Hello all,
Well, I can say with certainty that if you were to remove all guns from the face of the earth, folks will just pick up a rock or a stick.
Its absurd to think that guns are the source of violence.
Man is violent by natural design.
Quietly polishing my "Bang", damn, it hurts, it hurts. damn, damn, damn shoulda emptied it first...damn.
Violence is a dark side of the human condition (a mere part of the design)...but usually does not motivate itself. The weaker people will find trouble beating to death anyone with a stick...but put a gun in their hand...the weak become temporarily powerful.
To give in to weakness...is to give in to the dark side of nature. No banning of firearms is going to prevent this from happening...but it's interesting to note that rampaging mass murder is almost solely an American phenomenon. Something is deeply disturbed in this country.