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Gigantic 10 Gallon Bogglegum


Bubblegum Specialist
Gratifying to Help Med Users

Gratifying to Help Med Users

I am pleased to have many good reports back and hopefully the best is yet to come from BOG Seeds. ;)

Flavors vary when growing from seed but when I talk about a flavor it isn't a hard pheno to find. If it were I wouldn't mention it because there is always variation in growth and phenotype when growing from seed. BOG


Bubblegum Specialist
March 4th...29 days flowering

March 4th...29 days flowering

All is according to plan and she is in perfect health. BOG :p

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Bubblegum Specialist
Closer look...

Closer look...

More resin but not a lot as yet...wait another week or 2. ;) BOG

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Anticipation is Making Me Wait

Anticipation is Making Me Wait

Been checking this thread recently for an update on that amazon bitch in the 10 gallon.

How about it BOG?:D


New member
ah a chance to watch a master at work

looking foward to seeing the monster buds at harvest time
, i've just ordered some of your lifesaver beans which i can't wait 2 grow,

thanks for sharing BOG



New member

As all your genetics are pretty hot Im looking for the best yield!

would you say that Bogglegum is a better yielder than BogBubble?

cheers BOG will keep an eye on the thread;)


Bubblegum Specialist
Individual results vary but

Individual results vary but

Either can yield big! :D

I didn't move the Giant this week to save my back and it is still in perfect health as you can see from this pic.

I should have taken off more lower branches sooner but now they all have buds so it's too late for that. ;)

5 weeks flowering last night when I took this pic...35 days flower.


Lifesaver, SC99, BMR and LSD all yield very well also... :p BOG


Bubblegum Specialist
Putting me on the spot but

Putting me on the spot but

So far SC99 has outyielded all my others by just a little bit when one yielded 8 oz in a 3.5 gallon pot. Maybe 4 at most and the SC99 flowers fast while still growing on some in flower. It can get too leggy but a good indica mom can be a great yielder.

Bogglegum, Bogbubble and Lifesaver as well as BMR all tend to grow on less in flower and may require a bit more veg time but all my strains are good yielders and the particular pheno you isolate as a clone will mean not all people will have the same experience. BOG :) The medley is my best deal and it is 2/3 SC99 with 1/3 bogglegum...


Bubblegum Specialist
Time Warp!!! 6 weeks but only 41 days?

Time Warp!!! 6 weeks but only 41 days?

Yo count 'em. I started flowering on Feb. 5th and there were 29 days in the month so 24 plus today is March 17th so plus 17 is 41. But, I swear it has been every Wednesday and it is 6 weeks. Am I counting wrong or is this weird? :confused:

Well the plant is doing fine so who cares? :p

I needed to replace a prop I had holding her up as she is too heavy and falls off it now. She's wired up to the wall now. The buds can't all be seen but she's big down under too... BOG :cool:


Now check the resins... :eek:



Totally sweet :cool:

So now that it is tied to the wall you can't get it out anymore?

Regardless you can tell it's an amazing plant.


Bubblegum Specialist
We will give it another week...

We will give it another week...

Then I will pull her out again and give her 48 hours of darkness before the chop. BOG :) that should be plenty long...


Bubblegum Specialist
My point is?

My point is?

Please understand that growing such a big plant indoors probably isn't advisable. I spent forever vegging her and why? In reality 4 plants of this clone vegged far less time would have yielded more so why do it?

I do them big sometimes just to show the potential of one of my strains. It is impressive but I don't mean to make people think this is what they should do with my seeds. Scrogging a few and vegging shorter times is more efficient. This monster needs underlighting as many lower buds will be small and hard to clean.

It looks like about 8 oz and it is a nice bush though. One of my favorite daytime smokes and you can't smell her at all unless you touch her and then she is very sweet. A Bonanza of Green, Bogglegum is my friends. So easy to grow but not just for rookies. This plant does very well outside as does SC99 so I hope you will try them and let me know. BOG :)

Here is a close up of some of my fresh SC99 bud finishing...


52 days flower


New member
I have a beef with you BOG ...

I have a beef with you BOG ...

I've been using my new Bonsai Hero electric trimming scissors that I picked up from Mila at the Polinator in Amsteram, and LOVING the fact that they reduce my manicure time by 60%!! Just love these babies (ask SoQuick for 2nd opinion - hooked him up with a couple o' pairs too).

BUT .... when I use them on my BOG strains (LS, BOBG, BMR) the damn things get so DAMN STICKY that they almost sieze up, and I have to go off and scrub 'em clean!!!

Damn you BOGGY - you are an EVIL, EVIL man


New member
I just caught the tail end of this thread, as I hadn't checked it since it started. All good info, because the penalty for growing goes by plant count in many areas. props!

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