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Have you ever met anyone famous??


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Smoked herb with Doug Benson on more than one occasion. Once, my friend was selling him bud and somehow my bag ended up in his pocket and his bag ended up buried in the couch under the guy sitting next to me. About 7 stoned strangers spent a good 15 minutes scouring the room questioning who the thief was before it was found.


im friends with the guy who made counterstrike; he is very important, he's practically god.

that's about as famous as ive reached...

otherwise i sort of dont care.

ps. i met a comedian at a party, apparently, so i was told later. i didnt think he was that funny, think i was better, shame they dont televise me instead..

pps. and a few of our city's weatherpeople/news, because they do normal people things too..


in no particular order...kurt angle...jeff goldblum... various local news personalities...other than that...some of the kings (kmk)...even had lou dog toss us a J (me and a female friend of mine) across the stage, which was hilarious with staff watching us from the back but being able to do nothing because of the density of the crowd...alan cox from WXDX in pittsburgh...and man is his wife hot.... or girlfriend...whoever it was at the time....i've met so many personalities high that i don't remember.....one of the guys who make chronic candy (years ago when it first popped up, the half and half dude whos always out marketing it)..since then they have turned to a shithole company with fake contact information still trying to pass off as a business.

....umm...didnt truly meet but said whats up to busta rhymes in amsterdam as i was walkin by him (april 07)...i'd like to meet only a few set of celebrities....

4.) Johnny Richter (like to interview him actually...but on a real level, not professional shit. just get to know him, as his life is a lot like mine in many ways)

3.) Russel Crowe (He is/was here in pittsburgh, never got to one of the extra callings so i didnt get a chance, but i always wanted to ask him one question...are you a normal, calm human being or are you an agitated angry unfriendly actor? everyone who meets him says one or the other..)

2.) Liam Neeson (Because his voice alone would fit perfectly for secret risky tense illegal missions around the city)

1.) Jason Statham (He beats Neeson to #1 because he would be one crazy fuck to get all fucked up...and you could be at a bar...and some big ass motherfuckers roll in ready to beat some ass...you start some shit on purpose, then out of nowhere statham rolls out and theyre like OMG its jason statham!! then in the awe of their amazement, i punch them in the fuckin mouth)


me and a buddy with jay leno

fishsticks is that goodwood festival of speed near chichester? thats awesome man, ive worked there a few times.


Lets see here. Well i suppose the main point for me would be when I got the fortune to work at the Laureus sports awards - I dont know if anyone knows this but theyre trying to be like the oscars of the sports world - and i met a bunch of people there, particularly at the after party, which was open bar. Awesome. So lets see. The main characters would be Owen Wilson, Morgan Freeman, Tony Hawk, David and Victoria Beckham (I met and chilled with the guy who stepped on and tore her dress that night, even better!). There was a bunch of other sports stars there but I wasnt so familiar with them as other people might be.

On other occasions ive met Tiger Woods. Countless other golf pros that no one has probably ever heard of (maybe people know Arnold Palmer, met him). Thats all I can think of right now but Im sure theres some Im missing. I have yet to smoke a jay with everyone famous though. That would be my deepest desire... well not deepest but id like to do it anyway... correction I would love to....

EDIT: forgot i also worked backstage somewhere and met all of Rancid.

EDIT: to all scottish football fans, im also friends with the son of the late jock stein (rip).

EDIT: just remember I had lunch with jackie stewart at a golf tournament, also had lunch in the BAR tent with jensen buttons in monza one year.
Anthony Kiedis and Flea from the Chili Peppers... cool guys, back in 91/92 when they were on tour here in Australia. Space cadets that's for sure, that made them all the more interesting.


Freedom Fighter
4.) Johnny Richter (like to interview him actually...but on a real level, not professional shit. just get to know him, as his life is a lot like mine in many ways)

I know most of the Artists from Sub Noize Records...some of them are close personal friends--
Richter can be a cool guy, but he has a real temper prob....hard to interview--

I also know some of the Metal Mulisha guys...Scummy is a close personal friend--


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
I met Jesse Jackson at an airport when i was 12...

Met Martin Atkins at a show, he was pretty cool.


Hulk Hogan - on his way to the hospital with a concussion - employed by "actors gild of america"
Patrick Swayze - visiting his bro with a broken leg. Pleasant fellow. Not a big fan of his acting.
Monica Seles - big feet. Nice lady.
Liberacci's (?sp) truck driver - said L was an asshole, his brother George was a nice guy. Carried 15+ pianos to every concert, set up 3 or 4, then L would choose the one he wanted to use at the last minute.
Evil Kinevil - Fundraiser. Bitter, broken down asshole
Ed McMann - met him at an Ilalian food joint in Tampa, Nice guy. Took time away from his dinner guests to say hi.
Jesse Jackson in DC around the time of the Million man march - smug, camera hound.
Emperial potentate of the Shriners - can't rem his name - met him on my honeymoon at Sea Island GA, his wife gave my wife some olives and said they'd be good for our sex life....we're divorced.
Me - Future leader of the free world, if I can just remember that great thought I had....



High Grade Specialist
not really, i touched the bass bald bass player from qotsa when he went stage diving at a mondo generator gig once, does that count? dude was all sweaty and didnt wear a shirt. saw him outside the joint too but that was around the time he beat up a sound tech really bad because he fucked up his sound so i was kind of hesistant to go talk to him lol.

rather wouldve carried his hot bass player.


oh and when i used to work at the airport i saw thomas gottschalk entering a plane once. you guys propably wont know him, some german tv dude.

also smoked with some djs and liveacts at various parties but i can guarantee you will know none of them.


I met Warren Sapp from the T.B Bucaneers at the gas station down the street.His reputation for being a dick to people is quite underestimated he's a total fuckin asshole.I wish society could take it all back from that fucker.On the other hand you have several Bucks that do a lot for the community