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Well-known member
sadly both of my male AK-47 {motherland} plant's are holding a very strong cherry aroma which is what i do not want in this line, there for no new ak-47 f3 seeds will be made in this round.

CHERRY PEBBLE OGEE F1 will be a new strain from this run.

fpog ic1 * ak-47 f2 {cherry}

the male ak-47 f2 {cherry phenol} that i will be using in this new hybrid.
ak-47 f2 #2-1.JPG
ak-47 f2 #2-2.JPG

onward friends ..


Well-known member
ahhh crap

ABORT ABORT ABORT not 100% but been doing this a long time and i fill the DURBAN POISON work will be no more by Monday/Tuesday. found a couple males just now and i think 4 herm's, i have one that is showing strong female but that could and most likely will over the next couple of day's.

these are appearing to be just shit plant's bad GENETICS. will hold for a couple more days then bammmm there out of here. all 8 plant's which will leave my total number in this round to a very very low number, would never want to do a full run with this few plant's. this is the bad side of running all or mostly seeds over a half and half clone seed run. better chance at finding something new and awesome but also you get this which is a real drag on my overall mood for this grow.

i still have some nice strains to work with so ya fuck it.



Well-known member
Merry Xmas Bro , here`s hopin you find some keepers in your mad scientist laboratory.....So many hype strains that turn out mostly intersex hermi-prone and Hell .....some that won`t even produce viable seed if you jizz em to try and build a new base to work off of......anyways.......Got faith in your cross breedin abilities as well as bringin out the best in all you play witth so.....

Keep strokin and......



Well-known member
well shit a bit more confused then before after reading some of that thread.

so i was told that the DMT seeds were a sourbubble phenol, but in that thread steel is saying there totally different. also from what i read i'm going to say the outcross was a bubba kush {??} which fits pretty perfectly with what these plants are showing.

need to find out what makes up the sour bubble, something crossed with a bubba kush.

humm ..


Well-known member
Merry Xmas Bro , here`s hopin you find some keepers in your mad scientist laboratory.....So many hype strains that turn out mostly intersex hermi-prone and Hell .....some that won`t even produce viable seed if you jizz em to try and build a new base to work off of......anyways.......Got faith in your cross breedin abilities as well as bringin out the best in all you play witth so.....

Keep strokin and......

thank you very much brother, yes its a sad blow but ive been around for a long ass time and i will just move forward and look to the future for more interesting and hopefully an elite or two things to be found.

still doing my own thing over here and I THINK i have created some really good strain not that any one would know thats not in the know of who i am. like always it takes a couple years for anything of mine to get any attention, it usually does.

i'll keep plugging away ..


Well-known member
double heather ready for some buds, cuts just taken so lets see what she's got to offer.


ohh ya a male DURBAN POISON from some s1 seeds.

peace ..


Well-known member
damn sadly im getting a lot of cherry in my ak-47{motherland} seeds, funny i know but thats not what i was after in this run. i have plenty of cherry ak-47 seeds but i need/want to get that more classic ak-47. i knew using the cherry f1 male was going to be great for the cherry work but he was so strong even my regular male/ females is holding the very cherry odor.

ran across a cherry vomit smelling one this morning so i think i will hit a branch and then look through those seeds to see if i at some point can get rid of the cherry all together in this line. never thought id be trying to get the cherry out of the ak-47.

onward ..


Well-known member
also ended up with 6 males and only two females with the DMT project, will make seeds with one and just see how the other turns out unseeded.

flip that on the chunk project got 1 male and three females, one of the females is not looking very good. going to go with the two that look decent one will be used for making fresh seeds the other will be hit with some DMT pollen. not at all sure what that might bring but we shall see if everything continues to go well over here.

peace ..


ICMag Donor
Hey Jaws very cool that you have AK-47…I actually was able to purchase some of that authentic back in the late 90s ?? it was very very very good


Well-known member
yes she's a killer strain for-sure.

i got the cherry cut back in 2016 same time i popped the last of my ak-47 original seeds, couple normal plant's and three cherry males. from there i just made the cherry med's {cherry ak-47 f2} and i also made the motherland {non cherry ak-47}.

back then all i had was the cherry male so he was used in the making of both cherry med's and motherland seeds, right now i'm actively trying to purge the cherry from the motherland strain. i'm having issues seeing the cherry male back then was so strong it's going to take a bit to get the cherry out of the line.

i have two males right now going of the motherland one is very strong in cherry the other is not, going to keep both use the cherry pollen for some fresh hybrids and the non cherry male will be used on the motherland female{s}. how ever sadly again the females also smell strongly of cherry so i will need make sure and marked correctly and next time around only work with those motherland f3 seeds that i NOW use the non cherry male on. so ya it's going to be a process, could i just pop more motherland seeds and hope for one or perhaps several non cherry phenols ahh ya but not going to go that rout. at this point i have one with no cherry and one with cherry kind of like what i have now HAHAHA.

going to have an extra durban poison and was thinking about hitting her with the cherry ak-47 but ya not sure on that yet, i think i should just leaver her alone and see how she flowers out normally.

peace ..

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