The spin on that “report” made my head go round and round in circles.
Vaccines won’t necessarily prevent the vaccinated from getting the disease. This has been repeated many times.
The “report” also mentions the thousands of people died after receiving the vaccine. Died from WHAT? Did any of them die from covid19? I ask because that is the essential question. How many post vaccinated covid related hospitalizations and deaths occurred? That is the statistic that matters. Breakthrough infections were expected and are largely irrelevant due to their infinitely small occurrence. OAN obviously doesn’t care about truth, just political spin.
PS. It’s a sad, sad day when Europeans fall for OAN type spin and bullshit. I expect it from my fellow Americans, because, well, because they’re Americans.
I expected more from Europeans. How disappointing.
The New York Yankees have had 9 breakthrough infections out of 55 vaccinated players and coaches
small sample size but somewhat concerning (nearly 20%)
did you know NO ONE has currently lived longer than 7 months after taking the covid vaccine ?
any comment on the cdc requiring different pcr cycle counts to trigger a positive covid test for vaccinated vs unvaccinated persons
lowering the cycle count for those who are vaccinated...
screams blatant statistical manipulation to me but perhaps you have a reason why that makes sense besides obfuscating the truth