After the discovery of photoperiodism about a 100 years ago, it was discovered that plants could be kept in vegetative state when normally they would be exhibiting inflorescences. This is the vegetative schedule only. Not seedling, not flowering. To keep them in veg until you decide it's time.Some interesting points there RU,
Maybe I can chip in with some info
selfing plants does not breed hermaphrodism into their filial generation or produce weaker offspring. At least not right away.
The process is called recombination and mutation and while part of a filial generation can absolutely carry hermie traits, this is not affected let alone induced by where the pollen is coming from, the same plant or a different male one. A plant prone to hermies will likely pass this trait on to some part of its progeny, selfing it is not triggering this process more or less than any other pollination.
The 12-5.5-1-5.5 schedule works, I have tried it myself, but are you sure it benefits the plants? I get the electricity saving aspect, but the schedule seems rather unnatural to me and I wonder if it really makes plants grow better when it is not found anywhere in nature on this planet?
I found my plants to develop a bit weird under this regimen.
Therefore light interrupting the dark period keeps the plants near a flowering light schedule and it for a lack of better description, makes them anxious to reproduce, show their sex quickly, and in a low stress state. Yes they respond to certain hours of darkness by producing compounds to change its growth from veg to flowers. However, it seems they may also be responding and monitoring useable light hours, and temperature, possibly even humidity levels in some strains, to adapt their growth and expression in real time... real time for a plant is super slow. They respond and operate on extremely low frequency. So when you do something bad to it, it makes a bad face eventually maybe 12 hours later. Then it keeps that bad face for about 2 weeks. After that it's back to business. Ever noticed that?
Anyway, recently in a vegetative box the automation was not reset properly. Light was increased on the seedling schedule in that box instead of veg. The box next to it, containing the same stable cannabis was set correctly at 12-1 veg. Didnt notice it for a while, but thought, same conditions, why not compare? The bad light schedule 16-8, has produced a different plant shape and growth pattern. I'll put the pictures up of side by side when I get back to the abandoned property.
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