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Green OldTimers Haze #19 X A5 Haze


...como el Son...
16-Diciembre / December-16


Y dejo, de momento, la planta así:
And I leave, for the moment, the plant like this:

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...como el Son...
14-Diciembre / December-14

...De echo, hoy, la niebla casi no se ha despejado en todo el dia (2°C de mínima nocturna, 16°C de máxima a la sombra).
A mediodia, al bajar del olivar a la casa a comer, he parado a inspeccionar mi Green OldTimers Haze (Green Haze) #19 x A5 Haze (A.C.E; nacida el 17-Junio). Tras una exhaustiva inspección, he encontrado esto en la punta de una de las ramas orientadas al Norte más bajas y cercanas al suelo, y más sombreadas; es lo ha único que he visto, pero sin duda es un claro aviso de lo que pude pasar de ahora en adelante...
El resto de la planta (ya la vereis) muestra un aspecto reventonamente sano, más allá de los daños que las heladas y el granizo han causado con sus zarpazos...

...In fact, today, the fog has hardly cleared all day (2°C minimum at night, 16°C maximum in the shade).
At midday, when going down from the olive grove to the house for lunch, I stopped to inspect my Green OldTimers Haze (Green Haze) #19 x A5 Haze (A.C.E; born 17-June). After a thorough inspection, I found this on the tip of one of the lowest and shadiest north-facing branches close to the ground; it's the only thing I saw, but it's certainly a clear warning of what could happen from now on...
The rest of the plant (you'll see it) is looking very healthy, despite the damage that frost and hail have caused with their claws...


16-Diciembre / December-16

Recordáis este cogollo bajo que mostraba la primera hoja afectada por moho?: Pues lo he diseccionado un poco por debajo de esa hoja...y mirad lo que se oculta debajo. Ese "cogollito bajo" tiene el diámetro aproximado de una lata de refresco/cerveza de 0'33 litros, pero tanta hoja y la calidad de las fotos no dejan ver las grandes bolas de calices apiñados bajo tanto foliolo...

Do you remember this low bud that showed the first leaf affected by mold ?: Well, I have dissected it a little below that leaf ... and look what is hidden underneath. This "low bud" has the approximate diameter of a 0.33-liter soda / beer can, but so much leaf and the quality of the photos do not reveal the large balls of chalice huddled under so much leaflet ...








...como el Son...
...Y para acabar por hoy, otra de las puntas de ramas bajas que quedan con vida:

... And to finish for today, another of the tips of low branches that remain alive:



...como el Son...
18-Diciembre / December-18

Hoy coseche lo que restaba, la parte más baja de la planta:

Today he harvested what was left, the lowest part of the plant:

Click image for larger version  Name:	20211218_173344.jpg Views:	3 Size:	124.4 KB ID:	18018384

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Click image for larger version  Name:	20211218_174748-1.jpg Views:	3 Size:	164.8 KB ID:	18018387

Cortísimo espacio intermodal para una planta tan sativa (Green Oldtimers Haze x A5 Haze):

Very short intermodal space for such a sativa plant (Green Oldtimers Haze x A5 Haze):

Click image for larger version  Name:	20211218_173600.jpg Views:	3 Size:	89.2 KB ID:	18018388

Yo Sammy

Well-known member
A pleasure to see this spectacular plant come to a great and abundant harvest.
Very curious about how you rate it’s potency and taste in due course.
Thank you for sharing your dedicated work with all of us.
Happy Holidays.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Congratulations! Very happy to happy to see your Green Haze x A5 Haze finally harvested Montuno ;)
I'm enjoying some harvested here, in fact i'm going to start the day with her :dance013:


...como el Son...
Congratulations! Very happy to happy to see your Green Haze x A5 Haze finally harvested Montuno ;)
I'm enjoying some harvested here, in fact i'm going to start the day with her :dance013:

Green Haze X A5 Haze? Sabe la tuya a "limón hazeado" (limón e incienso)?

Green Haze X A5 Haze? Does yours taste like "haze lemon" (lemon and incense)?


...como el Son...
A pleasure to see this spectacular plant come to a great and abundant harvest.
Very curious about how you rate it’s potency and taste in due course.
Thank you for sharing your dedicated work with all of us.
Happy Holidays.

Gracias por tus amables palabras, pero lo cierto es que no he dedicado casi tiempo ni esfuerzo a esta planta; recordad además como por trabajo la tuve abandonada casi un mes... Una lástima también que a primeros de Junio malograse otras dos semillas en germinación, también por desplazamiento de trabajo...

​​​​​​Sequé a lo bruto un cogollo, acercándolo a la estufa de leña de forma que tardó un par de horas. Si bien es "menos bruto" que el microondas, sigue siendo solo para hacerme una ligera idea sobre la planta; cualquier apreciación sobre sabor o potencia no puede sino mejorar mucho tras un secado tradicional correcto.
Sí en fresco, actualmente, el cogollo huele a limón fresco un poco dulce, y a hierbabuena/clorofila (y quizá con un ligerísimo matiz metálico), el sabor/olor al fumar está muestra secada junto a la lumbre es limón "hazeado" (limón e incienso), lo que es muy curioso puesto que el olor incienso/catedral/"Haze" está totalmente ausente en fresco...
La potencia va a ser como mínimo 7 sobre 10; la psicoaptividad me parece cerebral limpia, introspectiva, alegre pero sin llegar a ser eufórizante, animosa pero sin ser eléctrica/cafeínica/espidica...

Cuando lo cosechado el pasado 16-Diciembre esté correctamente seco, podré emitir comentarios más fundados.

Mucha salud para tod@s, y no os paséis con el cava y el turrón.

Thanks for your kind words, but the truth is that I have spent almost no time or effort on this plant; Also remember how I had it abandoned for almost a month because of work ... A pity also that at the beginning of June it spoiled two other germinating seeds, also due to work displacement..

I roughly dried a bud, holding it close to the wood stove in such a way that it took a couple of hours. Although it is "less gross" than the microwave, it is still just to give me a slight idea about the plant; Any appreciation on flavor or potency can only improve a lot after a correct traditional drying. Yes when fresh, currently, the bud smells like fresh lemon a little sweet, and mint / chlorophyll (and perhaps with a very slight metallic tinge), the taste / smell when smoking is sample dried next to the fire is lemon "hazeado" (lemon and incense), which is very curious since the incense / cathedral / "Haze" smell is totally absent in the fresh bud...
The power will be at least 7 out of 10; Psychoaptivity seems to me to be cerebral, clean, introspective, cheerful but without being euphoric, spirited but without being electric / caffeine / speedy ...

When what was harvested on December 16 is properly dry, I will be able to make more informed comments.

Good health for everyone, and don't go overboard with cava and nougat.


...como el Son...

Para ti, las últimas rosas que sobreviven al frío invernal alrededor de mi casa... Acabo de tomar las fotos ahora mismo, en una mañana lluviosa...
Hoy tenemos 9 °C (48'2 °F) de mínima nocturna, y 14 °C (57'2 °F) de máxima diurna bajo la lluvia. Para esta semana, prevee la AEMet que en la vertiente norte de mi serranía (39 °N, aprox; 800-900 metros de altitud) que las mínimas nocturnas oscilarán según el día, entre los 4 y 10 °C (39'2 y 50 °F), y las máximas diurnas (siempre a la sombra) entre los 13 y los 21 °C (55'5 y 70 °F)...
El clima está loco: ahora estamos teniendo el tiempo que deberíamos haber tenido en la segunda mitad de Noviembre (un mes atrás); y las heladas nocturnas por debajo de 0 °C (32 °F) y las granizadas de entonces, serían más lógicas ahora... Una lástima, pues mi Green OldTimers Haze X A5 Haze (A.C.E.) casi no pudo avanzar en su floración durante aquella quincena...
...Pero aquí están las humildes rosas que te prometí :

For you, the last roses surviving the winter cold around my house.... I just took the pictures right now, on a rainy morning....
Today we have 9 °C (48'2 °F) overnight low, and 14 °C (57'2 °F) daytime high in the rain. For this week, the AEMet forecasts that on the northern slope of my mountain range (39 °N, approx; 800-900 meters altitude) that nighttime lows will vary depending on the day, between 4 and 10 °C (39'2 and 50 °F), and daytime highs (always in the shade) between 13 and 21 °C (55'5 and 70 °F)...
The weather is crazy: we are having now the weather we should have had in the second half of November (one month ago); and night frosts below 0 °C (32 °F) and hailstorms then, would be more logical now... A pity, because my Green OldTimers Haze X A5 Haze (A.C.E.) could hardly progress in its flowering during that fortnight...
...But here are the humble roses that I promised you :






Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hi Montuno, for some reason i can't see your pictures.

Here in the Sierra Nevada the weather is still good. The rain that was forecast to last for several days lasted less than 36hrs and wasn't continual. Today we're back to coulds and sunshine and a respectable 18c in the shade, but according to my wife it is set to get warmer over the next few days and should be pleasant enough for us to go down to the coast on Tuesday and sit a watch the sea for a couple of hours.


...como el Son...
Hi Montuno, for some reason i can't see your pictures.

Here in the Sierra Nevada the weather is still good. The rain that was forecast to last for several days lasted less than 36hrs and wasn't continual. Today we're back to coulds and sunshine and a respectable 18c in the shade, but according to my wife it is set to get warmer over the next few days and should be pleasant enough for us to go down to the coast on Tuesday and sit a watch the sea for a couple of hours.

Gracias por el aviso; alguien más no puede ver mis fotos? Porqué será?.

No me extrañaría que pudiérais ir a la playa la próxima semana si las previsiones se cumplen... Si en mi serranía de interior podemos llegar hasta los 21°C de máxima a la sombra, en la Costa Subtropical granadina no os vais a quedar por detrás...
Pero esas temperaturas entrando Enero, si son normales en tu área mediterránea, son tan anormalmente altas en mi cerro como anormalmente frío fue Noviembre...

Thanks for the tip; someone else can't see my photos? Why is that?

I wouldn't be surprised if you could go to the beach next week if the forecasts are fulfilled... If in my inland mountain range we can get up to 21°C maximum in the shade, in the subtropical coast of Granada you will not be left behind...
But those temperatures entering January, if they are normal in your Mediterranean area, are as abnormally high in my hill as abnormally cold was November...


...como el Son...
Hi Montuno, for some reason i can't see your pictures...

Podéis ver estas?
​​​​​​Can you see these? :

26-Diciembre / December-26

Green OldTimers Haze X A5 Haze (A.C.E.)
(nacida el 17-Junio / born on June-17).

En "el secadero", casi lista para embotellar:
In "el secadero", almost ready for bottling:




...como el Son...
Gracias por tus amables palabras, pero lo cierto es que no he dedicado casi tiempo ni esfuerzo a esta planta; recordad además como por trabajo la tuve abandonada casi un mes... Una lástima también que a primeros de Junio malograse otras dos semillas en germinación, también por desplazamiento de trabajo...

​​​​​​Sequé a lo bruto un cogollo, acercándolo a la estufa de leña de forma que tardó un par de horas. Si bien es "menos bruto" que el microondas, sigue siendo solo para hacerme una ligera idea sobre la planta; cualquier apreciación sobre sabor o potencia no puede sino mejorar mucho tras un secado tradicional correcto.
Sí en fresco, actualmente, el cogollo huele a limón fresco un poco dulce, y a hierbabuena/clorofila (y quizá con un ligerísimo matiz metálico), el sabor/olor al fumar está muestra secada junto a la lumbre es limón "hazeado" (limón e incienso), lo que es muy curioso puesto que el olor incienso/catedral/"Haze" está totalmente ausente en fresco...
La potencia va a ser como mínimo 7 sobre 10; la psicoaptividad me parece cerebral limpia, introspectiva, alegre pero sin llegar a ser eufórizante, animosa pero sin ser eléctrica/cafeínica/espidica...

Cuando lo cosechado el pasado 16-Diciembre esté correctamente seco, podré emitir comentarios más fundados.

Mucha salud para tod@s, y no os paséis con el cava y el turrón.

Thanks for your kind words, but the truth is that I have spent almost no time or effort on this plant; Also remember how I had it abandoned for almost a month because of work ... A pity also that at the beginning of June it spoiled two other germinating seeds, also due to work displacement..

I roughly dried a bud, holding it close to the wood stove in such a way that it took a couple of hours. Although it is "less gross" than the microwave, it is still just to give me a slight idea about the plant; Any appreciation on flavor or potency can only improve a lot after a correct traditional drying. Yes when fresh, currently, the bud smells like fresh lemon a little sweet, and mint / chlorophyll (and perhaps with a very slight metallic tinge), the taste / smell when smoking is sample dried next to the fire is lemon "hazeado" (lemon and incense), which is very curious since the incense / cathedral / "Haze" smell is totally absent in the fresh bud...
The power will be at least 7 out of 10; Psychoaptivity seems to me to be cerebral, clean, introspective, cheerful but without being euphoric, spirited but without being electric / caffeine / speedy ...

When what was harvested on December 16 is properly dry, I will be able to make more informed comments.

Good health for everyone, and don't go overboard with cava and nougat.

4 días después acabo de coger el pequeño cogollito de la foto (que al ser pequeño se seca antes) directamente del secadero, y lo he probado tal cual, ya sin necesidad de secarlo más artificialmente. Aún no está para envasar (por lo que sabor y psicoactividad deben mejorar), pero le falta muy poco.
El olor del cogollo intacto sigue igual a mi anterior mensaje. Al trincharlo, desaparecen todos los matices que no sean un intensísimo, refrescante y dulce olor a limonada. Y al fumarlo, la transformación si que es sorprendente: aparece un olor y sabor a incienso tipo el botafumeiro de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela, que está totalmente ausente del cogollo antes de la combustión (!?), dominando incluso al sabor a limón (pero que ahora parece tener más matices a parte de limonada dulce refrescante: como limón sobremaduro o ligeramente fermentado, o incluso crema de limón...)

Si el sabor/olor a variado muy poco desde mi cata con la estufa, la psicoactividad si si experimentado un apreciable aumento en potencia: si antes la estimaba en un 7 entre 0 y 10, ahora creo estaría entre el 7'5 y el 8...
Puedo comentaros lo siguiente sobre su psicoactividad (recordad cuan subjetivos son este tipo de juicios), en orden de mayor a menor predominancia...:
-Creo su principal característica es ser profundamente introspectiva, cerebral clara, creativa, permitiendo concentrarse y disfrutar de tareas mentales (nada de pensamientos inconexos apareciendo y desapareciendo del cerebro como fuegos artificiales). Tampoco molesta para hacer vida social, al contrario; pero hay otras hierbas que potencian más este aspecto...
-Refresca mental y físicamente, y mejora la aptitud ante el trabajo... En este aspecto, si bien comento luego que no puedo estrictamente clasificarla como euforizante, quizá sí roza lo motivante...
-Es alegre y mejora tu estado anímico, pero no podríamos llegar a clasificarla como eufórica o euforizante.

Lo dicho anteriormente: os tendré informados de su evolución.
Saludos a tod@s.

4 days later I just took the small bud in the photo (which, being small, dries faster) directly from the dryer, and I tasted it as is, without the need to dry it artificially. It is not yet ready for packaging (so taste and psychoactivity should improve), but it is very close.
The smell of the intact bud remains the same as in my previous message. When carved, all nuances other than a very intense, refreshing and sweet smell of lemonade disappear. And when smoking it, the transformation is really surprising: an incense smell and taste like the botafumeiro of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela appears, which is totally absent from the bud before combustion (!?), dominating even the lemon taste (but which now seems to have more nuances than refreshing sweet lemonade: like overripe or slightly fermented lemon, or even lemon cream...).

If the taste / smell has changed very little since my tasting with the stove, the psychoactivity if it has experienced a significant increase in potency: if before I estimated it at a 7 between 0 and 10, now I think it would be between 7'5 and 8 ...
I can tell you the following about its psychoactivity (remember how subjective are this kind of judgments), in order of greater to lesser predominance....:
-I believe its main characteristic is to be deeply introspective, clear cerebral, creative, allowing to concentrate and enjoy mental tasks (no disjointed thoughts appearing and disappearing from the brain like fireworks). It does not bother to have a social life, on the contrary; but there are other herbs that enhance this aspect more...
-It refreshes mentally and physically, and improves the aptitude to work... In this aspect, although I will comment later that I cannot strictly classify it as euphoriant, perhaps it does border on motivating... But without nervousness or gratuitous excitement.
-It is cheerful and improves your mood, but we could not classify it as euphoric or euphoric.
-Just as a curiosity: it takes a long time to feel the effect (until you are not finishing the joint) and the full effect does not appear in its full intensity until you finish it. It produces a warm and very pleasant sensation on the back of the neck, heh, heh....

As I said before: I will keep you informed of its evolution.
Greetings to all.

Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_20211226_234229.jpg Views:	2 Size:	134.4 KB ID:	18024799


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hola Montuno :wave: espero estés pasando buenas fiestas!

Una alegría saber que ya estás empezando a disfrutar de tus primeras catas con la Green Haze 19 A5 (así se llamará en cuanto 'salga').
Los aromas a limón son mucho más frecuentes en la descendencia del macho C de Nevil, aunque los híbridos de Green Haze de Oldtimer también pueden ser ligeramente cítricos,
el fuerte incienso viene de ambas partes, tanto de la Green Haze como de la A5 Haze, los efectos limpios, mentales, energéticos aunque introspectivos son muy comunes con las Haze.
Yo estoy arrancando las mañana con ella ;)

Hi Montuno, hope you have had a great Xmas time!

Glad you are already enjoying with your first Green Haze 19 A5 (that's the chosen name for its release) tests.
The lemony aromas are much more common in offspring coming from Haze C male from Nevil, although Green Haze hybrids from Oldtimer line can also be slightly citric.
The loud incense comes from both parental plants, Green Haze and A5 Haze, the clean, cerebral, energetic yet introspective effects are very common with Haze.
I'm starting my mornings with these new Haze hybrids!


...como el Son...
...Pues si alguien me dice como como cambiar el título del hilo a GREEN HAZE 19 A5, o algún gentil moderador con potestad para ello lo hace por mi, le estaré muy agradecido...

...Well, if someone tells me how to change the title of the thread to GREEN HAZE 19 A5, or some kind moderator with the power to do it for me, I will be very grateful...