Are you going to rerelease them?Hello, I was very fortunate to have obtained Golden Voice seeds. This is a very rare strain.
I will grow this season and periodically post grow diary.
Anyone with info please post.
It’s actually Laotian. No idea how kagyu got it because heime told me I was getting the only pack he ever let out, then he died literally a week later. Kagyu showed up with it like a year or two later with heimes handwriting on it and it was right in the vicinity of time when Stoney turned up dead in the tub and some fool robbed his vault while he was still in there. Not saying it’s connected whatsoever, but Kagyu sure don’t like answering questions when asked about anything. And I know, because I tried. Too bad some people wanna hoard shit and go silent when asked how they got it, or whatever. It wasn’t an inquisition, but heime was my friend and frankly, something stinks…i heard GoldenVoice is a Cambodian Line.
A Hawaiian grower on IG has a Goldenvoice too, he says its north Indian..
I have eperienced that Hawaiian Folks have different Stories, things a bit unclear sometimes.
like to see a pic when uploading-function functions again..
That’s a fact jack“Golden Voice“ was a name given to Lao weed that a man named Terry Dawson first started smuggling into to Hawaii in 1968. It was ground into powder before shipping. its what largely led to the the start of the Hawaii/surfer/weed/smuggler era