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having long hair/looking like you smoke


I have grown out 4 ponytails in the last few years.All donated to "Locks of Love".I can say that I have been treated differently when I had long hair.I had an 18inch ponytail and a handle bar mustache.Old ladies wouldn't walk down the same aisle in the store with me.This summer I cut off yet another ponytail and right now am sporting a brush cut.However the tye dyes give me away.I have 14 or 2 for every day of the week.I have "Growers colors" in tye dye as well.So Deadheads know Im a grower-lol-I used to be Special Ed teachers assistant,and was so laid back and looked the part that my supervisor called me "Jerry" as in Garcia.I am seriously laid back and usually smiling until I got sick.You really want to fly under the radar anymore as so many folks want to know everyone elses business.Its a sickness Americans have with being obsessed about "the other guy".So many have cell phones that can't wait to dial 911 so they can have their 15 seconds of fame,at anyones expense.Please be careful and dont become a statistic.Peace on Earth,Goodwill towards all men/women and flowering plants BigD

Dr. G

Active member
im a painter i used to work for my fioncees dad the bank knows this i dont have any employees and work for an hrly wage at around 40$ an hr

i dont need any start up money since i already have all my tools and ive been buying more

im not trying to look for a loan now more just a new rent to own house already got the preaproval for the rent to own

also ive bee watching cnbc and am going to start investing in the stock market

anyone else a day trader? its the perfect cover story


I look like a narc - cops don't even look twice at me.

I've gone with a bud to his work - he is leo - and looked like I belonged there, not him.

Generic, glowering bald guy, low centre of gravity - prison guard(ish)...

Sweet as pie - nice as can be (mostly)


Get two birds stoned at once
If I shave I look damn clean cut these days, I used to have long multicolored hair and two facial piercings but I took them out and you cant tell they were ever there now, cut my hair short and I now enjoy special treatment since I look like a "good citizen" and short natural colored hair and no piercings is so much easier to keep from looking disheveled.

Fucking run on sentence..


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I was in the same situation,

I felt I would be better blended in going to polo shirts, dress shoes...

whatever gets the job done. cut the hair and don't stand out to people


I have short hair and wear mostly collared shirts/jeans and I have NEVER gotten any weird looks, not even so much as an inkling someone thinks I grow MJ, dropping some serious cash at the store.

Jeff Lebowski

After looking like Kurt Russel from The Thing, I decided maybe I should spruce myself up. Location really matters too though, long hair near the beach could mean a surfer, which means...yah. Short hair in a business district would fly much better than long hair as well. Look like you fit in, and most likely you will. :)

Plus, roll those J's so they look like cigs when you're driving, haha!
I recently cut off all my hair, it was well past my belt and I got lots of compliments from women that I had such beautiful hair. I donated 2 feet of hair to locks of love. While I DO miss my long hair, I now wish I had at least left enough for a ponytail. Oh well... I'll be Gandolf's age before it gets back to the length it was... lol

The way I see it, there's kids with cancer that can use it more than me. Mine will grow back in due time.



Active member
Hey Doc, what did you ever end up doing with your hair? I used to have long hair too, along with a goatee, huge sideburns and piercings and I do find that people don't pass judgement on you as easily when you look like the rest of them but my two cents would just be to do what makes you happy, you can't get rid of that sleeve, your not getting rid of the beard or the piercings so I think you should just keep the hair if it makes you happy man. I feel it's more of an all or nothing kind of thing and since you won't be going "all the way" why bother?


You gotta look square like a box of apple jacks if you wanna pull a fast one. Cant be no geek off the street shaking like a little school girl on prom night. Sack up and look the part of a square if you are that worried then grow it back once your comfy in it.


I am not gonna lie - I look like I grow lots of cannabis.
Some mutant hybrid hawaiian hells angel I am.
Long curly hair, ceasar-y beard... some big hawaiian tribal work... and some size. And I grow a little, too.
I work customer service/technical support at an offsite location (home office).... thats the story. Its true, too... kinda.

Dr. G

Active member
i cut my beard i buzz it now with a beard trimmer so i just have less than a 5 oclock shadow i actually took out my earrings since i ripped a ear slightly i cut my hair so its a short ass pony tail but i need to get it cut again since it grew out the only peircing i have in my lip ring my new neighbors are old and really nice very nature freinldy their acre back yard is a wildlife sancuary and my back yard is just grass have my own house now my neighbors are slightly far apart not like no busy town or anything good 30 feet or so prolly more and my neighbors also seen very private all the houses have trees growing infront of all the windows

i told my neighbors that im a web designer and that my dad just recentally died and thats how we moved in here

when you tell your neighbors your dad died 2 mths ago they shut the fuck up

but ya im really liking this new place just moved last week very promising


Stiff Americans.

Stiff Americans.

Go ahead, go cut your hair and cover up and be ordered around be the man.
Some of your must live sad lives, why dont you just go out and Join the Army.
Or the local Enforcement office?
Chickenshit conformist!

There comes a time when every man must fight When he believes in justice and right. Now listen everybody out there that really cares
You got realise that you're the real power.
Tell me something, its still We the People RIGHT?

Shoulder to shoulder, we're gonna stand
Can't be defeated, Shoulder to shoulder, we'll fight the injustice.

“Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.” -Abraham Lincoln 1840


Hughesy said:
Go ahead, go cut your hair and cover up and be ordered around be the man.
Some of your must live sad lives, why dont you just go out and Join the Army.
Or the local Enforcement office?
Chickenshit conformist!

There comes a time when every man must fight When he believes in justice and right. Now listen everybody out there that really cares
You got realise that you're the real power.
Tell me something, its still We the People RIGHT?

Shoulder to shoulder, we're gonna stand
Can't be defeated, Shoulder to shoulder, we'll fight the injustice.

“Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.” -Abraham Lincoln 1840

Troll Bear fails at trolling.

Yes, we cut our hair and try to blend in as much as possible because we follow the man. Clearly, that is also the reason we grow cannabis.

To commit a crime with a mandatory minimum sentence and do anything that would draw any attention to your self at all while doing so is completely foolish and ignorant. If someone will hike through miles of swamp with snakes and horseflies and leeches and snapping turtles to grow a few plants, you don't think i'm going to get a haircut to accommodate it? If you wanna get busted growing for foolishness and be the "martyr" then go ahead, ill keep my freedom thanks....




Well Good for you. Live your life like that if it makes you happy.
I think you are living a lie.cant be yourself.Wouldn`t make it without the act, you really should just give it away now.
Till you spend half your life just covering up.
Cut your hair.
Short back and sides.
Join the army or you will pay.
Join the army or you will Pay!
California uber alles


excuse my ignorance but iv never understood the ear stretch. I am a man that believes to each his own so it doesnt bother me nor am I one to judge. I always wonder what you do when you dont want to where them stretched. Do they have a corrective surgery or is that the way it is?

Remember you live your life for no one but yourself and those you love other then that its up to you how your portray yourself. I mean obviously a certain look could limit job opportunities however if you made it this far youll make, right? I mean noone should tell you anything you are responsible for your actions and thus there results. Good luck with everything and live life to its fullest. You only live once
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"Well Good for you. Live your life like that if it makes you happy.
I think you are living a lie.cant be yourself.Wouldn`t make it without the act, you really should just give it away now.
Till you spend half your life just covering up.
Cut your hair.
Short back and sides.
Join the army or you will pay.
Join the army or you will Pay!
California uber alles"

Are you responding to me? if you are, youre an idiot? how am i living a lie? MJ is a medicine i use, would i have to dress a certain way if i used aspirin? what act? cut my hair? ive never had long hair??? troll away trollman :joint:


Non Conformist
I've got a pony tail that goes down jus past my ass. I also have a beard. My hair is always ina pony tail and my beard is always short and well groomed. It's kinda like the best of both worlds. Most folks don't even notice the hair till they get behind me, or if I'm sittin down somewhere I'll throw it over my shoulder so I don't sit on it and pull it. I've gotten many, many compliments on it over the years, esp from woman. HA! I wish I hada dollar for every time someone ask me how long it took ta grow. lol... But all in all, I don't get that crazy ass look from folks like they jus seen Charley Manson er somethin, like some of my other friends do that let their hair and beards jus go wild. I don't have problems with profiling from pOlice either, cuz I do still look repspectible in their eye's.... Nowa days it doesn't matter if yer very clean shavin all the way around, if yer fuckin up with people comin and goin from yer house, folks are gonna know what's goin on. Jus don't be doing dumb shit and think about what yer doing at -all- times in -every- aspect in regards to growing and gettin rid of any extra! The longer you grow the more relaxed ya get about it, and that's where many fuck up. Always "take care" and use yer brain, and things will go smoothly for you. Take care... BC