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GROW DIARY: Kalichakra and Satori from Mandala, Tribal Vision from Afropips


hey anthonyblunt could you please do a smoke report? im curious especialy about the tribal vision and how it compares to satori? thanks i hope you get around to it.
Smoke report

Basically I have been too high and too busy to write up a smoke report until now - but here's a quick one. I'll do a proper one later some time. The Tribal Vision and Satori phenos below are very good smoke without being stratospheric (I've yet to grow really top class weed) but I was very happy with both.

Tribal Vision
Cured buds have a really nice friuty smell with musk undertones, quite strong too. The buds have a nice structure and are pale green.
The high is strong and long-lasting. It has quite a lot of body to it without totally laying you out but it is not particularly mentally stimulating. It is not a flat-out indica by any means but leans more that way than sativa. It leaves you quite brain-dead and forgetful the next day.
I would give it 7.5/10 overall on the smoke report - strong shit and useful to have about the house with a good high which is not quite killer.

This is based on the lankiest pheno. It has a minty smell when cured. It has a reasonably strong high - 7/10, just about - and is mentally stimulating without being psychadelic or paranoia-inducing. You can smoke plenty of it over long periods of time without getting tired but over-do it and you'll have to sit down or go to bed. An easy smoke on the more gentle side which has a good bit more lift that the Tribal Vision.
Overall 7.5/10 too - largely because it's just nice to smoke.

I'll do a report of the Kalichakra squat pheno another time.

Thanks all for reading and sorry for disappearing just when the crops were harvested.... have some Sadhus just going in to flower now which I'll post about again.