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Have You Been Vaccinated?

Have You Been Vaccinated?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 62 31.6%
  • No!

    Votes: 41 20.9%
  • Soon!

    Votes: 15 7.7%
  • No Way!

    Votes: 64 32.7%
  • I Just Wanna Watch!

    Votes: 14 7.1%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
sorry to hear that, car crash ?
No, smartass. COVID. And one of them was a denier, too. Fortunately for the rest of the planet, he was a swindler, a liar, and a thief, and by the time he realized he'd screwed himself there was nothing to be done for him. I was on a COVID-free floor in the hospital below him, but the nurses couldn't use his name due to privacy. I found out the day I was discharged (having been there for non-COVID issues) that he'd passed away and who he was. No loss to the world.


Well-known member
No, smartass. COVID. And one of them was a denier, too. Fortunately for the rest of the planet, he was a swindler, a liar, and a thief, and by the time he realized he'd screwed himself there was nothing to be done for him. I was on a COVID-free floor in the hospital below him, but the nurses couldn't use his name due to privacy. I found out the day I was discharged (having been there for non-COVID issues) that he'd passed away and who he was. No loss to the world.
what diagnostic tool was used to determine they had covid19?


Well-known member
No, smartass. COVID. And one of them was a denier, too. Fortunately for the rest of the planet, he was a swindler, a liar, and a thief, and by the time he realized he'd screwed himself there was nothing to be done for him. I was on a COVID-free floor in the hospital below him, but the nurses couldn't use his name due to privacy. I found out the day I was discharged (having been there for non-COVID issues) that he'd passed away and who he was. No loss to the world.
how did he screw himself ?

this story is full of bs moose

moose eater

Well-known member
how did he screw himself ?

this story is full of bs moose
No BS at all. I don't lie, shiva. Not unless you're a Customs officer or a cop.

I was a floor below the guy, the nurses and I were discussing the deniers, they referenced the fellow anonymously 1 floor above me, and by the time I was discharged he passed away.. the same day.

I knew the guy for 40 years.

The data still indicates that at the time of the earlier variants, greater protection from symptoms via vaccinations was a reality, lasting about 6 months.

And there were people dying from COVID.

moose eater

Well-known member
lining yourselves up for these shots and the boosters was the mistake made in this scenario
I know a whole bunch of people who were vaccinated who are still here, including myself. He was not vaccinated, nor was the other individual I mentioned, though the second person wasn't a denier, and they're not among us anymore... Both died from COVID.

moose eater

Well-known member
Was there apparent profiteering? Yep. That's what the pharmaceutical industry is known for in the US.

Was it less effective than had been hoped for? Yes.

Did it lessen symptoms for the majority of those who were vaccinated and became infected? Yes. The data shows that it did.

Now, if you want to rail on the pharmaceutical company that was getting $1,000 or more per dose for the Hep-C drug that came out a number of years ago, fine, I'm with you.

Is there a form of corruption in the US where RX drug manufacturing is concerned? Yes, and primarily it involves looser safeguards by the FDA, and the companies that are manufacturing the drugs using US taxpayer dollars via grants to develop the drugs, then charging 100,000% mark-up (literally in some cases) for some of these things. And both of those 'crimes' are the result of politicians lacking in integrity and ethics and the power of the pharmaceutical lobby. A hand and glove fit.

Do I regret getting the vaccinations and boosters? Absolutely not.

moose eater

Well-known member
you left it until now to tell us this "story" i smell bullshit, lots of bullshit.
Smell whatever you like. If you search the COVID threads, you'll find the same has been written by me before.

I smell someone who prematurely misjudges another's integrity while second-guessing situations they know nothing about.

Sounds less than wise to me.

And I'll put $50 on my perspective in this being more accurate.

Want the deceased denier's name? He's dead, so it's not like I'm compromising anyone.

Hell, I'll even elaborate on some of his sins against friends, family and loved ones. He was truly a piece of shit. But he died from COVID.


Well-known member
or he died from his comorbidities ... was he fit, low BMI, ate real food, an old fucker ... a lot of unknown epidemiology in this tale of wonder. there is no way to tell if the jabbed would have survived the thing called COVID if they had not been jabbed. hospitals made money if patients died of the thing called COVID.

the intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the human immune system is ... dumb!

transfecting (it is not a "vaccine") a healthy human is criminally negligent.

RNA can not pandemic (there is no evidence of spread) ... because there is NO pattern integrity with RNA.


Active member
"I smell someone who prematurely misjudges another's integrity while second-guessing situations they know nothing about."

I know how it feels to be judged without the person knowing my circumstances :) sorry if I've upset you.

moose eater

Well-known member
or he died from his comorbidities ... was he fit, low BMI, ate real food, an old fucker ... a lot of unknown epidemiology in this tale of wonder. there is no way to tell if the jabbed would have survived the thing called COVID if they had not been jabbed. hospitals made money if patients died of the thing called COVID.

the intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the human immune system is ... dumb!

transfecting (it is not a "vaccine") a healthy human is criminally negligent.

RNA can not pandemic (there is no evidence of spread) ... because there is NO pattern integrity with RNA.
He was extremely fit for his age, low BMI (which isn't the state-of-the-art metric anymore if you're staying up on weight and height issues in medicine).

He was closing on 70 years old, if not 70, was still skydiving, was in the Alaska Air Guard, and a pilot (which requires an annual physical, btw).

No tale of wonder. The tale of one of many who died from COVID, and in his case, he thought he was above the laws of nature, disease, probability, legalities, marriage, business partnerships, honesty versus karma, and more.

There are/were millions of COVID deaths with and without comorbidities, however.

There was also a mixed martial arts fighter here, retired from the sport as far as I know, who was in his 40s and healthy, and he died.... from COVID. Last time I mentioned him, those looking to find any reason other than what happened, speculated about steroid use in such athletes. Anything but to accept the fact that COVID killed people, and on a somewhat 'grab-bag' basis in many cases.

Having a comorbidity isn't THE cause in a COVID death where comorbidities are present. The fact is that many/most of those people wouldn't have died when they did of their comorbidities had they not contracted COVID.

It was that uncertainty of 'who gets what and how severely' that really bothered some/most (including many in the medical profession) and for some of those not professionals in the field, fed into the dismissing or minimizing of the illness.

I know that many of you have a mental block about this and are apparently unable to make that math work in your minds. But that's a form of disability as well as somewhat common reaction in the minds of many in my opinion. One that's true to the species. When stress over an unfathomable or unsolvable circumstance arises, that's when delusions set in of a more natural and expected nature. That's a fact in psychology.

Humans don't respond well to unanswerable or unsolvable questions. So, let's hatch a conspiracy that explains it all away.

Simple is as simple does.
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