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Gettin the Hands Dirty: Mother Search 2021


Active member
Based on our "plants on the concrete" conversation, I decided to get all plants off the concrete. Luckily, I was already planning on doing this when I ordered my shelves. The best part, or one of the best 3 parts of these shelves, is that they all connect to each other since they are technically made for flooring, not shelving. They also are completely breathable and have grip on top that should hold the fabric pots in place very well.

Here is a picture of my whole veg area decked out....it made so much more room too...:


Here is the actual free flower veg:


And here is my young mom/rooting/tweener veg:



Active member
I hope the garden is cozy and warm getting ready to blast off for 2022. :smoker:

Sorry for the delay in posting.... My grow has continued through the time my computer took a shit and I had to get parts out here to BFE and get it fixed.....several changes over the last two months....I will get into with my next update, which I will do in the next day or two....I just got it up and running last night, so I have a lot of catching up to do first. Stay tuned... 2022 is going to be a big year....Ive got the Humboldt seed company moms and several Serious Seeds strains in the young mother club. And my mother search has pretty much come to a close. I have found a couple strong keepers, and the Serious/Humboldt strains are looking very strong. Stay tuned....I'll do a full update in the next day or two.