if ur goin to mexico or tijuana .. or playas.. .. then i would bring ur own weed ... and alot of money ...
i live blocks from the us/mexico boarder.. they will crack down on u for having weed.. just dont get caught.. and if u do get caught .. make sure u have at least 60 bucks in ur pocket.. and the rest in ur shoe.. to give the police.. they will let u go for a profit.. but as for buying weed.. i wouldnt.. unless u like .. crap black bricks.. or u meet someone.. that has weed.. if ur goin to playas or tj .. there is alot of americans that live there..so u might be able to conjure something up...
as for drinkin... DO NOT PISS OUT SIDE.. and DO NOT BE A STUPID DRUNK if ur goin to AVE .REVOLUTION cops hide around corners and such to catch dumb ass drunks pissing and being stupid..
and its always good idea to be with someone who speaks spanish..
Cabo San lucas is nice, you can go there and hang around at the Sr. Froggs, its cool... there are also some boats that take you around and shit, (been there once.)
MJ is prohibited, try to find someone who speaks english and spanish... cops there will hardly speak any enlgish...
Other than that, in mexican beaches the best place to get some pot, is in the beach... with the guys who are around for example the guys who manage lots of turism, like the guys who ride the bannanas and that kind of shit... when i went i didnt buy at all, but im preatty sure you can get there... you can always ask in the Sr Frogs, at a waiter... be cool around, and dont behave stupid...
Mexicans hate stupid people doing stupid things...
Another do not bring your own pot, if you get stoped by the militars its another thing than by the cops, if you get busted with militars you will not be able to brib them, they will do a HUUUUUUUUGE deal out of it belive me...
o i didnt see where u were goin..cabo is crap for weed.. .. i wouldnt try to get any down there from anything other then a american... and u say .. u dont party with americans umm senor frogs... im thinkin u never been to mexico..??? ummm that is where most of them are...... mexicans dont go party at there own clubs...
i also have experiance fromt he military .. tehy always are outside the club.. with there m16 .. ive talked my way into the club severaltimes when i was underage.. they usually work with the club owners and get a cut ..
mexicans love to steal from americans.. espically dumb ones lookin for dirt weed ..
ive been to cabo 4 times.. and all around mexico.. since i live so dam close.. and ill tell u .. i wouldnt smoke weed from mexico anyway.. and most of my friends are mexican from mexico or speak spanish and we dont ever fuck around like that..tryin to find dirt that "WONT" get u high.
i always bring my own weed.. they do not check u .. when u enter.. .. just every 2 miles u have to pay 2 dollers at a checkstop..i guess im a risk taker.. goin down to the 14 hour drive to cabo... which is the HOME of CABO WABO um... i do believe a white guy invented that...
but im just gonna tell u......
drunk in public =night in jail..fine..harassment.. worsttime u ever had..
they will fuck u over soo hard... way harder if u are drunk and not able to talk ur way out... and.. locals are always lookin for the dumb drunk white guys.. with there lil groups so they can jack u ..and jack u I REALLY MEAN THE COPS>jackin u.. all they want is money.. ..
im just gonna tell u .. ive almost been arrested once.. but i slipped out of sight.. but my friends have been arrested several times. and stayed in jail.. some even got DUI's and ... trust me.. alcohol is 10x worse and all of this before the age of 21..cause most people who party in mexico are High school kids..
so be safe.. and dont do anything u see on movies or tv.
Take 5 or 10 grams or a bit of hash and make it into a pressed ball. Tape it up with duct tape. Tape it to your underwear and don't worry. no one will put a dog to you or pat you down. It's unsafe to take alot like over a Z etc, but a small pellet or a hash ball in the underwear, has kept me sane on many trips to many countries...just what I would do. I would have no fun going anywhere if i didn't have my good meds..
I drove to San Jose del Cabo last summer with a couple friends and we were able to score a decent bag of Mex (if such a thing even exists) from a guy on the beach in Cabo San Lucas(25 min bus ride or 20 min drive). It was in bud form and nearly seed-free. The first sack he tried to sell us was crap-brown, full of stems and seeds. Moral of the story: dont buy the first sack you see, those are for the stupid 'gringos'.
The best way to ensure you get some good smoke in Cabo is to take your own, if that isnt an option, its in the hands of the pot gods.
As it turns out, we had no problems at all. I had been to the south baja 4 times before this, but the last being 4 years ago. It had grown quite a bit since then. That 20 minute drive from jose to cabo, that used to be a 45 minute..bumpy ride.