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GROW DIARY: Kalichakra and Satori from Mandala, Tribal Vision from Afropips

Update: Day 30 veg

All the plants have now been topped and LSTed. This is great for boosting yield but the plants always look miserable afterwards.

I'm going to veg them for about another four weeks. Meanwhile when the clones I've taken root I'm going to put them straight into the flowering room to sex them so I can dump the males in my veg room as soon as possible. This will free up some much-needed room. At the moment I can't transplant and will need to in about two weeks.

One of the Tribal Visions has a magnesium deficiency which I'm going to sort out with Epsom salts.

Now to the pix. First of all the propogator full of clones - one of each of the plants plus two Black Domina clones [they're the lighter coloured smaller ones]:

Tribal Visions [one was topped and LSTed about five days before the other, you can see the growth coming back in the former]:

Next up the Kalichakras [both topped and LSTed about 5 days ago]:

And the Satoris, all topped and LSTed today:

And just to prove that all this butchery is worth while, here are my White Rhino and Black Domina which both underwent severe LST (and neglect) but will hopefully give me loads of bud sites. They're a few days into flower.

White Rhino:

Black Domina:

Update: Day 36 of veg

By Jesus I love marijuana.

My plants have slowed a bit in growth since I topped them. Some have grown back quicker than others. My Tribal Visions are now showing some kind of burn/deficiency, and the Satoris are the slowest growers. The Kalichakras are now the most vigorous.

Tribal Visions:



I've been busy enough but I'm going to have a look into what the problem with the TVs is and will report on here.

Later friends


Eugene Oregon
Nitrogen defince it looks like.. I always just use seaweed extracts when my plants are having problems.. anyways.. try that out see if it work do a low does.
Thanks. They're actually looking a bit better now. I'll have a full update later on today hopefully, been pretty busy of late
Update: day 48 of veg

All the plants looking pretty healthy apart from one of the Tribal Visions which is a little behind the rest but not a runt or anything. They're growing slowly and are in need of a transplant, but I still don't have the room to do so.

All of my clones rooted and are in my flowering chamber and will hopefully show sex within a week and then the boys are out.

Probably the most vigorous in the room, one in particularly is growing a lot. It looks very sativa, was the first to root in the cloner and the cut is stretching big style in the flower room. I reckon it's probably a male though. The other is a bit more indica in appearance.

They still look waaay indica and one has a really nice, quite strong fruity smell to the touch. Mostly they are fairly dark green with not a huge ampunt of variation.

One is pretty finicky, pale green - possibly suffering a nitrogen deficiency - but the other is really nice. Both still have fairly pointy sativa leaves

I've got a female Kalichakra on my hands!

She's my first clone to show sex... here she be (it's the lankier pheno incidentally):

She's flowering under my 250 watter with my bigger plants. I reckon I'll flower her all the way just to see how a freshly rooted Kali clone does with nothing but a 12/12 light regime. It's stretching quite a bit so should do well.

Plus I'll get some Kalichakra bud a good bit earlier than I thought.

My other clones are in there too, more pix to follow...
1 of the Tribal Visions, both Kalichakras and all 3 Satoris are female

6 out of 7 so far, pretty lucky run.

I accidentally knocked the top off the final Tribal Vision clone so it's pretty much impossible to tell which way it's going but at this rate I just don't have room for all of them.

I'll have to flower one or two early - maybe the Tribal Vision, the clone of which is stretching like fuck.

I'd post pictures but uploading is disabled at the moment.

Anyway, pretty happy about all the ladies
Update: flowering clones

Most of the clones are doing pretty well going straight from 12/12. The Tribal Vision is a stunner of a plant and is probably most suited to being put into flower immediately, followed by the two Kalichakras. Not sure how well the Satoris will do under 12/12, but we'll see.

Tribal Vision 1
Day 20 of 12/12
Way taller than all the others, the stretch has slowed down but still hasn't stopped. Darkish green sativa leaves, almost odorless except for a faint smell of straw/cut grass. Long internode spacing. Vigorous growth, showed sex after about a week of 12/12, not particularly nute sensitive. Not putting on any serious bud weight yet. The most beautiful of all the plants I have going.


Satori 1
Day 20 of 12/12
Didn't stretch much, dark green indica/sativa leaves, almost odorless. Leaves showing slight clawing, showed sex after about a week. Tight enough internode spacing.


Satori 3
Day 20 of 12/12
Stretched a bit, fairly fat, lime green leaves, mild sweet/skunk odor to the touch. Wide internode spacing, showing some kind of def/burn on lower leaves.


Kalichakra 2
Day 20 of 12/12
Pretty stretchy, sativa style lady. Light green, thinnish leaves, strong sweet odor. Tighter internode spacing at the top of the plant.


Kalichakra 3
Day 25 of 12/12
The quickest clone to root, the fastest to show sex and the one with the most weight on the buds at the moment. Showing crystals already. Dark green thin-ish leaves, strong manure/sweet odor, reasonably short internode spacing.



Hi there.

I grew out both Kalichakra and Satori together from seed, but was very disappointed with the Kalichakra smoke and yield. It was probably because the Satori is just so damned good, that I just didn't care for the Kalichakra at all. To the point that once I'd got used to smoking the Satori, I didn't bother with the Kalichakra and even then only smoked it once I'd run out of Satori and even then I didn't really fancy it.

I my experience of the two (I can't speak for anyone else) the Satori simply blows Kalichakra away in all departments - bigger yield, better smoke, better aroma, better taste, better stronger and longer high.

It may just be my personal preference, the Satori hits you hard and fast and keeps on going, great social day starter and wonderfully creative - really gets you thinking. The Kali in my experience just took too long to get going and isn't as powerful as Satori and doesn't taste as nice either. You know some herb you just love the taste of? That's Satori, could smoke Satori for the taste alone.

I kept clones of all the females I got (5 in all) and I haven't bothered growing out the Kalichakra as clones once, I still have a Kalichakra mother, but don't clone from it.

So, in my experience, big thumbs up for Satori and a thumbs down for Kalichakra. That's not to say Kalichakra is bad, just not my preference compared to Satori.

Good luck with your grow and I'll be interested to hear of your own smoke experiences of the two.


Just checking in. Interesting set of genetics you have there. The tribal vision has my eye. I've been wondering about Afropips. Not sure whats up with your ladies. The satori looks like it's a little wet. Maybe give the others some nutes and a dose of epsom salts. On the other hand Mandala plants are known as light feeders. Hmmmm. I guess go with your gut feeling and make slight changes keeping a close eye on them and check your pH. I am not a dirt grower so my experience is limited.
I my experience of the two (I can't speak for anyone else) the Satori simply blows Kalichakra away in all departments - bigger yield, better smoke, better aroma, better taste, better stronger and longer high.

I have one Kali which is pretty squat and is yielding the best out of all the plants I have in the garden. Fat nuggets. The smell is not the nicest but - manure and hay mostly. I have hopes for it but I'm pretty excited about the Satori. Everyone has only good things to say.

Interesting set of genetics you have there. The tribal vision has my eye. I've been wondering about Afropips.

Tribal vision is a real vigorous grower with nice long buds and thin leaves. It is good and crystally at 38 days with a nice sweet, fairly mild smell. I've been impressed with both the TVs I've had [the other male] - I have eight more seeds left and I think I'll germ them when I've more space. I have some Malawi Gold and Roibard from Afroman too which I am a bit worried about given my 250watter and my limited space.

Thanks for stopping by guyz... more pictures soon.



it's about damn time someone grew out tribal vision. i bought a pack over a year and a half ago and didn't have good luck with the 5 seeds i grew out first. some died and the rest were male. got 5 more seeds and can't wait to grow em again. btw, they are the biggest seeds i've ever seen/bought.


Active member
very nice bro. how much longer before the satori is done... i i remember its def. a long flowering plant like 75 days or something...

anyway keep up the dope ass work im gonna watch this one.
they are the biggest seeds i've ever seen/bought.

Yeah the Tribal Vision seeds were massive, really healthy looking:

very nice bro. how much longer before the satori is done... i i remember its def. a long flowering plant like 75 days or something...

anyway keep up the dope ass work im gonna watch this one.

75 days or so. Thanks very much for the kind words.

nice grow. i especially like the tribal vision!

Thank you my brother
Last edited:
Time for an update. All of the clones are within a week or two of being harvested. The fan leaves have fallen off most of them, so they're pretty much just bud-on-a-stick at this stage. Tribal Vision still my favourite. They've all been pretty easy to grow. I have nicely bushed out versions of the Tribal Vision, Kali 3 and Satori 3 a couple of weeks into flower too and I'll post further details of them later.

Kalichakra 2
Sweet fruity odor, quite mild
Thin airy buds, still not putting on much weight, so medium yield
Quite frosty in apperance

Kalichakra 3
Shit/hay odor with fruity undertones, medium-strength
Fat, short, swollen buds, good yield
Very frosty

Satori 1
Sweet fruity smell with pine and shit undertones, medium to mild in strength
Medium sized buds, not overly thick but not really skinny, decent yield
Good and frosty

Satori 3
Sweet fruit/pine smell, quite mild
Very thin, airy buds but lots of them, so medium yield
Quite frosty

Tribal Vision 1
Medium strong smell, sweet and floral - different from all other plants in garden
Buds have thickened up nicely, good yield
Very frosty



Take A Deep Breath
Those buds are looking nice.

Have you checked the trichomes under a loupe or microscope? When I first started growing I went by the pistils rather than the trichomes and always harvested too early as a result.

Keep up the good work! Looking forward to a smoke report. :joint:


What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
Nice job anthonyblunt smoking some white satin as we speek
keep up the good work brotha.