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greencalyx's never-ending quest to try his best


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I've decided to keep all my grows in one thread to make things easy for me to keep track of. Still pretty new to growing, so advice is always welcome!

Now let's get this started!

This round, I'm doing Oaxaca x Panama from Ace Seeds. Amazing germination rate. Out of 12 seeds, I got 13 sprouts!


On top of that, here are a few bonus plants. The top two are Tropicana cherry x deep chunk (seeds from my last grow).


the the small one on the bottom is a random bagseed I found in my grinder. About a third of the hull was missing when I found it. I usually keep all my bagseeds (to probably never grow out, haha), but I figured this one wouldn't stay viable for long (if at all) so I gave it a shot. The seedling came up with only one cotyledon that was half detached. We'll see what happens.



Well-known member
I've decided to keep all my grows in one thread to make things easy for me to keep track of. Still pretty new to growing, so advice is always welcome!

Now let's get this started!

This round, I'm doing Oaxaca x Panama from Ace Seeds. Amazing germination rate. Out of 12 seeds, I got 13 sprouts!

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On top of that, here are a few bonus plants. The top two are Tropicana cherry x deep chunk (seeds from my last grow).

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the the small one on the bottom is a random bagseed I found in my grinder. About a third of the hull was missing when I found it. I usually keep all my bagseeds (to probably never grow out, haha), but I figured this one wouldn't stay viable for long (if at all) so I gave it a shot. The seedling came up with only one cotyledon that was half detached. We'll see what happens.

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Ok friend, thanks for sharing your gardens with us. I'm going to ride with you.


ICMag Donor
Cool trop cherry x DC will be fun to watch! What type of media are you using? How are you fertilizing them?

I bought some FoxFarm Happy Frog media. Wondering how I should amend it when I use it. Also got the Foxfarm seed germination media.


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Yeah I'm really excited about those too!

I'm using happy frog right now, and it's great! I don't have much experience with it as I've only done a couple grows. I mainly used it for seedlings and young plants before transplanting into bigger containers with ocean forest

Unfortunately, it's not really available locally, so I've been having it shipped, which is expensive of course. Now, I'm looking into less expensive alternatives, and I think I'm just gonna buy soil locally and try amending with just osmocote, and see what happens. I still have some fox farm liquid ferts if I need to use, but right now, the plan is just using plain water if I can


Well-known member
Cool trop cherry x DC will be fun to watch! What type of media are you using? How are you fertilizing them?

I bought some FoxFarm Happy Frog media. Wondering how I should amend it when I use it. Also got the Foxfarm seed germination media.
Yeah I'm really excited about those too!

I'm using happy frog right now, and it's great! I don't have much experience with it as I've only done a couple grows. I mainly used it for seedlings and young plants before transplanting into bigger containers with ocean forest

Unfortunately, it's not really available locally, so I've been having it shipped, which is expensive of course. Now, I'm looking into less expensive alternatives, and I think I'm just gonna buy soil locally and try amending with just osmocote, and see what happens. I still have some fox farm liquid ferts if I need to use, but right now, the plan is just using plain water if I can
If you guys want to amend the FFHF you can just add an all purpose organic fertilizer to it. Whatever's local like Dr. Earth, Gaia, Down To Earth. You can topdress it or mix it with old or new soil. Then just keep the soil moist. I originally bought FFOF and it became the base to my no till soil I've been using for years.

Osmocote is made of salts so it won't make the soil better like the organic stuff will. It will provide nutrients but the soil won't improve if you know what I mean. I'm not a fan of the Fox Farms Trio. Big Bloom is organic but the others aren't.


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Yeah, I guess I don't have enough experience to have a preference for synthetic/organic. I have always used both in my couple of grows so far.

I'll be doing another run of tropicana cherry and maybe gg4 in a few weeks when cuttings are ready. Maybe I can do a side by side, then. Data won't be very good if I do it on this from-seed grow.

I was at Walmart the other day, but they didn't have any all purpose organic ferts. Selection really sucks outside springtime. I'll check out tractor supply today


ICMag Donor
Looking good, the Tropicana x DC has some fat leaves. Looks like one has some variegation, or pigment loss. Is that what I see?

I started stocking up for the year in the spring since everyone has a full assortment of garden supplies in stock. Have some for early next year if I don't use it.


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Yes, I think it may be some variagation. Had some of that in the DC run I did.

Had company over for the holiday and couldn't spend much time in the tent until today. I did find a couple thrips, so some seedlings have some damage that definitely came from them, but whatever is going on with that Trop cherry x DC looks a little different, at least I think so.


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Alrighty, things got a bit crowded in the tent, so it's time to move out. The transition is a good time to assign numbers to plants and get some individual pictures.

I'll get the 3 indicas out of the way first.

First is the random bagseed. Not sure what it came from, but found the seed in my grinder missing about a third of its hull. Was curious if it would survive and it sure did. It was a little slow to start, but has now caught up with everyone else.

Tropicana cherry x Deep chunk #1. a little taller than the other tcxdc. Is more densely branched. Leaflets are wider and overlap eachother on most leaves.


TC x DC #2. A smidge shorter than the other TC X DC. Leaves have slightly more narrow, non overlapping leaflets. Leaves as a whole are much larger than the other TC X DC, however.


Now for the Oaxaca x Panama

Out of 13 total, 7 are pretty much the same height. 3 are taller, with one exceptionally tall and the other 2 same height. Another 3 are shorter than average. One of which was a twin and is a little smaller than it's pot mate, and is tied for the smallest of the bunch. Another is between the average and smallest.

#1. My most narrow leaved individual and the second shortest in stature. (Not including the runt twin)


#2. My tallest. About 8in taller than the average. Seems to have some leaf discoloration. Maybe since it's taller, it's showing need for a bigger pot earlier than the others. Everyone will go into their final pot next weekend. Maybe a 3-5gal pot not sure yet.

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#3. One of the average sized ones. I can add more distinguishing characteristics as flowering progresses


#4 Average size. These pictures are straight outta the tent, so still in their "cooped-up" state.


#5 average size.

#6 average size


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#7 average size

#8 average size

#9a and 9b Twins! 9a (rightside) is average size and 9b (left) is slightly smaller. Will be taking clones and will grow these two in their own pots in the future. Hard to see the two plants. Never really did much trimming before, but maybe I should start.

#10 my shortest plant. Iirc, it was a runt from the beginning. But it does have a different, really wide growth structure. It was in a tent corner so it's foliage is a bit sad looking.

#11 one of the taller ones. This one has some really huge leaves.

#12 another taller one


Well-known member
#7 average size
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#8 average size
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#9a and 9b Twins! 9a (rightside) is average size and 9b (left) is slightly smaller. Will be taking clones and will grow these two in their own pots in the future. Hard to see the two plants. Never really did much trimming before, but maybe I should start.
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#10 my shortest plant. Iirc, it was a runt from the beginning. But it does have a different, really wide growth structure. It was in a tent corner so it's foliage is a bit sad looking.
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#11 one of the taller ones. This one has some really huge leaves.
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#12 another taller one
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Beautiful plants friend, you are kicking ass. Placing something next to the plant for visual scale would help us see the actual size. I use a soda can or BIC lighter sitting next to the plants. Thank you for sharing your garden with us and looking good.


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Beautiful plants friend, you are kicking ass. Placing something next to the plant for visual scale would help us see the actual size. I use a soda can or BIC lighter sitting next to the plants. Thank you for sharing your garden with us and looking good.
Good idea. I'll get a pic with something to scale later today


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I forgot to post this pic I had taken to show the size of the plants. So, here is that picture from about a week ago, compared to one from today.

Aug 22

Aug 31

They grew about a foot in that time!

The tallest (#2) is about 5ft (including pot) and male, and also seems to be one of the most quick to flower of the group.

I'm gonna try to get all the plants sexed today, and see what I'm working with. Things are getting crowded again, so it'll be nice to pull some males out. I'm still gonna keep at least two males to collect pollen from (flowered in a separate room)

EDIT: I got all the plants sexed. Looks like 4 males and 12 females. Interestingly the bagseed I grew was male. Would've thought it was feminized (product of hermi).

#1 female
#2 male (fast)
#3 female
#4 female
#5 female
#6 male
#7 female
#8 female
#9a female
#9b male?
#10 female
#11 male
#12 female (fast)
Last edited:


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Here we are about a week later. Stretching like crazy. Hopefully they are about done stretching, or I'll run out of headroom soon.

There's a lot more room now that I've got the males moved out into another room. Gonna collect pollen from all of them. They all seem pretty similar anyway.

The one runty male that grew as one of the twins is a bit behind the others. I'll let him mature a bit more then I'll chop him just before he drops the pollen, stick him in a vase, or something, then put him in the room with the other males. Hopefully get some pollen that way

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Here are the Tropicana cherry x Deep chunk. The other unknown bagseed was a male. Didn't want to collect pollen from him because of his unknown origins, so I chopped him down. Both of the trop cherry x DC are female.
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Plants are still growing. The tallest is about 2m high (pot included).

Unfortunately, I'm having a bit of an issue now with about a third of the plants. They look pretty nitrogen deficient.
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It was just a couple plants about 10 days ago. I thought maybe I may have been overwatering them, but have since ruled that out. And now a few more plants are showing the same.

It honestly could just be a deficiency. I've only been using distilled water (from my dehumidifiers) and no ferts other than osmocote at the very beginning of the grow. Worked great for a couple months

but when I transplanted last, about a month ago, I ended up going with miracle gro potting soil, because it was on clearance for $5 for 2cu ft.

I don't have experience using miracle gro soil for cannabis, but after a quick search, I learned it has slow release nitrogen that can be problematic as it can linger into flowering. So, I decided not to amend with osmocote, as I did with the first transplant.

So the soil could just be tapped out.

Gonna start with some liquid ferts tomorrow, see what happens, then maybe top dress with more osmocote.