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H3ad goes Coco


herbal essences

I read through your post Grat3fulh3ad, didn't see the mention of FloroGRO, just wanted to make sure you don't use it, your 6-9 recipe is throughout even for veg(can it burn clones?), am I correct? do you still add epsom? and do you always ph to 6.0? Sorry about all the questions but you have beautiful plants and I want the same for my girls :kissass:
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Nice thread here Heads...... Really lovely looking plans, with that awsome dark glossy sheen to em and the plenty of nugs....
My next grow(after this hashberry crops finishes in roughly 4 weeks) is going to being coco....either some cheeses or a SOG of..somethig else lol....
Anyway I was going to use a coco specific but now im giving some serious consideration to ur method.....
Nice going..
Be lucky


Just wanted to say thx head... i have a vegging test plant that im using the 0-6-9 and minimal runoff and so far its been great! Im hoping to replicate your results!

Dirt Magirt

How ya doin' , h3ad? I was just checking out your thread. Very informative. Your quite the host and your wife is just lovely! Y'all are pumpin' up the coco industry... I think I m gonna give it a try! Thanks for the info.

Stay safe!


Active member
Hey there H3ad, just browsing through and I think I'm gonna give this coco a try...

Any particulars when it comes to the 'right brand' to grab at the store, or will any garden-store coco do? Will a thorough rinse suffice, or will I need to do more for any ph adjustments or anything of that sort?

Thanks, and I'd love to see some more photos..... :lurk:


Active member
if its not a good brand like canna, plagroon, atami(b´cuzz) or bio bizz, i strongly recomend you to rinse it, but if it is anny of the above i dont think its necessery, the reason some coco brands have a high salt levels its because they were in salty water soaking, but the more notorius brands do their soaking in fresh watter,that makes all the diference!!
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Farmer John

Old and in the way.
Been testing for a while and must say that coco + organics are super, im in love... wasnt very pleased with the results I got with GH flora series but good to see it works for others..


Botanicare 5kg bale of coco - $13

EC - 0.2
pH - 6.0

no need to rinse. excellent quality coco. good enough berry?
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Active member
How far will 5kg of coco go.... how many 1 gal pots will it fill adequately...? Thanks Indica Sativa, H3ad, Rez, i_score, Farmer John.....

Dirt Magirt

Maybe 15 1gal pots^^

Correct me if I m wrong(of coarse)I haven't filled my pot yet but thats what it says.
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Active member
Hey guys......H3ad....what is the ph/ppm/ec of your runoff? Do you test it? What should it be around, and does it even matter to worry?


i_score said:
if its not a good brand like canna, plagroon, atami(b´cuzz) or bio bizz, i strongly recomend you to rinse it, but if it is anny of the above i dont think its necessery, the reason some coco brands have a high salt levels its because they were in salty water soaking, but the more notorius brands do their soaking in fresh watter,that makes all the diference!!

In my B'cuzz Bounce the coco read an ec of 1480 with first flush, I later read that they add some nutrients when they finish the process. Next time I hydrate one I won't flush it. The second time I flushed that one it measured an ec of 181 (I use RO water)


Berry_Coughin' said:
Hey guys......H3ad....what is the ph/ppm/ec of your runoff? Do you test it? What should it be around, and does it even matter to worry?

I've always found mine to be pretty much right on the button for what goes in.
I reuse everything I collect and ph check it the next day before using it again. With what I mix ahead I can make it through the week, though they're just 3 weeks old now.
Is there anything wrong with doing that?

Question for H3ad:

How can I figure my Atami B'cuzz nutes to understand them to the formula you shoot for? I added 3 ml of Cal Mag+ to a gallon because I use RO water and had mag def's with my last strain, SWT3. But it had a toxic effect on all my livesavers and some Toxic Blues. Starting with the lower leaves they got brown splotches and was able to flush and feed lightly (without calmag) with no additional damage.

I am feeding with B'cuzz a and b nutes, just a now as they are only 3 weeks old. Also, using B'cuzz bounce bags.



Heya H3ad,

Just wanted to say thanks for all the good info, I was just struggling using GH 3 Part on CoCo when someone redirected me to your thread. After reading over it and playing with the calculator I think I will finally get it dialed in.

I got two question if you get a chance.

Grat3fulh3ad said:
every other watering...

In the coco, I am now using 6ml/gal micro and 9ml/gal bloom which gives the nute profile:
N 97
P 60
K 105
Mg 41
S 27
Ca 97

adding 1 g/gal epsom salts to the solution changes the numbers for mg and s to:
Mg 67
S 61

Adjusting for the extra available potassium in the coco, the new formula puts me very close to the 'target ratio'... Phosphorous is a tad low, but I think there should be no worries there...


What do you think about using 6.5ml/g of Sweet instead of the epsom salts? I know Sweet is expensive and probably a rip off compared to buying epsom salts but I have a bunch of it laying around I need to use anyways.

From my calculations 6.5ml/g sweet will add
24.7 Mg
33.15 S

So then sticking with your CoCo formula of 6 ml/g micro, and 9 ml/g Bloom I think it would bring me here.

N 97
P 60
K 105
Mg 65.7
S 60.15
Ca 97

Only difference would be the added Sugar and tiny differences in Mg and S. What do you think of this substitution?

Funny cause the Sweet's ratio of Mg/S is almost identical to Epsom Salts, makes me think that Sweet is just sugar, epsom salt, and water with a 50 USD per gallon price tag.... lol

Second question, is are you familiar with the GH Kool Bloom 0-10-10 ?
And do you think adding a very tiny amount of it to boost the P in the formula could cause an overdose of K or upset the formula?

I know the plants can only tell us the answer by there happiness, but im just after your educated guess.

Tks again H3ad great thread I feel like I learned so much from it, and im excited to put it to use.


High! from Japan

High! from Japan

Please help me with quetion I have.
I use the coco coir and gh 6-9 ratio for nute.
I want to know the concentration % for each stage.
I have ec 0 water.

ec 0 or clean water + gh 6ml and 9ml= 100% nute

Seedlings and cutting: example 25%?
Beggining of re-veg: ?
Vegetative stage: ?
Flowering stage: 100%?
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