My sprouted barley I do 2 ways.... sometimes I aerate similar to a kelp/alfalfa/EWC tea... pouring out the first days water to rid the seed coats growth inhibitors, fresh water added at seed crack and 2 days later, THAT is my tea.....
The 2nd method, I actually take advantage of the growth hormones to ensure a higher germination rate on my canna seeds.... I place my barley in a pie tin, inside a cloth... keep it moist until the barley begins to sprout. At this point I have a threadbare dishcloth I place my cannabis seeds in and place next to the barley seed's cloth.... The growth hormones from the barley seem to sprout my seeds much more rapidly... I also just slightly scuff my seeds with 600 grit auto sandpaper to allow moisture to penetrate more readily..... almost perfect germination rates so far....
start your own thread. And post a link hereNow that's what I call impressive popularity with a thread. In reception to this thread, I have started companion planting.
I have planted a mix of regular and african marigolds with my cannabis in the same coco pots (interplanting). I want a system that is based on a "minimum". What I mean by a minimum is I have very little room as it is in my grow box, and I only want the smallest amount of companion plants in taking up room inside of it.
I did marigolds to keep out the root bugs, and I will be planting some mint for the spider mites that marigolds attract. I will be planting some Roman (not German, (space concerned)) Chamomile and stinging nettle for nutrient benefits.
My questions for all watchers of this wonderful topic are as follows:
1: Because I am looking for the best space saving companion plants, what are the basics that are easy to grow, do the most (IE: "do the most": As in gets rid of the most bugs)? I just want the worlds shortest list of companion plants to cover all the possible bugs that could hurt my cannabis, but I want to have as few plants as possible to achieve this.
2: Although I am using Advanced nutrients PH perfect for my nutrients, I currently am planning for my next grow a cheaper option for nutrients, and something just as easy when in regards to not worrying about setting ph or anything, and it looks like companion planting might be a good way to do it according to someone on youtube known famously as theo m in regards to nettle and cannabis inter planted. But another thing I found as easy in regards to nutrients is using a "Living Soil", with the "Living Soil" trick, all you have to do is, feed the soil not the plant, and it is the cheapest method other than companion planting with stinging nettle I have ever seen, what is more impressive is ph and everything is taken care of with the "Living Soil" trick. And best part is, no root removal ever. Instead all you do is cut the plant off the stem and let the soil eat the roots left over and use roots as fuel to feed the soil even more which should provide nutrients for the next plant and so on. But from what I hear you need bugs for this to work. I was wondering is it possible to do this without the use of bugs? Like have a living soil I mean based off of nutrients made from companion planting and/or super soil, so that I can just keep the same soil over and over and let the nutrients keep feeding the plants, the plants keep feeding each other and then the roots feeding the soil to let the process never end. But again without bugs?
3: If it is not possible to do a bugless living soil then is it possible to have another alternative to recycling the dead roots by the same easiness as mentioned in the example of cutting the stem and after taking the plant out to harvest then leaving the roots to rot and become nutrients?
I originally wanted to do a super soil, then after reading online a super coco sounded better, then after researching companion planting seems to good to miss out on in regards to bug safety and nutrient feeds. And feeding the soil not the plant in regards to having perfect ph and letting the roots stay after harvest.
But again I hate the idea of adding to many plants to my interplanting.
In a perfect world I have coco over soil,
In a perfect world I have my roots left,
In a perfect world I have no concerns over feeding nutrients, other than feeding the soil, or at the least I can do a super coco and never have to worry about feeding or ph.
In a perfect world I have only 1 or two companion plants to take care of everything or almost everything.
So how many out of 4 examples of a perfect world above are possible with as little bugs and plants necessary?
May I ask the species of aloe being used, just curiousi borrowed from some of the foliar ideas & did my own versions. I alternated a cal-phos foliar {made by bubbling a TBS of cal-phos to a gal of water in my CT brewer for a few hours then straining in to my sprayer} w/ LOS' famous "kelp-falfa sprench" {same as cal-phos brew but 1/2 TBS ea of kelp meal and alfalfa meal} at the flip, this plant received a foliar of k-sil, aloe and ful-power {only one} and foliar was discontinued once flower set began