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Hash review 2024 icmagcup


Well-known member
#81 cherryz
You are taking a walk in a little forest, Some woody from those trees some earthy from the ground the wind takes it into your nose. Suddenly you smell some wild berry scents something immature but sweet, the scent is coming from nowhere but the next second you find some piney and fuel odor hiding in the background. I am not telling you the sci-thriller novel scenes I am talking about the #81 Cherryz, the smell is impressive and complex, you could find some garlic funk inside even. But the problem is I think this is a cookie or gelato line genetic the high or effect is quite boring, is single-dimension and very similar to other entries. Some heavy stony hits came very fast at the beginning and a little bit dizzy after, but the duration was extremely short.......overall would be a very good hash if the effect is longer.