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Getting a Job


stoned agin ...
im with s4l and gramps ... if you can cut free and head out west to oilsville, it's sounds like the gold rush, shortage of labor. there is a big lack of skilled trades, i would think apprenticeship programs are ripe out there. you've got electrical/electronic training, you've got a leg up. you've got a record, as long as it's not robbery etc. you may be ok, a private contractor is like the foreign legion LOL as long as there's tons of work to get done, you get the job done done, the cops aren't looking for you and you're zero problem. stay out of the card games, the whore houses and the drugs, and you could come out of it with $$$ and your papers, and bang, you're a winner! :)

education is key. that can mean a degree in biochemistry, or it can mean having your papers as a licensed electrician, plumber, stationary engineer, you name it. i knew a guy was a fine finish carpenter, what a lazy mo-fo ... but he always had plenty of people looking for his skills.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I spoke to a friend out in Minot ND who went there out of desperation, there's work available in Minot & Williston as mentioned before.

In Minot they've literally imported asian girls (no they don't speak english) to work in the McDonalds because they can't keep able bodied residents from leaving for BIG money in the area. In Williston you'll wait 30-45 minutes for your food @ McD's.......

and as previously mentioned, bring your own house 'cuz you won't be finding any rentals whatsoever, any small travel trailer will do for this time of year and would give you time to find a warmer one once you have some real jing in hand.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
i would think apprenticeship programs are ripe out there.
We call "apprentices" worms in the oilfield. ;)

Worm programs are ripe in the Baken Shale etc right now. :biggrin:

Go in a worm, work you ass off, and come out a hand. Then walk out with a boat load of cash after a few years. All kinds of skills are needed.

No doubt it's hard work and not for everybody. Especially not these days when some Americans (particularly generation X and beyond) are........ ummm.... a little bit soft. But back in the Depression days and periods of real organic growth in the country hard work that demanded sacrifice was the name of the game.

You had to travel to where the work was to make a decent living and the opportunity to make it "big". And more importantly, you had to be ready to physically and mentally compete against a lot of other hungry individuals (metaphorically and sometimes literally).

That's the way I was raised anyway. My parents moved from country to country following the booms and busts to provide me the best opportunity. Dad knows what poverty is being raised on an east texas farm. He was motivated. And so am I.

Want a job? Go make a hand. :joint:


Active member
You had to travel to where the work was to make a decent living and the opportunity to make it "big". And more importantly, you had to be ready to physically and mentally compete against a lot of other hungry individuals (metaphorically and sometimes literally).

If I wasn't already rooted down here growing....I would be all over this. What a great opportunity for those who are needy and smart enough to jump on it. There is nothing (other than self hemployment) like the self satisfaction that comes with doing honest work for good pay.

While we're on the subject.......I bet there is one hell of a market for high grade herb there in Minot waiting to be tapped. There is an Air Force base there too, and the place is way the hell out in the boondocks. Basically a huge concentration of young people with poor money management skills, lots of disposable income, and not much else to do but party. Potentially quite lucrative. If I was starting a grow somewhere, that's the type of place I'd pick to set up shop....



I spoke to a friend out in Minot ND who went there out of desperation, there's work available in Minot & Williston as mentioned before.

In Minot they've literally imported asian girls (no they don't speak english) to work in the McDonalds because they can't keep able bodied residents from leaving for BIG money in the area. In Williston you'll wait 30-45 minutes for your food @ McD's.......

and as previously mentioned, bring your own house 'cuz you won't be finding any rentals whatsoever, any small travel trailer will do for this time of year and would give you time to find a warmer one once you have some real jing in hand.

Would don't own my own rust bucket so I can't just go out there and stay in my car. IF they still have a boom after I finish up school and get my electrical license I'm going.


We call "apprentices" worms in the oilfield. ;)

Worm programs are ripe in the Baken Shale etc right now. :biggrin:

Go in a worm, work you ass off, and come out a hand. Then walk out with a boat load of cash after a few years. All kinds of skills are needed.

No doubt it's hard work and not for everybody. Especially not these days when some Americans (particularly generation X and beyond) are........ ummm.... a little bit soft. But back in the Depression days and periods of real organic growth in the country hard work that demanded sacrifice was the name of the game.

You had to travel to where the work was to make a decent living and the opportunity to make it "big". And more importantly, you had to be ready to physically and mentally compete against a lot of other hungry individuals (metaphorically and sometimes literally).

That's the way I was raised anyway. My parents moved from country to country following the booms and busts to provide me the best opportunity. Dad knows what poverty is being raised on an east texas farm. He was motivated. And so am I.

Want a job? Go make a hand. :joint:

Electrical helper position is still available looking to see how this goes with subway first since my foot is in the door.


Actually you can. I know a guy that went out there and slept in his car for a few weeks until his name came up for an open bed in one of the "man camps" as they call them. Eventually he got a better position with the company and they had arrangements made for slightly better housing that he moved into. It's certainly rough living initially but he made it. :)


Active member
If I wasn't already rooted down here growing....I would be all over this. What a great opportunity for those who are needy and smart enough to jump on it. There is nothing (other than self hemployment) like the self satisfaction that comes with doing honest work for good pay.

While we're on the subject.......I bet there is one hell of a market for high grade herb there in Minot waiting to be tapped. There is an Air Force base there too, and the place is way the hell out in the boondocks. Basically a huge concentration of young people with poor money management skills, lots of disposable income, and not much else to do but party. Potentially quite lucrative. If I was starting a grow somewhere, that's the type of place I'd pick to set up shop....

I had a friend work for the Air Force up there.
He was piss tested a lot. Apparently the fake weed crap sells better up there because they don't have a test for it.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
While we're on the subject.......I bet there is one hell of a market for high grade herb there in Minot waiting to be tapped. There is an Air Force base there too, and the place is way the hell out in the boondocks. Basically a huge concentration of young people with poor money management skills, lots of disposable income, and not much else to do but party. Potentially quite lucrative. If I was starting a grow somewhere, that's the type of place I'd pick to set up shop....
You could get loaded quick I imagine. The area has some good bud coming in from Oregon, but if you could set up shop local you'd make a killing. The tiny little police force they have is totally overwhelmed with the boom to worry about pot growers.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Actually you can. I know a guy that went out there and slept in his car for a few weeks until his name came up for an open bed in one of the "man camps" as they call them. Eventually he got a better position with the company and they had arrangements made for slightly better housing that he moved into. It's certainly rough living initially but he made it. :)
Sleeping in the car is how almost everyone that is not already with a company starts out up there. It's not so bad now as the weather is warming up, but was pretty dangerous a couple of months ago.

It can be done if you can get past the initial misery. It's all about how much you are willing to sacrifice and suffer today to be better off tomorrow.


That is true. You really need to time your start date when planning to sleep in the car. I'm from the exact same climate so I know all to well how bad the cold can be. The last few nights it's been below freezing so even this time of the year you still need to be cautious.

Another thing to consider is drug testing requirements. I never asked my buddy what he had to do but I'm currently trying to get a job in the mining industry in a different location and they hair test. Basically a person needs a good three months clean to pass that damn test.

If someone is willing to relocate and has at least a couple of years of school take a look at US Steel and Cleveland Cliffs. They offer well paying jobs that typically start around 23-24/hour depending on location for union laborers. The job I'm shooting for starts around 31/hour as a millwright. The hours are kind of a bitch but not the worst. 12 hour days, never more than 4 in a row and you get a full 8 days off in a row once per month. Overtime is almost always available if one wants it. My cousin made around 130k last year and my brother made 90k. I'm currently on the list for testing so I'm just waiting on my number to come up.


stoned agin ...
they have anything out there in the way of hostels, etc? somewhere where you can just bunk down? and at least half-ways legit, not a rip?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
they have anything out there in the way of hostels, etc? somewhere where you can just bunk down? and at least half-ways legit, not a rip?
The anecdotal evidence I've heard is that any cubby hole where you can stick a human costs big money up there. I've heard of small apts going for up to $3000/month now. Just because companies are willing to pay the price to house employees. The locals are pissed because they are getting priced out of the market. There are cheaper I'm sure, but it's still crazy.

Finding a hookup for a fifth wheel is even difficult. These places have little infrastructure to support the population increase. I spent a whole winter up there about 6 years ago and it was booming then, but now it's madness. They are building any kind of housing as fast as they can and it's still not enough.

Hell, even in west Texas around midland and Odessa wait time for apts is around 4-5 months. It's getting crazy there too. Not as crazy as ND though.


Active member
Electrical helper position is still available looking to see how this goes with subway first since my foot is in the door.

The construction field has many people with records working in it. not to say everyone in it has a criminal record. if u are young and have a good back, then yeah, learn a trade and use that to your advantage. unless your going to open a deli, i dont see subway as a step up. unless it has full bennys and u need to take advantage of that. think about it....electrician or sandwhich artist? what sounds better?

also, nothing wrong with taking a class or two at college as well. knowledge is power. the more u have the better off u are. if u live at home, save all that $ as well.


Active member
hell yeah!!

go for the subway "sandwich artist"....i see a bright future :wave:




Why people would mis-interpret me like I plan on being a sandwich artist after I get done with school is beyond me. I'm going into the trade that I'm studying currently. Good one Nokuy figured you had to troll me since you make so many useless threads.

Nokuy your just mad I didn't take my ass to alaska and hop on a ship I would but it wasn't to be great future there as well its just temporary work.