorance. I hit up the judges and police with a suit in LA County. They buried it and broke the court rules and statutes to kick the case out. Too many judges and money involved. Every thing they license they abuse. They make people get licenses who aren't required even by their own laws. Then they rely on shithead lawyers to represent you and never raise the fact that you are a member of an exempted class of persons when it comes to the license regulations they attempt to apply to you. There's billions in the misapplication of law for ALL licenses, marriage, drivers, business, etc.

Your friend will be lucky if it goes any where. I think their strategy is that if there aren't any TV stations spreading it to the masses, or the masses aren't independently behind the whistleblower and making a rukus, that the judges simply violate their court rules and dismiss your case, or they create strawman arguments and don't give you the chance to point out exactly what they're doing and why it doesn't apply and is dishonest.

He might get flagged as a "headache guy" which means they will not fuck with him on this sort of thing at all in the future. This has been good for me, but they still might covertly figure out ways to mess with you (like in my prior post about potential influence of my health care.

Your friend should figure out what goals he's shooting for here because an honest shot at pointing out their corruption in open court is just something the court will avoid at all costs. It's definitely worth some publicity showing the public the corruption of the courts and cops. The more people get sick of it the more likely we can fix it through numbers.

Gotta crash. Wired but tired. Heavy metal poisoning is a roller coaster....Have a good one.
It was in the paper and he is the same guy who started that co-op in Mt View then busted He isn't my friend per say but he is fighting the state so our friend.


Active member
Those lava tours are the white and blue choppers that head mauka to volcano right? Those things pass over both going up and coming down every day. Wish I wasn't near the flight path. They tend to be north of me though.
The blue and white ones, the small black and silver ones. Pretty much all those copters hauling ass to and from are all your tour copters

Green harvest flies low and slow and do circles while flying in grid like patterns. They are the small Hughes copter , pretty obvious if you been here awhile.
I don't even pay them any attention anymore. Been here done that for to long :)


Active member
It was in the paper and he is the same guy who started that co-op in Mt View then busted He isn't my friend per say but he is fighting the state so our friend.
His name is Mike Ruggles. And yes he is fighting for all us growers. I know him personally and am familiar with the case. We talk about it every time I see him. He really does have them by the balls and they are trying every weasly way to get out of the corner they backed themselves into.


Active member
Dirt it seems to me they where not given a choice..I have wondered what would happen if they came and you didn't answer and where all fenced in with dogs out?would they come back with warrant?or if you just met at gate and told them no warrant no entry?


Well-known member
Thats what Dirts wife did last time, she met them at the front gate and showed the cops the permits but denied entry. They cant come in without a warrant.


Well-known member
When they come fishing on the "compliance checks" they give the impression you have to let them in...that is not so. There is no laws regarding the number of permits per TMK. My buddy on Oahu has 10 at his place and he called the DOH and asked them about his situation and they said no problem just make sure they are labeled.


Active member
It was in the paper and he is the same guy who started that co-op in Mt View then busted He isn't my friend per say but he is fighting the state so our friend.

Damn I heard about him. I'll have to look up the newspaper articles to get his name and do a search on the case files. I think the feds went after him due to the number of plants. If I get his info later, I'll post a link to some of the case files if they're posted at the court website. I just hope he knows what he's doing because if he doesn't he's going to be up shit creek. There's guys up in Washington State that beat a ~245 plant bust. The one charged was an indian tribal lawyer, and he was helped out by another tribal lawyer, Luis Ewing. They both seem like good guys even if Luis is a braggart. Kurt Riggins was the other guy.

Depending on where things are in his case I might be able to dig up some stuff, like what I posted earlier, that he hasn't filed, and then send it to him or his contacts to look into using. I hate these BAR members. They're feudal lords. They've been running a racket on the States since they set up shop.

He took a serious plunge though growing that many so really he better have his head screwed on straight and already studied the hell out of the law and had arguments ready for when this happened. If he didn't do any studying of law at all then he's also in serious shit.

I was just thinking yesterday, as beautiful as it was and how nice my plants were looking, there just has to be some control freak that wants to dictate to us what we can and can't grow from a seed. :moon: That's what I think of em.

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