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getting pulled over question


The power trip is the most disgusting, putrid feeling in the world. Cops, who get a hard-on over telling someone waht to do, need help. Alot of cops, I've known, were the kids in school who got beat up alot. The bean can lid (badge) on the chest covers up their weak self esteem. It's so sad....


Active member
it's not only sad but it gives good, normal cops a bad name, and endangers the life of every cop on the streets imo. if people come to associate being arrested with hopelessness and getting screwed, alot more whack jobs are willing to fight/kill to get away. i think to some extent the good cops need to "police" the bad cops as well, for their own safety as well as morality.

like i said though, i bet if you figured it out, the good cops far outnumber the bad. it's just a sad fact that the bad stick out more. just like a retail job or food service. if someone has a good experience they tell 5 people. if someone has a bad experience they tell 50.


BruceLeeroy said:
it's not only sad but it gives good, normal cops a bad name, and endangers the life of every cop on the streets imo. if people come to associate being arrested with hopelessness and getting screwed, alot more whack jobs are willing to fight/kill to get away. i think to some extent the good cops need to "police" the bad cops as well, for their own safety as well as morality.

like i said though, i bet if you figured it out, the good cops far outnumber the bad. it's just a sad fact that the bad stick out more. just like a retail job or food service. if someone has a good experience they tell 5 people. if someone has a bad experience they tell 50.

Yep, just like criminals. Police have the "chronic 6%".


Active member
yeah, look at what the "bad" criminals have done for the rest of us. because of just a few crazies, now any time a cop serves a warrant, instead of coming to your house showing you the warrant and searching, now they break down the doors, point guns in your face and use force. why? because the crazies have made it so that they have to. i'm sure there are cops that rough up people for fun, but i think the vast majority of them just want to go home to their families at night.

i think thats one of the fundamental facts of life. the few bad apples spoil it for the rest of us, no matter what your line of work/hobbies. the shitty thing is that in the drug world, the cop's bad apples and the growers bad apples feed each other and it just gets uglier and uglier.

i have nothing against good cops, i dont hold any aspect of the drug war against them. it's the politicians and the corporate money they represent that i detest. they are the ones that get my hatred/disgust. cops dont make the rules, they just enforce them. the community would be much better served by realizing this and projecting their feelings to those who deserve it.



Active member
BruceLeeroy said:
cops dont make the rules, they just enforce them.

Sorry, this is not a valid justification for a person who happens to believe pot should be legal (and is a cop) to bust someone becuase they are "just doing their job."
There have been times at my line of work where the boss asked me to do something and I knew it was UNCONSCIONABLE so I told him I wouldn't do it.
If it meant I had to look for work elsewhere and made my life harder so be it.
At least I wasn't being hypocritical.
If a cop believes pot should be legal then they shouldn't be a cop OR they should perform "civil disobedience" and do everything in there power to let the potheads off. This applies to growers also. It is doubly hypocritical for a cop to let a possession rap go but bust a grower. Where do these cops think the pot comes from anyway?


Active member
hmmm, i'm thinking you just read the last post and responded to it. let me quote what i said from an earlier post...

".... i wouldn't be at all suprised to see that some are intentional mistakes. it'd be interesting to statistically compare the mistakes made on peaceful, non weapon non violent pot growing warrants vs. the ones made on violent weapon holding meth labs and see if the cops cut people more slack than is realized...."

as for holding it totally against cops that they bust people in the drug war, it's nice that you have the luxury of being able to hold fast to your ideals. some people, for whatever reason, don't have that luxury. so lets say john brown gets out of the military. he's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, has a wife and three kids and no prospective career for more than minimum wage excepting the police force. john doesnt like the drug war, would vote to legalize if he could, but can't afford to lose his job that feeds his family. he chooses to sublimate his belief for the well being of the other four people who depend on him. you call it hypocrisy. i call it honorable.

besides, i maintain that cops make alot more "intentional" mistakes on searches than people want to give them credit for.

as for judging them as hypocrits and pretending to know what is or isn't right and/or reasonable for them to do (quit, civil disobedience etc...), aren't you doing the exact same thing the prohibitionists do? thinking you know what is or isn't right or wrong for them when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes? you dont know their circumstances anymore than the person pushing criminalization of medicine knows what its like to suffer from cancer, crohn's disease, IBS etc..., and to judge them like you do is a mistake.

yes, in a perfect world, every cop that believed in legalization would push for it, not arrest smokers, or quit. of course then we'd be surrounded by militant cops that would be the end result of your idealism.

isn't it possible to believe in something, just not enough to fight and lay your life/livelihood on the line for it?



Active member
^Wow. That's some scary logic there.
Of course there are many people in the world who have hard circumstances but there are other OPTIONS for dealing with them then becoming a cop and truely negatively affecting other peoples lives.
You say it's honorable to take care of your family AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS. That's one slippery slope. If not negatively affecting others means life is harder for you and your family then this is exactly the road you must bear. Why should a family be any more valid then the lives of other human beings?

I live in SoCal and the task forces that bust grow ops around here would bust you just as soon as look at you. If you think they go around making all sorts of intentional mistakes in favor of the growers then you've never lived here before.
Steve McWilliams (look it up) was harrassed so bad by these same task forces that he eventually commited suicide from all the stress. Where were the so called mistakes for him?


I'am shrooming so don't mind the spelling...

Cops don't live with us. They have their own world. Mores and folkways.

Cops do what they do because there cops, not ciztiens. Thats why they call everybody else cilviions. It separates them from our culture. The bad cops are delt with inside this bubble. They raft on us means NOTHING. We'er civiions. We don't ware the badge, we don't have the blue line. And if you think the blue line is bullshit, it's jesus christ to them bastards. Make no mistake about any cop. The uniform transforms them to another world. A world where we are not. Kinda like a bullshit gang authorized by goverment. You only seee about 2% of what these bastards do to honest people. Honest or not, all cops look to another higher power then us. We are food. And they are damn hungry.

EWven the most honest cop, will keep his or her mouth shut about certain shit. Ya'll just don't know waht that world is like. You don't have laws that govern you. You have the goddam badge honor and all the happy go lucky horseshit that come with it.

Never trust a fuckin cop. Unless they have thrown the bagde the fuck away. My old bagde is a reminder of how laws are created by the rich, for there values. NOT OURS.

They are goddamn fuckin' tools of the "power elite". And they are strong. Like blood and feed on the poor and helpless. Try and stand against them and you are nothing more then crazy people in WACO Texas. They are modern day nazi's. Plain and simple.

Honset cop has nothing to do with shit. Bad cops have nothing to do with shit. The DEA, FBI and all the other fuckhads are toools of the powerful people. Freedom is a fuckin' myth told to children. We can't even smoke a fuckin' plant wiothout being locked the fuck up. It's not that it's bad are fuckin' good.

It's all about some rich ass motherfuckers don't believe our culture is eaul to theirs.

Most fucking wars are determine to kill off poor people.

I't not about laws, its about MONEY and who the fuck has it. If Bill Fuckin' Gates wants MJ legal. You can bet you ass the prissident will be smoking it. BUsh is a nobody. A fuckin puppet on a goddasmn string...All you fuckers that bad mouth bush...need to figure it all out. Look behind the doors of the rich and fucking powerful. It's not him. IT"S FUCKING MONEY AND WHO HAS IT. MONEY KILLS, MONEY RAPES, MONEY GETS AWAY WITH IT ALLLLLL>
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And I will say it agin. Listen real good Canada, listen up UK.

Money is what mkaes the world turn. Money will and does buy you happiness. Borders mean shit. Countries mean shit. Money is god.

What single law was made by a poor man? Cops were create to be protect the powerful in the first place. Thats how, all these years, we have cops partrolling our streets. They deal only with symptoms and not the cause. They were designed this way. They keep us suppressed just enough not to demand the right to be human beings. Ever wonder how in the hell Aztecs and Indians survived for centuriees without cops? They did'nt have a fuckin' class system.

Freedom is a fuckin' myth told to children.
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