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Have my posts helped your grows? Looking for feedback. :D


Active member
Heyas! :tiphat:

I've spent a bit of time helping folks with cultivation issues and have a bunch of helpful posts on the boards. I'm interested in feedback from anyone that has improved their grow because of them.

No need to post it here, perfectly acceptable to PM me. Would also appreciate knowing if I can quote you, anonymously.
:thank you:

Much appreciated for any feedback.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Mr Eckted

You've never answered a question of mine directly, but when i'm reading other threads, I always find it valuable when you chime in. Nice to know what experience has taught sometimes, right?


Active member
You've never answered a question of mine directly, but when i'm reading other threads, I always find it valuable when you chime in. Nice to know what experience has taught sometimes, right?
:thank you:

Indeed.... when looking for the best advice on brain surgery, I don't look to the local auto-mechanics. I want the best of the best and that's why I'm still here on ICMag... it's where I've found the largest concentration.

Glad to have helped.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


You most certainly have helped..You are one of the members whose opine is always well thought out..generally easy to follow..imadork


Active member
You most certainly have helped..You are one of the members whose opine is always well thought out..generally easy to follow..imadork

Yernottadork. :D

Generally easy to follow. LOL Yeah... when my meds are halfway decent. Thank you for the kind words.

I believe I've repped you a time or two in the past as well. :thank you:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Yernottadork. :D

Generally easy to follow. LOL Yeah... when my meds are halfway decent. Thank you for the kind words.

I believe I've repped you a time or two in the past as well. :thank you:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

yes you hav,and it always has that little bit more meanin knowin it came from a Grower :thank you:


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
hydro soil
i think your posts n threads are unique and thoughtful, im keepin up with the ppm flush thread (will get some of my results up sometime, promise) and the phospho poison thread... i would love some definitive answers to the kind of questions you are trying to ask in these theads ( i believe) and this is super important, i think.
so ya
ur helpful
*pat on the back* thanks for everything


Active member
hydro soil
i think your posts n threads are unique and thoughtful, im keepin up with the ppm flush thread (will get some of my results up sometime, promise) and the phospho poison thread... i would love some definitive answers to the kind of questions you are trying to ask in these theads ( i believe) and this is super important, i think.
so ya
ur helpful
*pat on the back* thanks for everything

That really helps to know others are as interested as I am. With the crappy meds, it's difficult to plot an even course at time. LOL

Appreciate your helping out in the search for clean meds... :tiphat:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
im a big lurker, try to just be a sponge on this sight. its helped me alot cause im all self taught. no one to show me the way. you with a handful of others i really pay close attention to what you have to say and spread your knowledge. thanks for that.


Active member
I too remember lurking.... and almost getting divorced because of all the time I spent, every day. LOL

Glad to be able to share back what growers from CW, OG and here have taught me. :D

Stay Safe! :tiphat:


in the thick of it
heck yeah you've been helpful! As so many others have stated...your opinions & thoughts are well regarded. You're an asset to this wonderful community.


Active member
If we're being honest, I have always appreciated your desire to spread your knowledge to others. However, I have also noticed a common thread in all of your posts wherein you make claims, often claims contrary to popular opinion regarding a topic, and then essentially tell others who question those statements to go do their own research because you can't be bothered to find this factual evidence that you say is so easy to find. This is not me being an asshole and trying to call you out, but since you did post this circle-jerk of a thread asking for opinions, I decided to give you mine. If I could suggest anything to you in your future posting endeavors, it would be to start supporting your statements, especially the more wild, outlandish ones, with empirical evidence from legitimate sources. After all, anybody can say anything on a forum like this, the question is and always has been -- is it true, and can it be proven?