Getting closer to being finished trimming up this round. 11 more quart jars to go.
I have never collected as much kief from the trim tray as I have with this batch. I'll end up with over an ounce of kief when all is said and done. 17g so far!
I told you. FAM95 is legit. I honestly can't be more thrilled. I'm really glad to know that when I preach something, that it pans out for everyone else as well - and the experience is more or less the same.
Very happy to see your results - along with a couple others - that really prove this line is a notch above. Your particular pheno that you seem to post most frequently, looks to lean a bit more towards the Corey than my personal keeper. It's like you have a mix between my #3 and my #2 phenos. And...well, #3 would have stayed around if she wasn't more sensitive that her siblings. She out yielded them - but she DID NOT out smoke them.
So very glad you have enjoyed your experience and have found nice flowers.
2 more jars of Fam95, and 2 more jars of Chemdawg left to trim and then this round is officially finished. Been a trimming machine for the last week and can now see the end in site.
I've hit 30g of kief collected from this trim session.
And...... I'm out of trimming jail. A little over 700g of really really nice quality buds. Also, ~45g of kief. It was a win of a grow! Thanks for following along!
Absolutely fantastic. Thanks for the show. Getting my rooms fully clean this weekend and will be popping seeds day after thanksgiving. Wish I had some of that keif so I could press It Have a nice thanksgiving