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General Advice for Young Folks


Active member
if your same-age friends all need to shave and you don't, do not be envious.

don't start shaving your face hoping to grow a moustache or a beard. if you're in your mid-20's and you're still not shaving, you're lucky, not cursed.


paraphrasing Twain, " it isn't what you don't know that will bring you trouble - it's what you know for certain that just ain't so."






Bad times come with good times. Sometimes those bad times may last for YEARS, but don't EVER fucking give up. EVER. Suck it up. Drive the fuck on. You WILL eventually come out of whatever fucked up situation you think you are in.


Learn how to make everyday a good day! Be good to people, they may be good to you in return. Love your family right now...go do it , find a way, make it happen. and listen to all these smart peoples words^^^^^^^^^^^^^ it inspired me and im 45. I learn everday. YOU CAN TOO. FH


Active member
Work smart, not hard.

Always wear clean underwear (in case you're in an accident).

Best regards,



Power Armor rules
Learn how to garden.
Get off your damn smart phone because it makes you dumb.
Stop wearing tight pants thinking its cool.
Shut up and listen.
Read more books.

Get off your damn smart phone because it makes you dumb.


disagree old fart. They call it smart phones.. so when you see something that isn't right. You grab your smart phone go to google type in the problem and you;ll find the answer most of the time. There for it makes you smart.


don't go out of your way to be a dick unless you absolutely have to. bad habits are hard to break


Kiss My Ring
careful of who the hell you punk.

life is short, death not so much.

better to have loved and lost than not known.

bet the don't come.


Active member
definitely go to school. make something out of yourself b-4 u get too old. seperate your weed growing with people that have nothing to do with it. they dont need to know. review rule # 1 tell nobody. never ever forget rule #1. If you grow for yourself- thats one thing. start sellin- risks go way,way, up. ask yourself now if that risk is worth takin. ill answer that for you. the more times u do sell, the more chance u take of gettin popped. in the long run, slow and steady wins. theres no overnight millionaires in the weed business. alot of risks, some rewards, and many downs as well.
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Despite what your parents told you - you are not all special. Some of you are just plain dumb, and some of you are average. The rest, maybe something special, maybe not. Not for me to judge, but the world WILL let you know.

Don't hit your spouse/significant other. Just don't.

If your boss says no texting at work - put your fucking phone away. Seriously.

Don't complain about being bored at work - it's fucking work, not a holiday. If you're bored, keep it to yourself.

Don't call in sick every couple of weeks - that's bullshit. You are making other people do your work because you are a lazy little shit.

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