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Hanging Around Non-Stoned People While Stoned



Does anyone else find it hard to hang out with people who are not stoned, when your stoned?

Last night I had 3 guy friends over. One of them smoke a bowl out of a bong with me. We just started jamming with our guitar and drum. I was really vibing with him.

But this other guy, who I've been friends with for almost 10 years, I could not vibe with. Actually, I felt he was fucking intrusive and everything.

I should add, that although I'm "friends" with him....we really haven't been close friends since high school... it just so happens we still keep in touch.

In fact, I can't really hang out with him at ALL when I smoke... because I guess I realize how non-compassionate he is. I call him bluetooth...he walks around with a blinking blue earpiece, and a computer-phone in his pocket.

Even when we went out last night, he had this thing with him. The thing is... I guess its hard to even hang out with him when I'm straight too....

I guess I don't mind hanging out with some straight people when stoned, but I think it makes it just harder overall....anyone dig? Especially if you don't vibe with them too much to begin wiht.
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Yeah I guess, I mean...its like hanging out with drunk people when sober.
But...its like... easier to be straight and hang out with stoned people, then straight and hang out with drunk people.


one in the chamber
haha...I don't think the problem is that he doesn't get stoned with you. He just sounds like a dickhead in general. Most of my friends now don't smoke, and I don't mind hanging out with them when stoned.


glock23, thats cool... yeah that must just be it. To be honest, I can just DEAL better with him when I'm not under the influence... I guess I can just block him out easier.

Thats interesting tho... I guess last night, I remember feeling so much better when I just went off and did my own thing...and didn't stay around him. Everytime we met back up, I just couldn't even listen to him...the way he talked, was like... he was talking from some fake voice he was making up... totally an act... or something. instead of just being who he was. I think he has self-esteem issues. This guy actually has gotten plastic surgery (i'm not supposed to know), and is planning on getting more.

I guess it kinda freaks me out when I get so annoyed to be around him...cuz in general, I have this idea that I should try to be nice to everyone. But I guess I do need my own boundaries... and I need to respect myself with that.

Mr. Nevermind

I would like to chime in here. I have a palm smart phoen and a blue tooth ear piece tht i talk with. If the blue light is on it means he is on the phone, blinking means he isnt on a call. Alot of people where their ear piece all the time because they get alot of calls. I am on of them but it doesnt make me a a dickhead.



Active member
Does anyone else find it hard to hang out with people who are not stoned, when your stoned?

Not really unless they're sobriety nazis. But other than that, I try to be as accomodative as possible + haven't had any trouble w/ it. But if the other dude is busy w/ an electronic device by himself and I'm jamming tunes w/ another stoned friend, I won't give it too much thought really. I'll just feel bad for him that he missed out on a great session, that's all.

The ones who piss me off the most are the "I used to smoke, now I graduated, I found out a whole new world of joy and (insert phrase here) etc, etc...", "smoking fucked up my career and life, look at me now, I'm so hip and hop." etc, etc. Other than the "natural born" sobriety nazis and the "I wisened up, you should too" sobriety nazis, I'm pretty cool w/ just about anyone else.

Now, I'd like to make one thing clear. I don' mind people who'd tell me they smoked and that they quit. But the "I used to"s who push their agenda on another person's throat...especially during a middle of a smoking session, is what pisses the eight shades of shit outta me.

Too many Indians in the US (esp. the NRI ones in the corporate circle) are of the "I used to smoke" category. Glock23 knows what I'm talking about. You'd rather be in the same room as Idi Amin than one of these. The worst part is that the "I used to smoke" crocodile fucks only start giving u shit after u start smoking and don't say anything before u start.

Those camel crap fucks need to be sent to a fucking Siberian gulag, but that's just my feeling, I dunno...so yea no problems w/ sober people (when I'm stoned) just w/ the sobriety nazis. And all nazis suck...
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Dont bother me at all my wife never smokes and i hang out with her everynight.
I feel like that slightly sometimes but most the people I hang out with do not turn down da herb. I live in a house with 6 people all young and all ready to party everyday but usually when I am tripping only half the house is and I will feel weird as shit around the non trippers. You just realize that you are in a completely different place/mind set than they are and you realize communication with these people is worthless.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I like being ripped around people that are ripped but I really don't care either way. I'm going to be high no matter what. I love walking into a gas station reaking of dank and having bloodshot eyes picking up something to munch on. Although some bud makes me paranoid and I'd rather be alone or not smoke that type. Most of people I hand around with smoke so when I'm around were all high.
naga_sadu said:
Not really unless they're sobriety nazis. But other than that, I try to be as accomodative as possible + haven't had any trouble w/ it. But if the other dude is busy w/ an electronic device by himself and I'm jamming tunes w/ another stoned friend, I won't give it too much thought really. I'll just feel bad for him that he missed out on a great session, that's all.

The ones who piss me off the most are the "I used to smoke, now I graduated, I found out a whole new world of joy and (insert phrase here) etc, etc...", "smoking fucked up my career and life, look at me now, I'm so hip and hop." etc, etc. Other than the "natural born" sobriety nazis and the "I wisened up, you should too" sobriety nazis, I'm pretty cool w/ just about anyone else.

Now, I'd like to make one thing clear. I don' mind people who'd tell me they smoked and that they quit. But the "I used to"s who push their agenda on another person's throat...especially during a middle of a smoking session, is what pisses the eight shades of shit outta me.

Too many Indians in the US (esp. the NRI ones in the corporate circle) are of the "I used to smoke" category. Glock23 knows what I'm talking about. You'd rather be in the same room as Idi Amin than one of these. The worst part is that the "I used to smoke" crocodile fucks only start giving u shit after u start smoking and don't say anything before u start.

Those camel crap fucks need to be sent to a fucking Siberian gulag, but that's just my feeling, I dunno...so yea no problems w/ sober people (when I'm stoned) just w/ the sobriety nazis. And all nazis suck...

holy shit dude. i could not have said it better myself. except for the part about indian people. r u talking about uptight people from india?

and yea weed makes me laugh at sober people like pieceofmyheart said. they dont know what they are missing out on
:bat: :woohoo:
LeoNardoDaVinci said:
You just realize that you are in a completely different place/mind set than they are and you realize communication with these people is worthless.

also very true

not worthless with all people, but certainly most...


Active member
r u talking about uptight people from india?

Yea. But more specifically the ones who've settled in the US and have entered the corporate rat race. It's sad because when they just got to the US (usually to do post grad studies), they're broke and shit, which is pretty understandable. But many corporate jobs require drug testing. So when they get out and get a job (after quitting weed) and start seeing the $$$, in due time they convince themselfs that their weed habit was what kept them broke in the first place. Outright pathetic! And fucked up because they start giving lectures like those MBA priests in missionary hospitals. U get what I'm saying right...?

This type of crocodile shit usually doesn't happen in India itself (at least the state where I'm living). If someone's lecturing a bunch of people on the bad effects of pot in a middle of a session in India, he's asking for a permanent home in the ganges :bat: ...well not exactly that, but somewhere along those lines....
so you live in india?

yea i kinda know what you mean. it makes me think of alot of the indian or asian chicks i meet, therir parents are usually uber-conservative/republican and very anti-drug.


Yeah, I can see how when someone starts talking bad about the herb...can really ruin the experience. Its like, the cannabinoids are still in your system... and its not like you can just TAKE THEM OUT for the other person... I wish people would at least wait until you were straight before talking about that type of stuff.

Interestingly, tonight I made a stirfry of sorts, with a pinch of bud. I feel it ever so slightly...but definitely that eaten cannabis feeling is inside of me. I hung out with this guy that also hung out with the bluetooth guy, the other night. Tonight we hung out and played some music together. I felt more comfortable around him, somewhat under the influence (and this is the 3rd time we've even hung out)...

I felt more comfortable around him then the guy I've known for years and years.

So, I guess for me... I can hang out with non-stoned people...but I have to be cool with them I guess... Its just when I'm sober I have more defense mechanisms against people I don't like.


one in the chamber
Poster Nutbag said:
so you live in india?

yea i kinda know what you mean. it makes me think of alot of the indian or asian chicks i meet, therir parents are usually uber-conservative/republican and very anti-drug.

The reason weed's illegal in India is western influence. I found out through sadu that it was legal till 1989...you could buy a prepacked pipe of hash and tobacco for less than a buck. Hash is still around $1 US a gram there and it's all over the place. Lots of weed too. It's the damn US government's pressure that's making pot illegal everywhere. I'm like a fucking chimney when I'm in India man. :)

I got a sweet hand-carved soapstone chillum for about $1.50 US...it's my most important pipe because I was smoking with a bunch of really poor guys using it. They didn't have shit, but they'd smoke me out and offer me their food. I gave 'em a couple bucks from time to time out of the goodness of my heart, and they really appreciated it. We could always wander into the park they were supposed to be watching and smoke ourselves silly...we were cool with the security. Brings back memories. I can't wait to get out there again. I'm gonna stay high the whole time I'm there :) We smoked mad bud out there too...it wasn't the best looking or smelling, but it got us surprisingly high. Only cost us about $2 an ounce too. Everything's so cheap there. You can hire out an air-conditioned cab for 8 hours for about $10 US. If the driver's cool, you can ride around gettin baked and it'll be perfectly cool! I love India!

I'll never forget the night one of those homeless dudes went and got weed for us. He got us a fucking plastic shopping bag full of 1/2 ounce packages (wrapped in newspaper) for like $10. Biggest dime bag I've ever seen. We gave him one of the 1/2s to smoke and like $1 to buy himself a Pepsi. He wanted to drink one with us, but we had to get home, so we just gave him the money to get his own. He got free weed and a Pepsi. If you take care of people there, they sure as hell will take care of you.

After we got the weed, we went to the park that our homey used to watch over. He wasn't there, but there was a bunch of auto-rickshaw drivers smoking chillums. We showed 'em the bud we got and they were like yeah! that's strong shit! I told 'em the whole bag (about a 1/2 p) was for the weekend. They were like WTF...haha...man I miss India. I'll never forget the day some lil kid (7 or 8) came and sat with us, and when our lighters were out of gas, he gave us a box of matches to light our chillums with. Cool ass kid.

Here's a pic of some Indian bud I grew out from seed. I lost almost a lb. to mold unfortunately :( That $10 bag of weed and the seeds I got from it has kept me high for almost two years. How's that for value? I'm seriously considering going back and just growing mad pot for myself. I could be the man for tourists to go to and I'd have organic outdoor and bubble hash from Dutch and Indian genetics. If I picked up a few lbs of straight Indian bud and converted it to bubble, I'd have some fire ass hash.

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one in the chamber
Thanks bro, glad you enjoyed it. Maybe sadu and I should start offering package tours for white boys who wanna get high in India...hehe.