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Greedy Phony MJ growers/entrepeneurs

lol .

when they make a money system to go along with the points system they usually fuck up the video game . i love when they make it right though cause it forces you to notice how you can buy and earn points and to feel the difference between cheating with codes and earning with combo's .

money is a slavery system that ghosts people for other people . kendo is missing 1/2:ying:

It's like I said in the beginning of my entrance to this debate, Bluff and bluster. Blah blah blah!
Sure you work for free Red Berry, you give all your weed away and are the truest of true posessionless, money denier. Does anybody truly believe this fairy tale, if so, they probably still wait for the Easter Bunny too. Met dozens of persons who act as though they are the Demi-god of karma online, giving away all their herbs, deny the evil $$.
Meet em in real life and, selling LB's for top dollar. driving new trucks, nice house. lots of those EVIL possessions and the evil enslaving $$$$.
Then there are the ones who mount this soapbox because they have gained nothing, done nothing and are jealous of those who have gained much and done so much.
I am always amused to watch the dance of karmic exclusion. The irony of the phenomena is incredibly blatant.
Most do not recognize the hypocrisy for what it is.


Rubbing my glands together
It's like I said in the beginning of my entrance to this debate, Bluff and bluster. Blah blah blah!
Sure you work for free Red Berry, you give all your weed away and are the truest of true posessionless, money denier. Does anybody truly believe this fairy tale, if so, they probably still wait for the Easter Bunny too. Met dozens of persons who act as though they are the Demi-god of karma online, giving away all their herbs, deny the evil $$.
Meet em in real life and, selling LB's for top dollar. driving new trucks, nice house. lots of those EVIL possessions and the evil enslaving $$$$.
Then there are the ones who mount this soapbox because they have gained nothing, done nothing and are jealous of those who have gained much and done so much.

You mean not everyone is a hero? Bursting my karmic belief bubble early this morning, lol


3rd-Eye Jedi
the one thing about materialism is that most people who live according to it see little value in humanity and even find the notion laughable.

It is because when they look inside themselves, that part doesn't exist, it was never cultivated so to them it doesn't matter.

Narcissism is counter intuitive to humanity and it's purpose and if Darwinism hold true it won't last forever.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
No disrespect Hemp but that logic pretzels back onto itself. How would a wholesaler stay in business if they do not add to the price they get from the manufacturer. Premium or cut it is the same animal. I operate as wholesaler in this capacity often saving my customers 25% over retail after my premium.
Like a drug dealer stepping on dope. C'mon Man!. THats not even close to accurate. You admit that You add $$ to the bottom line with your reduced CUT and then allude my cut, is like stepping on dope. Is your reduced cut steeper than my added premium? Do you save your customers more than I do mine?
You really don't know what type of $$$ I save my customers, you don't know what $$$ % I charge my customers for this WHOLESALE service. Without any of that information you can't accurately make any claims.

You are not the wholesaler though, you are the retail shop selling to the end user when it comes to things like lights and fertilizers. People can go directly to those shops just as easy as you. The only advantage you have is your history of business with those companies.

In the world of wholesale computer parts, when it really existed, the wholesaler was the link to the stores and IT departments. The stores and IT departments couldn't go to the manufactures directly. Now they can which is why the wholesale computer parts industry is a pale shadow of what it once was if it even exists at all still. When a place like AN or other producers of grow products and equipment give you a discount it is so you can undercut your competition and still make a profit. Not so you can create a separate stream of profit from what you profit on already. They don't want you to pocket the savings but rather use it to attract a larger volume of business then you did at their regular rate.

So I did not contradict myself because when I was a wholesaler I was at the top of the chain, my customers could not go more direct then me whereas your customer can. Of course I had my profits built into my price, it goes without saying no business operates to just give things out at cost. The thing is in your case is that the customer can go above you as you are a middleman. They're not going to get the price you get though but only because of the volume of business you do. If you use the discount you get to put more money in your pocket you're defeating the reason for you to get a discount which is to ultimately increase the volume of business you bring to the sources you use.

To go with the drug analogy you are not the main dealer who gets things directly from the Cartels. You are a guy who knows that person. He sees you come to him fairly steadily and realizes you're not buying all you by just for yourself. So he says he'll give you a 25% discount so you can undersell your competition but still make your profit. If you say, well damn now I can pocket that 25% on top of my profit I'll make more per customer. But at that price you're not likely to get more customers because there is no incentive for them to come to you. So yeah you make more because you're profiting more per customer but you're not growing your business. If however you pass along the discount by offering the same thing but at a cheaper price you can end up making more then you would the other way by doing a greater volume of business which in turn also means a greater volume for your supplier. So he wins, you win, the customer wins. If you don't start bringing in a greater volume of business then your source isn't winning and eventually he'll likely cut out the discount since why should he let you benefit more if he doesn't end up benefiting more as a result. It's all about volume.

Now if this cheaper price was just one of the benefits your customers get as part of the $100 per hour then it wouldn't be greedy but it's not, you described it as an addon with an additional fee separate from the $100 per hour.
You mean not everyone is a hero? Bursting my karmic belief bubble early this morning, lol

Ya bro, its painful :D When you hear someone tooting their own karmic horn it sounds more like flatchulence.
Working hard to convince others that they are free of earthly desires I like to call them KarmaMAN. Put a big K on their chest and get a theme song, maybe a sidekick, like compassion boy.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's like I said in the beginning of my entrance to this debate, Bluff and bluster. Blah blah blah!
Sure you work for free Red Berry, you give all your weed away and are the truest of true posessionless, money denier. Does anybody truly believe this fairy tale, if so, they probably still wait for the Easter Bunny too. Met dozens of persons who act as though they are the Demi-god of karma online, giving away all their herbs, deny the evil $$.
Meet em in real life and, selling LB's for top dollar. driving new trucks, nice house. lots of those EVIL possessions and the evil enslaving $$$$.
Then there are the ones who mount this soapbox because they have gained nothing, done nothing and are jealous of those who have gained much and done so much.

Few people are really saying you should do what you do for free. Nobody does anything for free not even those who give things away for free. In some way everyone gets something they didn't have when they provide goods and/or services to someone else. If they stop getting it, whatever it is, they stop providing the goods and services.

Here's an example. How many times have you heard someone online at a site like this or others say they gave away some of what they grew for free to someone needing it for illness but too poor to buy it. Only to find out later on that the person they gave it to turned around and sold it at full street value? I know I've heard that story several times.

The person giving it away was profiting by feeling good about helping out someone in need. When those people took the charity and profited themselves by it and their source found out the person supplying them no longer felt good, he felt used and so he stopped because he was no longer profiting. Now if the story was that the people he was kind to shared for free, what they got, with others in similar need and thereby felt good about helping someone in need. It is doubtful the source would feel used but rather feel an additional sense of good knowing that his charity to one person ended up helping out more people then he at first thought.

Red Berry

It's like I said in the beginning of my entrance to this debate, Bluff and bluster. Blah blah blah!
Sure you work for free Red Berry, you give all your weed away and are the truest of true posessionless, money denier. Does anybody truly believe this fairy tale, if so, they probably still wait for the Easter Bunny too. Met dozens of persons who act as though they are the Demi-god of karma online, giving away all their herbs, deny the evil $$.
Meet em in real life and, selling LB's for top dollar. driving new trucks, nice house. lots of those EVIL possessions and the evil enslaving $$$$.
Then there are the ones who mount this soapbox because they have gained nothing, done nothing and are jealous of those who have gained much and done so much.

lay off the dope . your being overly creative and making that part of it look detrimental instead of like a positive thing like ALL hippies who grow dreads to fit in and then shave them off to fit in with the other side again :peacock:.

making up fantasy dreams about me in your head and expecting me to do role play with you is not something you could pay me to do with you . please stop talking about what you think i might be doing . its not funny or helpful and i can play same game with you and maybe more better then u :ying: your making up fairy tales and then asking if the people your telling them to believe you is a hand job system .

The welfare of the children is always the alibi of the tyrant.

no its not .

I am always amused to watch the dance of karmic exclusion. The irony of the phenomena is incredibly blatant.
Most do not recognize the hypocrisy for what it is.

i know u like to watch yourself . its why u post stuff twice on multiple forums . lol.

And get back on track.
To be clear I am not fishing for clients, booked solid for quite some time.
Just as an example of how a consultant can assist. Looking at Luckybeans gallery its apparent she can use some Assistance. 1 hr of solid consultation with an expert and she is yielding twice the meager amount she does presently.
Scrog screens barely full, obvious nutrient issues, minimal biomass.

yep your a douche bag selling 100$ handjobs. my mom loves ur work btw:biggrin: but i dont like loosing my mom to douche bags trained to mix sex and money so if i catch you trying to sell my mom a hand job i will not be nice to you .


Red Berry

yea it does . why would anyone want a headache over pleasure ?

its like saying you dont care if your girls arm is missing or broken just to be nice. it hurts everyone. saving the moment you tell the damaged person that they are hurting you for a special time or for when you say goodbye to them for the last time is dumb .


3rd-Eye Jedi
yea it does . why would anyone want a headache over pleasure ?

its like saying you dont care if your girls arm is missing or broken just to be nice. it hurts everyone. saving the moment you tell the damaged person that they are hurting you for a special time or for when you say goodbye to them for the last time is dumb .

You obviously do not understand the context of my initial statement
Besides in case it's not been noticed with all the cbd bandwagon hopping plenty are saying exactly that.
Is it my thing to smoke ditch huff/hemp for my relief no, but not everyone is doing what they do for the resons I do what I do so what's it any concearn of mine.
1 persons reasoning isn't everyone elses nor is it ever going to be, n thank god for that frankly, or we'd all be sitting around telling eachother how glad we all are that none of us use pot at all n that prohibition was put in place so they could keep us as safe as we all would be.


Red Berry

You obviously do not understand the context of my initial statement

i keep getting called a narcissist so i skipped to that part. i dont understand the context of most of your posts cuz your doing that thing kendo does where u try to talk like rich people .

Red Berry

The person giving it away was profiting by feeling good about helping out someone in need. When those people took the charity and profited themselves by it and their source found out the person supplying them no longer felt good, he felt used and so he stopped because he was no longer profiting. Now if the story was that the people he was kind to shared for free, what they got, with others in similar need and thereby felt good about helping someone in need. It is doubtful the source would feel used but rather feel an additional sense of good knowing that his charity to one person ended up helping out more people then he at first thought.

heh. stop breaking the money system . that is how wars start.