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^^^^^^^ sounds like we are definitely right about the same level. I'm just glad that i'm finally making solid contact (MOST of the time) and am seeing considerable improvement in my overall game.

Mr James

I have wanted to try golf for a long time but it seems expensive to get set up, there aren't really any public course around here and the courses that are around are all for hoorah henry, his cute but fake wife and his obnoxious children! Seems like a good excuse to get into some nice green land in the sun for a few hours.


I played saturday in a captain and crew tournement. None of us had played for a year but we did pretty well. Even par which is respectable i guess. As for lessons, i was self taught but finally took a lesson after 20 years. They video taped me and aside from my really flat swing, showed i was not keeping my left arm straight through the backswing and follow thru. I was also reverse pivoting. Once i realized after viewing the tape i was hitting the ball farther and crisper then before. There is a great video i always liked called golf my way II by nichlaus. Its not so much a how to but more strategy. How to approach certain holes depending on pin placements etc. But there is some instructional stuff in there like hitting intentional fades and draws.. You can probably get a copy for .50 on ebay...


Cannabrex Formulator
Nugalicious said:
dude come on...those are negative vibes...if u bought a bubble and lived in it u would never have to worry about being contaminated by anything

Personally I think it is all the people who think humans can deplete, rape, poison and exploit with impunity forever who are living in a bubble.

One that is gonna pop real soon.

And it ain't gonna be pretty.....trust me.

If folks would be willing to play golf on courses that were 100% natural landscape, with some trimming, instead of insisting on artificially perfect terrain attainable only by massive use of carcinogenic and toxic poisons, mebbe my attitude about golf would change.

IMHO it would be more challenging in the short run, and in the long run, means that my kids future will not be toxified because someone wants a perfect lawn to putt on.

Personally, I think folks defiling our only home and driving our species into extinction for their own profit and amusement is WAY higher on the "negative vibes" scale than someone calling attention to it.

Just remember folks...if the bees all die, so do we.....and golf course pesticides are a big factor in the decline of bees, esp in North America.


golf course poisons

golf course poisons

I think you are mis informed. My father was a golf course supt and i worked on golf courses alot when I was young. There are very few fertilizers used. Fairways are usually seeded with a disk seeder and watered. They are limed but no ferts are used on fairways. The greens are stop dressed which means plugs are pulled out, raked up and the holes are filled with top dressing which is a high nitrogyn soil mixture. The only chemical sprays that are used are for the greens to prevent mold and fungus I used to help my father spray the greens and he didnt even use gloves when he drug the hose. When he passed away it wasnt cancer related. This was many years ago and i think he used milorganite. There are probably newer and better fungicides available these days.
Saturday i played a course which is integrated with protected wetlands. I saw a baltimore oriel a peregrine falcon and several deer. Golf course ponds are often loaded with fish also.
If you have a problem with golf courses spraying their greens, you should also be upset with home owners treating their lawns and farmers using pesticides on their crops. Golf courses only treat their greens and maybe their tees which are a relatively small area. If you have other info... share it i would like to read it.

And it ain't gonna be pretty.....trust me.

If folks would be willing to play golf on courses that were 100% natural landscape, with some trimming, instead of insisting on artificially perfect terrain attainable only by massive use of carcinogenic and toxic poisons, mebbe my attitude about golf would change.

IMHO it would be more challenging in the short run, and in the long run, means that my kids future will not be toxified because someone wants a perfect lawn to putt on.

Personally, I think folks defiling our only home and driving our species into extinction for their own profit and amusement is WAY higher on the "negative vibes" scale than someone calling attention to it.

Just remember folks...if the bees all die, so do we.....and golf course pesticides are a big factor in the decline of bees, esp in North America.[/QUOTE]


Cannabrex Formulator
Dan42nepa said:
I think you are mis informed. My father was a golf course supt and i worked on golf courses alot when I was young. There are very few fertilizers used. Fairways are usually seeded with a disk seeder and watered. They are limed but no ferts are used on fairways. The greens are stop dressed which means plugs are pulled out, raked up and the holes are filled with top dressing which is a high nitrogyn soil mixture. The only chemical sprays that are used are for the greens to prevent mold and fungus I used to help my father spray the greens and he didnt even use gloves when he drug the hose. When he passed away it wasnt cancer related. This was many years ago and i think he used milorganite. There are probably newer and better fungicides available these days.
Saturday i played a course which is integrated with protected wetlands. I saw a baltimore oriel a peregrine falcon and several deer. Golf course ponds are often loaded with fish also.
If you have a problem with golf courses spraying their greens, you should also be upset with home owners treating their lawns and farmers using pesticides on their crops. Golf courses only treat their greens and maybe their tees which are a relatively small area. If you have other info... share it i would like to read it.

Forests serve as a kind of natural dam, storing rainwater in the
leaves and soil. Natural water circulating from forests feeds
rivers and streams. In contrast, golf courses have only one-fourth
the water retention capacity of an equivalent forest area. Most
rainwater simply runs off the greens and fairways. This produces
flooding downstream. On the contrary, the water flow to rivers and
creeks downstream from golf links drops to a dribble during
periods of drought. During golf course construction, rainfall
sends mud pouring from the barren ground into streams. This often
makes the water inappropriate for agricultural or residential use.

An 18-hole golf course requires three to four tons of various
germicides, herbicides, and pesticides every year to keep the
green and fairways healthy, to combat weeds, and kill insects.
Some of these chemicals are carcinogenic, while others are known
to cause deformities and nerve damage. There have been reports of
massive fish kills in fish hatcheries polluted by toxins in the
water from golf courses. The nitrogen and phosphorus in the
fertilizers will mix with rainwater and eventually flow into a
reservoir. The high nutrient content of water will stimulate the
growth of algae. Consequently, this requires the water treatment
plant to use higher volumes of chlorine to cleanse the water.

Golf courses use pesticides containing organic phosphorus. After
application, the pesticides evaporate in the air and are absorbed
by the human body via the skin and lungs. Caddies and
greenkeepers often experience health problems because of the air
pollution. Golfers themselves breathe in the toxins as they walk
the course before the newly sprayed pesticides have settled down.
Winds sometimes carry the chemical agents to surrounding
neighborhoods, and people living near golf courses worry that their
health may also be affected. Golf has an image as a healthy sport,
but it may be quite different in reality.

A research group in Canada also identified the problematical
factors of golf courses. Soil samples were taken from greens and
fairways, and sediment samples were taken from waterways and
analyzed for the presence of mercury. Greens had the highest mean
mercury concentration, and the majority of greens exceeded
Canadian environmental levels set for mercury in soil. Sediment
from a golf course lake had higher mercury levels than a lake
located 5 km from the course. Mussels from both lakes were
analyzed, and those from the golf course lake near the greens had
methylmercury and total mercury levels an order of magnitude
greater than those from the reference lake. Fish in both lakes
contained methylmercury, but the level was higher in fish
collected near the golf course greens. The construction of golf
courses in scenic natural sites, such as forest areas and coral
islands, also results in the destruction of biodiversity.
source - http://www.american.edu/TED/jpgolf.htm

From the govt of New York:

Yet more:

And YES, I do have a big problem with ANYONE using toxic, lingering poisons on their crops, lawns or anywhere else for any reason.

If we can't continue to do what we are doing without dooming our kids to a cancer-ridden life on a desert planet.....mebbe we should CHANGE what we are doing....ya think?

Or is that too altruistic and hippy dippy fer ya?


Active member
Ok, thanks for your opinion genkisan... but can we get back to the sport of golf? I'm sure you are right to some degree but IMHO golf is the LEAST of this worlds problems.


I was happy when I woke up this morning.. now i'm depressed. Golf courses are bad for the environment. I cant fish because even though i catch and release, i may harm the fish, cant drive my car or scooter because of gas, i cant even read because books are made of pulp and i am killing trees. I cant have a hamburger or hot dog for lunch because of mistreated animals, i shouldnt even be on the computer because i am supporting nuclear energy. Drugs are ok i guess because i grow organic but i am poluting the environment with smoke..


Active member
I think i'm going to go kill the earth... oops, i mean play some golf... this site is boring me now that its moving so much slower... Maybe I'll go try out some putters at the sporting goods store, mine sucks big time!


i just hate putting on those carpets.. not the same.. even if it feels good at the store, on real greens could maybe not be the same feel. i'm thinking about going back to my blade putter. I like light putters i think you have more feel and easier to "stroke" the ball.


I was at a LPGA tourney many years ago and as i was watching some lady pro miss a putt, her golf coach who was standing behind me, whispered she wasnt stroking the ball. It sort of clicked in my mind and i think about it ever since. When you think about it, if you rap a putt, it will skid for at least a foot before it starts rolling so you may not get a true roll. If you strike it right it starts rolling sooner. If you want to drive yourself crazy read dave peltz book on putting. He said pros used to mark and spin balls in a solution of epsom salts, oil and water to determine which ones will roll true. Out of a dozen, he said maybe 3 were perfect for putting. He also did a test on a pool table and found golf balls were very inconsistant and very few would roll true under test conditions on even a pool table. He also talks about the furry donut which is the area around the hole were people dont tread and is raised slightly about the rest of the hole. A putt with a slower speed will veer away from the hole.
This is stuff you are probably better off not reading because it makes you think too much. lol.. I know that book seriously screwed up my putting.... put evil thoughts in my head.


genkisan said:
If folks would be willing to play golf on courses that were 100% natural landscape, with some trimming, instead of insisting on artificially perfect terrain attainable only by massive use of carcinogenic and toxic poisons, mebbe my attitude about golf would change.

ok fine genius how about you go to the home of golf in st andrews and tell me how many pesticides you find? or any real links course for that matter...i lived in scotland for a period of time and we used to play on a 9 hole course that didn't have greenskeepers, it had a herd of sheep that walked around the course and chewed the grass down...i'm not even shitting you, they got in the way sometimes and it was kind of crazy...

i care about the environment too and think ur probably right that pesticide use could/should be curtailed but u get a lot more flies with honey than vinegar...personally i think that paul stamets is gonna revolutionize pesticide shit and how to reclaim messed up eco-shit with the work he is doing with his mycoremediation or whatever (fungiperfecti.com) ...

i even think someone as smart as yourself could probably come up with a better way for golf courses to manage their land, and i think eveyone here would be all for it...all that being said though this was not really a debate thread to start with and it would be much appreciated if we could drop it...


Active member
Lets get this page back on track... anybody have any golfing plans for the weekend? I'm going to try and get two rounds in! Friday can't come fast enough. I think i'm getting addicted.


I have been playing. Score is right under 100. I have started practicing my chipping in the backyard. Also, my drive has straightened out and distance improved significantly. I have an excellent golfer at the club giving some pointers. When driving, I am now only using my arms, body stiff.


My last lesson, the pro had me coil around my right hip.. in other words keep my right hip stationary, your left coils around that and it produces alot of torque which in addition to round swing plane, lets you release (uncoil) producing sort of an explosion of energy on your down swing. My latest swing thought when i address the ball is to make sure i have good balance in my feet and feel really comfortable. I think concentrating on one thing during your swing lets the others happen naturally and you dont become encumbered with lots of distracting thoughts.


I saw this show years ago by Jimmy Ballard who was a pro at the blue monster (Doral). It revolutionized my game at the time. His premis was that the weight shift in golf is the same as the baseball swing without the stride. His drill was to hold a basketball in front of you in sort of a golf position and throw it sideways with both hands underhand. He said that is your weight shift in your golf swing. He also taught a drill of holding towels under your under arms during your swing and you should be able to swing without the towels dropping. This allows you to use your whole body during your golf swing. Once i started doing this i started banging the ball. I was driving farther then i ever had before.
i wish i could find his video cheap on ebay. His instruction show took about 8 strokes off my game.


dan i agree with u, i have like 5 or 6 keys to my swing but i only try to think about one at a time...i stopped playing for like three years ago b/c i started playing a ton and it kind of started driving me nuts, i would get mad if i didn't hit it great and then i would hit it worse and it was no fun...i'm getting back into it this year and i have to say i think i'm hitting it almost as good as i ever have hit it...my short game is not there yet but that's kind of another thing from hittin the ball....


I think 80 percent of your short game is confidence. Unlike other parts where technique is important, chipping and putting are all about moving your head etc.. which is caused because you dont feel confident on the success of your shot.. my opinion at least.


Active member
I have a few things i've been concentrating on but i don't plan on getting into anything advanced until i feel alot more comfortable and get some of my MAJOR ploblems under control. Plan on playing 18 tomorrow.... Rain, Rain, Stay the fuck away!

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