Oh right, cause Monsanto patented a strain of corn right? Show me the patent....
You can't patent a living thing...lol. Wtf are you talking about?
Oh right, cause Monsanto patented a strain of corn right? Show me the patent....
You can't patent a living thing...lol. Wtf are you talking about?
You will go any direction the Government tells you to
Show me the patent....it's not for a plant. You guys know how the patent process works right?
They patented a process lol. Big difference.
Why are peeps posting links to bs articles instead of scientific papers or patents??
Why are peeps posting links to bs articles instead of scientific papers or patents??
The burden of proof isn't on me. That's why lol.
Not sure why everyone is crying about GMO's, when they have been eating GMO's for years and haven't even realized it...
90% of all corn and 94% of all soy is GMO...
I remember a study saying the typical American is 70% carbon, from corn...
Someone EXPLAIN TO ME why GMO's are bad. Why do YOU in particular hate them, you consume it now....
Most people who I ask this question to, without a computer in front of them to give em answers, are just following what they have heard from people and cant give a reason except "what they heard"...
who cares if they got patents i mean not like anyone here is growing fields of marijuana so even if you purchased a patented strain for growing in a room or closet not like there going to come crashing your door down and throwing you in jail for cloneing 2 plants lol
See this is just grasping at shit someone thinks of monsanto making a patent strain and it getting blown out of proportion typical non sense
Love it can't wait for more non sense to appear on this thread how about aliens refuse to make crop circles in GMO fields haha