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~~~Gurus Added To IC Mag~~~


Active member
how about a "comic relief guru" to relieve the depression,frustration,paranioa of 5-0

a irish lad walks into a pub with a steering wheel attached to his scrotum....bartender says..laddy ...do you know you have a steering wheel on your front thar?
the lad says..."yes,its drivin me nuts!"

gypsy for president



Congrats ALL,
I never realized ICMag had turned to a religious site,naming gurus and all.did we really have such a strong need for an info resource guru?Or a hospitality guru?I mean does the title even fit with guru behind it?Other than BigToke,there isnt one person on that list i would ask help,why did the mentors turn it down?Whats the need for all this,ya know i dont like change,but it is your toy i guess,can i be shit stirring guru!!!
I mean come on Chanting growers guru,wtf is that, what are the qualifications you required to be a guru?a yes
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Anita Hitt
Well, I got my uniform on and reporting to duty!!

Well, I got my uniform on and reporting to duty!!

Thanks everybody, I am honored to have this title. :friends:

**note to self... Don't eat the cornflakes :nono:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
That was exactly my first thought!

That was exactly my first thought!

RED145 said:
I mean come on Chanting growers guru,wtf is that, what are the qualifications you required to be a guru?a yes

But when I realized they were serious I asked the wife and then said wtf, yes.

So wtf, I'm there if you need me! I'll do anything I can to help anyone. Period. Thanks for everyone's congratulations, but I do know that my area is the most elective of any represented. So to keep it a choice that matters, I'll have to take the responsibility seriously. And I do.

If anyone needs to talk to someone a half a world away, I qualify.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Glad to see you on board PTD I cant think of anyone who I would rather talk too when things are going great or some changes are taking place :) I chanted from the beginning of my grow and will be chanting for the next one :)From the looks of what we have been putting in jars i assure you it works great :)Need a little help understanding whats going on in your life this is your man ... he can tell you all about cause and effect :)
Nam myoho renge kyo!
Thanks to all the new Gurus for their willingness to help and their love of the community we have all come together here to be.


I vote the Babba's for Outdoor Guru's!

ANYONE WITH ME! :joint: :wave:


* red...c'mon you for real?
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Bubblegum Specialist
I like seeing Tom Pass the Doobie being made the chanting guru as he is every buddhists guru here. Babba would be excellent for outdoor guru as well.

I like the term Guru better than mentor DG. :D BOG

All those nominated seem beyond question to me so nicely done.


Why doesn't PassTheDoobie have "chanting guru" by his name like the rest of us gurus?


Yeah, what Ambre said!

Congrats Gurus, hey red, even though you are comfortable here, there are still many newbies who need a guru to at least make them feel at home, and feel like they can ask questions. Even tho this site is great, I think these gurus will help newbies and humble mortals who get the "Who are you?" treatment in chat and want to cut to the real issues and not have to schmooze before they "fit in" with people who are quick to point out shortcomings or make fun etc.... anyway great idea.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....a heartfelt congratualtions all round to all the Guru's.........may you all continue to be an inspiration on the site......


Rezdog said:


PS. The 'soil growing guru' is a public group.
Admin better close it up before we have a hundred or so soil gurus :wave: