About a month ago. She kept stretching for some weeks longer then my (Honduras x Panama) x New Caledonia crossWhen did she stop stretching? Mine is a little pass the light.
Thank the gods the stretch was less and less the older she got...
About a month ago. She kept stretching for some weeks longer then my (Honduras x Panama) x New Caledonia crossWhen did she stop stretching? Mine is a little pass the light.
Mine was stretching about 2 inches a day for the first 5 weeks. lol, I had to come up with something.About a month ago. She kept stretching for some weeks longer then my (Honduras x Panama) x New Caledonia cross
Thank the gods the stretch was less and less the older she got...
This GT 3rd never stops. I had to bend the cola in a loop.
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Muchas gracias senior!Congratulations @Hasch you did an amazing job taming so well the genetics indoors
Can't say much about flowering time. Maybe around beginning of OctoberHow long has she been flowering?
How would you describe her terpene profile now that she’s about to be harvested?