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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
you're an intellectually dishonest troll.

"no proof" retard this thread is over a decade old. how delusional are you?

So this thread is "proof" of "man made" Co2 causing all the warming since the end of the little ice age.

"According to scientific evidence, the CO2 concentration for the last 10,000 years has remained relatively stable at around 280 parts per million (ppm), with only minor fluctuations, before significantly rising due to human activity since the Industrial Revolution, currently exceeding 400 ppm"

Why has the temps gone up and down if Co2 controls the climate ?? and has been stable for 10000 years.


Well-known member
you don't even know how to argue you fuckin ogre. the burden of proof rests upon you to prove your claim against the established consensus.
No it dosent clown.
There in no consensus anyway, that's all made up bullshit.

None of you clowns put any science to back up your bullshit, I've put up shitloads to back up my position.

Go play in your LBGTQI thread unless you have something constructive to add


Well-known member
"causing ALL the warming"

"increased greenhouse gas levels"

if you think these statements are identical, you shouldn't be arguing or debating anything. you should be wearing a special helmet.


Well-known member
"causing ALL the warming"

"increased greenhouse gas levels"

if you think these statements are identical, you shouldn't be arguing or debating anything. you should be wearing a special helmet.
"Human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, are the primary cause of global warming since the Little Ice Age ended. These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and warm the planet"


Well-known member
"See if this sounds familiar: Scientists begin with a hypothesis, which is sort of a guess of what might happen. When the scientists investigate the hypothesis, they follow a line of reasoning and eventually formulate a theory. Once a theory has been tested thoroughly and is accepted, it becomes a scientific law."
what's hilarious about this is scientific fact and scientific law have hyperlinks to wikipedia which means you copy and pasted the wikipedia definition of scientific theory because you didn't know what it was.

View attachment 19165771

So fucking what, your the DC that thinks its a fact. you obviously don't know the diferance


Well-known member
lol just noticed this, you truly do not know what a scientific theory is
Nobody at this time can tell you the mechanism by which gravity works. The electro-magnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear forces are pretty well figured out and quantized.

A lot will say it’s a warping of space time. But nobody knows the mechanism of action by which the space is warped. Because it deals with mass, it has to interact with the Higgs field too. No luck there either on how it works.


a theory is it, that's the highest it goes... no higher.

once it's a theory, we are maximally confident it's the right answer.

"only a theory" is incoherent


Well-known member
Your right "man made" Co2 causing warming is not a theory its a hypothesis it hasn't reached the theory level yet, let alone a fact or a law.

They ya go, you have changed my mind about it all :ROFLMAO:


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