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Gorilla Glue #4

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bench warmer

Everyone & their granny seems to be growing GG4.
Someone REALLY should bring that ish up to Canada and share share share. ;)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The beast was harvested. I had to cut her in half. The house reeks of her now. I didn't get any pics before harvest. This wa the last 1 I took..I will let ya know what she give's me :D



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Don't you use a screen TC?. I lollipop. Screens yield more..

This was the last full pic I took on t he 7th


CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
PF why dont you use screens?

Is it lesser quality bud? Or just easability of access to each plant with stakes?

Because i know its not ease lol. You said somwhere around 100 ties each or something?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I grow multi strains in the same room. When 1 gets harvested 1 get's put in. cant use screens the way I grow. I'm not concerned about yield. That plant is the largest I have grown in this room. I don't usually grow them this big. 87 day veg was a bit much..

The E-P are tits .. The center is vertical with a Gavita on the back end. She looks like she is right next to the E-P but she is 30" away and set to 825w


You guys just need some better sun.

I used to think that too... that outdoor always looked leafy.
then I went and got some better sun..

I want to say it has to do with light intensity and where I sit on the globe and such, but I don't have the academia to back up my point. but heres a Chem D that was sitting outside from late Sep to Nov 2012
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milk is expensive here though...
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screw that haoles only need the chi chi


Little under 8 daze

Little under 8 daze

F**kin power went on my iPad so what was wrote can't be retrieved :( AGAIN! %^&*£@

I set a gg4 to root a week last tuesday at around 10.15am about an hour ago i spotted a little Root! :) :woohoo:
This is Via an "old method" of small rockwool seed cube and heated prop

Never had anything root as quick! :dance:

^Iphone 3GS pic!
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i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
She does root fast,.....
Got a ???? For yall... i posted elsewhere but this thread gets hit up so fast ill get my answer sooner...
Well my veg space is incredibly small for my flower rooms... i was thinking of bringing plants into my flower room under the 1kswhile lights on n bringing them back under floros for the remainding 12 hrs... giving them 12 hrs of intense light to speed them up.... r there ne negative effects caused by this???? other then me having to wake up to movem... would this work or would the change of light intensity shock them


She is 100% in Canada been there for a minute

At least someone can step their beaster game up..
In a few minutes..might take another year or 2..

Wow, my bag seedOG came out kinda frosty.
" ganja guru skeezo".. Collective ..Might have a cup winner next year..


She does root fast,.....
Got a ???? For yall... i posted elsewhere but this thread gets hit up so fast ill get my answer sooner...
Well my veg space is incredibly small for my flower rooms... i was thinking of bringing plants into my flower room under the 1kswhile lights on n bringing them back under floros for the remainding 12 hrs... giving them 12 hrs of intense light to speed them up.... r there ne negative effects caused by this???? other then me having to wake up to movem... would this work or would the change of light intensity shock them

Yup.best rooter I've had totally fast & successful


She does root fast,.....
Got a ???? For yall... i posted elsewhere but this thread gets hit up so fast ill get my answer sooner...
Well my veg space is incredibly small for my flower rooms... i was thinking of bringing plants into my flower room under the 1kswhile lights on n bringing them back under floros for the remainding 12 hrs... giving them 12 hrs of intense light to speed them up.... r there ne negative effects caused by this???? other then me having to wake up to movem... would this work or would the change of light intensity shock them
:tiphat: Stony done the same but with 600 no problems, I still park young ones and older under and around bigger flowering plants. then put them back later under cfl's.

CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
Mine are on day 2 of rooting in a cloner.

My A11s rooted(nubs) so fast i think 4,5 days but i wasnt really keeping track.
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