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General Advice for Young Folks


Well-known member
been re-reading this thread, and there is some top advice here....
def needs to be a sticky, should be seen by all!!


listen to what your parents are telling you, they're not trying to piss on your parade insomuch as they're trying to impart their wisdom from past experiences of their own. some advice may need to be interpreted to fit todays situations more closely but just slow down a bit and think about it.
are you the kind of person who would succumb to peer pressure to "stop being a sissy and take off that safety belt" even though you know it's the right thing to do? don't ride without being belted in, they're designed to save lives, use them.
spend 3 or 4 nights at the bar sober, 100% sober and watch your friends and almost everyone else around you become idiots & asshats as the night wears on, then remember that you either fit right in there or you don't. grow up now, stop throwing your money away at bars and clubs.


Active member
pull your pants up ,you look stupid and nobody wants to see your underwear
And just so you youth know, saggin was born in prison, in LA county, and the reason was strickly because a man came in young talkin crap, then was ganged raped to the point he likes it now, so in the future he would let his crack show to let other inmates know he is open for business! No this is not fake, it is very true, just most who made it a fade now have no clue, but I promise you there will be a big juicy ex inmate who will look at you way different than you think, so if you want to send messages to ones who see it that way, then by all means do it, and if you love the negative attention that will come from society, well you will only limit your life to those who want to sag too, and thats basically blind leading the blind!

Also from a street fight point of view, since it is a street thang, you dont want to come across someone like me, ex cage fighter talking shit with your pants that way, you already lost, and you cant even run away if you tried!


Think before you speak, and if you've got nothing nice to say, keep your mouth shut.
Sound advice :ying:


Active member
And just so you youth know, saggin was born in prison, in LA county, and the reason was strickly because a man came in young talkin crap, then was ganged raped to the point he likes it now, so in the future he would let his crack show to let other inmates know he is open for business! No this is not fake, it is very true, just most who made it a fade now have no clue, but I promise you there will be a big juicy ex inmate who will look at you way different than you think, so if you want to send messages to ones who see it that way, then by all means do it, and if you love the negative attention that will come from society, well you will only limit your life to those who want to sag too, and thats basically blind leading the blind!

Also from a street fight point of view, since it is a street thang, you dont want to come across someone like me, ex cage fighter talking shit with your pants that way, you already lost, and you cant even run away if you tried!

Many people think that sagging was created that way cause it's funny....

That isn't how it started at all, just an urban legend.



Active member
disagree old fart. They call it smart phones.. so when you see something that isn't right. You grab your smart phone go to google type in the problem and you;ll find the answer most of the time. There for it makes you smart.

Not smart enough to use "therefor" correctly, apparently.


Well-known member
if you are gonna insist on being stupid, do it while you are young. aint no damn fool like an old fool...plus, you heal up quicker while you're a yonker. :biggrin:


Active member
Many people think that sagging was created that way cause it's funny....

That isn't how it started at all, just an urban legend.

Pleaase by all means you hold on tight to that statement if indeed you ever visit county, or the clink....Matter of fact this may be the very thing this thread is about, you wont listen to your elders, or sound advice, so I always let Mr. big man do it his way after warned, its fun to see faces of disbelief, but in this case, Id rather let you figure it out without arguing, guess your the only person who believes that all men locked up for 20 plus years never ever would rape a man!

So this brings me to another point of advice- No matter what some one says to help you protect your O'so precious O-ring just heed the advice, this is something you should not try to debunk- but hey if you want to go MythBuster style and find out please let us know how that works out! He he...:laughing:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
number one"don't sweat the small stuff"
number two"don't sweat the small stuff"
number three" It's all small stuff"...... headband 707


Active member
Pleaase by all means you hold on tight to that statement if indeed you ever visit county, or the clink....Matter of fact this may be the very thing this thread is about, you wont listen to your elders, or sound advice, so I always let Mr. big man do it his way after warned, its fun to see faces of disbelief, but in this case, Id rather let you figure it out without arguing, guess your the only person who believes that all men locked up for 20 plus years never ever would rape a man!

So this brings me to another point of advice- No matter what some one says to help you protect your O'so precious O-ring just heed the advice, this is something you should not try to debunk- but hey if you want to go MythBuster style and find out please let us know how that works out! He he...:laughing:

I am an "elder," and I can also tell you that the "sagging pants = prison punk" is urban legend.


Active member

lost in a sea


youth and speed are no match
for old age and treachery.......

^^ some real wisdom there..

my advice to the youth is based around the old adage "keep your friends close and your enemies even closer"

my point is that your enemies in this lifetime have you really close to them from birth and that the propaganda and history you are exposed to are written by the current rulers to help decide your fate..



Some really great posts here for sure especially Brother Bear's on the first page, how poignant I have never thought about it that way but have always thought I have never really learned anything other than trades after the six grade :rasta:

My favorite words of wisdom, "What makes a man a man, is what he does when no one is looking"

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