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Well,ok I have been reading about grafting lately.So I have been overcome on the desire to learn how to graft plants.I have a dream to have a mother plant with a total stock count of 6,I think of it as a six pack plant.I know my failures will be many till I figure out how this works.
I had many problems with learning to clone different ways,I did master the clone process I think.I now use a tub of bubbling water to root clones I start showing root nubs in 4-5 days and roots in 6-10,it fits into my 2 week rotation for sog.
So I thought a plant with 6 different strains for clones would be of help in my limited space mother and clone chamber.
Other then the whole process of grafting,which is daunting in itself,I gave it my first try today.I have a sharksbreath and a snow white.I cut 2 branches of the SB to make room for some snow white.
Im not sure how it will work but Im sure it will fail.
I expect the worst and hope for the best,I will never be let down.
So I took 1 branch from the SB mother plant and cut a long diagonal cut,and then I went to the snow white and cut a nice sized looking cutting of almost the same size and placed it on the SB branch,it fit well.I then took some black tape and tapped up the new branch so it would not move.I read that the black tape would warm it up and help it heal faster ,I dunno.
So if this works out I will do it again and post some pics of the procedure,I use.
I can only find 1 fault with a mother plant with 6 varities on it in a sog grow,since my main crop comes in on 8 week cycles,I must make sure that all the new grafts be in the same cycle of flower time,8 weeks.Since I am pulling on a 8 week rotation it would be nice to have different flavors every harvest,other then the flower time the only other big difference I can think of is nutes,if they have extreme different nute requirements then it could be a hassle.But right now it is a experiment only.
If anybody has any pointers Im all ears for the help,this is very new to me.Like I said at the beginning I expect this to fail,this time.
Oh and to the mod here if this is in the wrong section please feel free to move it,I wasnt sure where to post this,but since I have read articles in this section pertaining to grafting I thought it would be ok.

:party: :muahaha: :tree:


Did you use any hormones? I m not sure what is used in real life, but I dont think its bare like that
Next time, maybe try cutting a notch on the base, and a semi 2 sided point(sorry for stoner description), like a male and female, that fit together nicely...I heard that works
saw a thread like this on drugs-forum, with the same goal in mind...


Well,ok,so the first try was a epic failure.It was expected.So at least I have 2 nice branches to practice with again.The cuts I made should have worked.I will continue to use the same cut again.I feel the long cut allows plenty of tissue to make contact.
I dont think the branch is big enough to notch it.
Im sure it was a step in the procedure that failed.I know Im not the marijuana god nor do I ply one on tv,failure is just a way of finding out what wont work :)I guess I will keep playing at it till I get it right.
There sure isnt much info out there on this,I havent went to utube yet,I know there is some vids there of this procedure.
I will explore some more,and try again.I will not be deprived of this goal.


Hey peeps,Thanx for watching this epic fail course in learning to graft.I do have some experience in botany,it was a major in high school oh sooooooo many years ago.
I ordered some grafting wax,it will be here in a few days,and have been looking at techniques to graft.I will continue with my current plan to use my branches,but I will try a different way next time.And I will post some pics on my next adventure in grafting.I didnt have my camera with me when I started this but you did not miss anything except some dying branches lol.

So I will get some pics on my next try at this.I guess this is the best way to learn this is by doing and trying,and yes of course I will fail,altho I dont look at it as a failure,I look at it as another way it wont work lol.I think thats from Thomas Edison Im not sure.

lost in a sea,I have read about the grafting to hops as well,yes it was a sucess,but as far as the perennial thing,well marijuana is a annual plant,I read somewhere that many,many years(thousands) ago marijuana may have been a perennial.Now days it is a annual.The plant produces seeds and that is what makes it an annual plant.That would be great if the root stock would winter over till spring and then every year the plant would magically reappear.
So hang in there peeps,its gonna be a bumpy ride,but when its over maybe we will all benefit from this,I a started this because of my limited space for mother plants and the desire for more then 1 strain in flower,this will be perfect if I can get it to work for me.
My first experience with cloning so many years ago was pretty wild,I was trimming a plant in my back yard with some clippers for bushes,and I just grab a clipping from the ground and stuck in some soil,several days later it had roots in the pot of soil,that was my very first attempt at cloning.Thank You Mel Frank for your great books back in the early 80's.
So when I get my wax I will make another try at it,and try 2 different ways to graft,that will apply to my situation,I will take some pics and we will see where it goes.
Thanks Again for stopping by.

:tumbleweed: :tiphat: :chin: :dueling:


I have grafted many grapevines and orange tree seedlings, in the past.
I haven't done it with cannabis, but i imagine it would be the same...

I can share my thoughts later, if you like?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
there is a thread here somewhere. It was a good one. Showed the parts of the plant cut it was like a puzzle had a wood piece to hold it all together. He had grafted a male to female..


Hey Guys,
Just a quick update on whats happening.I ordered a bar of grafting wax,it should be here tomorrow or Tuesday.I will be making another attempt this week while using the wax and trying 2 different versions of cutting the rootstock and scion.The more I look into this the more it has been done by others.It does seem that it mainly ends up being a oddity more then being used for a mother plant.
I will use mine as a mother plant.I was looking thru my seed stash today to see what strains I want to add to it.I have decided to add DNA Lemon Skunk to the mix so I will be starting the seedling soon.
Till next time all.

:tumbleweed: :dance013:


Root Porn and ETC.

Root Porn and ETC.

Well ok here we go,I thought I would put up some pics for everybody that is here.Some root porn,and all my plants.


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Ooh spaghetti roots YUM:D
What am I looking at concerning the tubes there ozman?
Nice plot btw.. And are you a dedicated CFL grower? And what strains are in there man taking a punt looks like SLH to me..
Great read in here man I appreciate it. And you can make the mistakes and I'll benefit in the end hehe, honestly though I've seen this topic in the past but now I'm in the position where this could help me with multiple moms on the one rootstock so I'm down to learn.


Hey kin,the tubes you see is the airline connectors that I installed on my airlines to facilitate removal of the lid of the dwc container,with the connectors I can unhook everything and clean it all easily enough,with the tubes stuck straight thru lid it is a pita to clean or change nutes.
The tree pic to me shows some grafting in nature I think.If you look at the trunks of the tree at the base you can see how they are becoming 1 with each other,just something I seen 1 day and thought to take a pic of and post it here,just for reference from nature.


Graft attempt 2 with some pics

Graft attempt 2 with some pics

OK I today I did 2 grafts of snow white onto a sharkbreath rootstock.I have enclosed some pics .I washed my hands with antibacterial soap,I am a smoker,I sterilized my blade with alcohol 92%.I cut the rootstock limb at a node,I then cut a V into the square end cut,I then split the stem a little with my blade.I took the scion,the cutting,and cut a opposing V onto the scion to match the rootstock.I wetted the ends with plain water,As soon as I took the scion it went into water just like the clones do.I placed the scion into the rootstock and attempted to align the cambium layers up in the stems.Once I had that done I used some paper medical tape and cut it into slices about 1/4 inch wide and wrapped the strips around the joint,after that I then attempted to use my grafting wax,here is where I was not prepared for what followed.I did not heed the advice I have read about using the wax.I failed to use any kind of oil on my hands to keep the wax from sticking,it is some messy stuff when it gets warmed up a little.
I did manage to get some onto the stem at the joint.I then placed a little palstic bag I had made with a covering of mylar to block the light,I sprayed the inside of the bag with plain water to help with humidity,I feel it would be like a clone,until it gets its roots it will wilt some.I placed the bag over the recent graft,and turned off the bulbs that would over power the little graft,kinda like a clone.
I also did the same thing to another limb,well almost the exact same thing,I did not use wax on it.
We will have to wait to see what happens now,I figure if they can make it 24 hours without wilting then they have a shot of making it.I have posted some pics as well.



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Active member
Thanks for experimenting. We can all benefit from your experience and findings. My guess is that, like a clone, it will help to remove quite a bit of the leaf on the "cutting." Good luck with your project. -granger


Hey All,
Well I declared them deceased today :(

I will try again in the next day or so.I will only do 1 at time from now on till I get 1 to take.I have read a lot of articles and threads on this grafting thing.Once you start digging into the nfo presented on a search you will find a lot of nfo on it.
I will try again with the same cut on the rootstock,the <.At least I learned another way it wont work,at least for me.I wont give up till I get at least 1 graft to take and I can cut some clones from it and flower them.I expect them to be just like the mother plant.
So stay tuned more to come.

:dance013: :blowbubbles:

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Well, I searched and didn't find the article that grafted Cannabis already@anywhere. Doesn't sound like there's much to this method.

Seedlings of the two species to be grafted were planted side by side, and when they were about 4 weeks old a diagonal cut was made approximately half-way through each stem, at the same level. The cut portions were slipped in to each other and the joints held with adhesive cellulose tape. After 1-2 weeks the unwanted top portion was cut away, followed in a few days by the unwanted lower portion, thus completing the graft. At least 20 specimens of each graft-type were made. The successful graft-types are shown in Table I and include inter-race Cannabis grafts as well as Cannabis/Humulus types. Success rates were > 30%, considerably higher if the grafts were made early in the season (May-June). All successfully grafted systems continued to grow well, and the Cannabis upper parts flowered in both male and female cases, the latter fruiting. Differences in stem diameter between C. sativa and H. japonicus and H. lupulus presented no barrier to satisfactory union.

Cannabinoid formation in Cannabis sativa grafted inter-racially, and with two Humulus species
Leslie Crombie and W. Mary L. Crombie
Phytochemistry Volume 14, Issue 2, February 1975, Pages 409–412.


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