Well #4 and #3 were up front of the room and while they were growing i thought they could be described as a cherry mentholy kind of smell with #4 being the strongest but by the end # 3 seemed to be the stronger one. # two had a sweet woody smell to her which reminded me of the cut of ak i used to have after tasted like which was pretty much all sandlewood. # 1 was the loudest of the bunch but i couldnt really put a name to it but when i was trimming her i was like damn that could be some pretty loud cherry idk. I never got to grow the cherry cut or smell or taste her so who knows. I was kinda after something similar to that cut i used to have with these. i do miss that girl she hit me just right and put me right were i need to be. She went purple in the leaves and into the flower bracts a little at the end just like these she would be nice solid buds in the right conditions to much heat and she would be all loose and airy but anyway im rambling here so I'll probably be choosing a keeper on the quality of the high i like and not any cherry smell. Right now im kinda partial to #2 but that #1 is pretty dank...