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Got a big problem



Wow. No big deal. $20 cutting wheel @ home depot, ten minutes.

There's only foam in the middle of those things...Plastic liner. CUt along one side's edges, pry that sheet out of the hole, cut through foam/platic liner, viola!

p.s. - Don't hit your hand with the spinning cutting wheel, takes more than a month to heal :D

Delta Force

Murphy said:
Delta Force, works every time.
Damn right!

I had to bust open my Sentry once.....lost the key.

Just grab a good tool......many were good......the cutting wheel......sawsall......sledge. I use some pussy tools and it opened......so easy I threw my other one out the window too. Its was perfectly fine too......it saddened me how easy it was to open :spank: :laughing:

Yeah get a real safe after you destroy that one. :joint:
FYI after the fact--It's general protocol NOT to open the door (at least where you could view the contents) by locksmiths.

I've seen my folks safe cracked. He worked for about 20 mins drilling. Eventually he said, "I think I've got it" as he turned the handle to release the bolts. At that point he backed away. He did not fling the door open, which I think most people would be like WTF!!! Locksmiths know this and abide. Cuz if anything were to happen after a locksmith had seen the contents of your safe (aka money, jewels) like a break-in, they'd be prime suspects.


Do you need the locksmith to open it to get the warranty replacement?

Just tell the locksmith not to open the door as you have private stuff in there. Of course if he rips it open with a pry bar, then that wont be an option.

The safe is like $170. I probably would google how to open it and forget about the warranty if it requires a locksmith.

Next time put your weed in a bag or something so if it ever does happen again, it wont be an issue.


"don't let him open the door"....sneakyninja said he had 12 ounces in it....do you really think the locksmith will need to open the door to smell 12 ounces? I got you, locksmiths, in general, don't open the door on safes they get unlocked but with 3/4 of a pound of weed in that little ass low budget safe.....come on guys I doubt he put a carbon scrubber in there.

Glad to hear everything worked out for you man, this is a fine example of some shit I seem to end up in regularly


i guess you didnt read the thread he already got it opened he droped it from the second floor lol
Murphy said:
"don't let him open the door"....sneakyninja said he had 12 ounces in it....do you really think the locksmith will need to open the door to smell 12 ounces? I got you, locksmiths, in general, don't open the door on safes they get unlocked but with 3/4 of a pound of weed in that little ass low budget safe.....come on guys I doubt he put a carbon scrubber in there.

Glad to hear everything worked out for you man, this is a fine example of some shit I seem to end up in regularly

Weedman Herb

Sentry ... Your stuff is safe ... safe even from You ...

Sentry ... Your stuff is safe ... safe even from You ...

The plasma cutter isn't a great idea IMHO or most other welding instruments ... They generate copious amounts of heat right? And that does What to paper and kindling (his weed)? I know it's fire rated but that kinda goes out the window when you are cutting through the Inner layer. Heats gonna build up Quick in a 1.2 cft metal safe. At best the cash will be scorched and the bud will be THCless as it will have been vaporized. Get a digging bar or 3 foot crow bar , put that puppy on its back and Lever against the door (the door is very strong compared to the side wall) to apply all your force and weight towards the side with the holes for those cheesy little pins. You should have it open in 3 to 5 pulls if you go 180 or better. Standing on it will keep it from moving and Concentrate the force of your pull directly next to where the pins are located. Sentry ... The Worst Safes Ever
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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ....um yeah. Look at the last line in that post you have quoted...Glad to hear everything worked out for you man..... or maybe the earlier post above that....Brute Force, works every time.

I'm sorry littlebud, you were saying something about people not reading posts before responding to threads or something like that..... :asskick: you may want to try that one yourself :pointlaug
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R03 said:
Go rent a plasma torch if you're that paranoid about someone seeing your dirty secrets, she'll cut through that safe like a knife through warm butter.
in the process turning everything into ash and slag....