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Gene Traders Ludlow Mass Sunday Jan 14th


ICMag Donor
A well known breeder here on icmag sent his son to a gene traders a coupe years ago. He unknowingly brought home cuts that were just stuck in soil, no roots at all. Buyer beware.


Active member
Nah man its some good points.

Nah man its some good points.

I like these events and the idea of these events and I've even been to a few and more and the problem I see now is going to these and getting "grower AIDS"...

And I mean... Like..> Anything! Everything!

Selling cuts, trading cuts, and every grower from miles around interacting... LOL if people are worried about this bullshit china virus, I'll tell you what I worry about > Powdery mildew and root aphids.

I've seen plenty of times I've been there and there are noticeable signs of bug damage on clones being sold. You're probably not going to see the bug, but you'll see the slight signs... Spotting, "flaking", and some other symptoms of munchers.

Does anyone even, at least, SPRAY THEIR SHOES with some sort of soapy cleaning or other disinfecting agent before you get in your car???

Are you going to strip off (or burn) all your clothes before you get in the car?

How about when you get in your house? Or before??

"Hey would you hand me a towel when I get home so the neighbors don't see me running from the car inside I have to run to shower in the bathroom when I get back" <<<< pretty much a real story.

oh and yeah theres the...

"YES I would like to do your high paying consulting job and try and fix your horrible problem with mold and bugs. EXCEPT I don't want to bring that shit home with me are you nuts?? How much are you paying me??? You do know all my strains are better than yours???"

So like... I'm just sayin.... Even I may go.. Cause like, I'm bored! Its good times! Good weed! Fun to see people and support the industry! And fuck this fake virus no being social bullshit! We're weed people. We're scofflaws. Omg someone shoot me I used the word "scofflaw"....


Do I want to buy those cuts??? Sure... Uh..> I'm not paying prob over $50 from a guy especially for stuff I don't know isn't coming from a tissue culture lab-level cloning operation, with no pedigree, no trust, no at least somewhat of a company, and even then, you only cut away the vectors for disease in TC and once it's out of the lab, forget it, you are simply introducing mold and disease back onto supposedly "clean" clones.

But that's just me, cause I'm all set. Someone might need to pay $100+ dollars or more for some good cuts, yeah, I mean, honestly it's probably the minimum I would charge at an event like this also for some stuff. .... You know, you do retail, you know you have your low money, your mid money, and your high range. And they can just clone it forever, sell it as clones even, etc.,.
But jesus christ I wouldn't charge my friends that lol.

Also I use AGE as much as "elite-ness" or status as a metric for how much a clone is worth money wise (along with how good the high/flavor is as well)... FOR INSTANCE.. Something under 5, or especially 3 years old as a clone, is worth much less than something over 5 years, which at that point could garner a price label over $100.

Usually depending how good something is, I would tack on anywhere from $100 dollars to $10,000 dollars per year that cut has been alive (in that keeper's possession). Anything less than 5 years old I really wouldn't do this for though > it simply hasn't proven itself worthy through the test of time on many levels, first being market viable, but also being able to simply survive the barrage of diseases and pests that will likely befall it, which also takes some love and care of a grower to keep it... Meaning, it was worth keeping as well versus anything else.

So even with your Cannomic Labs clones, who I think will be there... Like, you're walking into an open sewer and the white plague is airborne, the worst threats are microscopic. They travel in your clothes, your hair, and your feet.

I'm not knocking the event, I'm just saying be careful.

Not of that china virus bs again. I think you have more to worry about with bad MA drivers than that.:headbange

And the bugs! Like. Burn your clothes. And the cuts you buy after. And seeds. Just like. Assume there's spores and stuff on there. So like, yeah. Spend your money, drive that economy, and burn it. Cause you realize shit! What were you thinking lol! And it's ok, you realize ahh well. You helped out the economy.

Oh.. and theres these neat handheld UV wands being sold at home depot.. Sure you can grab em online... DO they work for viruses (and mold)??//... Uh... Maybe.. BUT FUCKING CHRIST SELL SOME EYE PROTECTION WITH IT WILL YA! >... the warning on the back is not enough.. DO NOT look at that shit. Christ. "Hey Lets sell some blinding wands with very little warning" "ok!" lol.

But Idk I saw those and thought hell yeah, seeing as using UV is something I want to incorporate into things and many commercial setups already are using uv cleaning lighting in their ductwork and so on.... Something like those wands is very good for this and the home, IF they work.. Shit.. If those things can kill mold.. AND other bugs. Mold alone is good enough but... Man.. Can someone get Med Genomics on this?? Maybe I'll hit someone up...

My everything was ruined by someones bugs


Active member
At this point I pretty much expect any clone I take in to have bugs...that’s what quarantine is for...but even that doesn’t always work.


Well-known member
only $300 to get a real votski or Brunson cut??? that's hella cheap. Brunson's in that video with Cardi B right?

I haven't heard of Votski or Brunson but if they're really popular it's only worth that if you plan to charge $50 a cut. I'd personally just wait until someone else does that. Lol, seems just a matter of time, finally see someone is charging $60 for Mac1 thinking about grabbing that one.


Well-known member
Anybody know a guy from Boston area whos sold clones at a few events, young guy, wears shades, super fit girl with him.. Got a pineapple mimosa plant from him that was pretty darn good


Well-known member
I like these events and the idea of these events and I've even been to a few and more and the problem I see now is going to these and getting "grower AIDS".

Does anyone even, at least, SPRAY THEIR SHOES with some sort of soapy cleaning or other disinfecting agent before you get in your car???

Are you going to strip off (or burn) all your clothes before you get in the car?

How about when you get in your house? Or before??

"Hey would you hand me a towel when I get home so the neighbors don't see me running from the car inside I have to run to shower in the bathroom when I get back" <<<< pretty much a real story.

"YES I would like to do your high paying consulting job and try and fix your horrible problem with mold and bugs. EXCEPT I don't want to bring that shit home with me are you nuts?? How much are you paying me??? You do know all my strains are better than yours???"

Do I want to buy those cuts??? Sure... Uh..> I'm not paying prob over $50 from a guy especially for stuff I don't know isn't coming from a tissue culture lab-level cloning operation, with no pedigree, no trust, no at least somewhat of a company, and even then, you only cut away the vectors for disease in TC and once it's out of the lab, forget it, you are simply introducing mold and disease back onto supposedly "clean" clones.

But that's just me, cause I'm all set. Someone might need to pay $100+ dollars or more for some good cuts, yeah, I mean, honestly it's probably the minimum I would charge at an event like this also for some stuff. .... You know, you do retail, you know you have your low money, your mid money, and your high range. And they can just clone it forever, sell it as clones even, etc.,.
But jesus christ I wouldn't charge my friends that lol.

Also I use AGE as much as "elite-ness" or status as a metric for how much a clone is worth money wise (along with how good the high/flavor is as well)... FOR INSTANCE.. Something under 5, or especially 3 years old as a clone, is worth much less than something over 5 years, which at that point could garner a price label over $100.

Usually depending how good something is, I would tack on anywhere from $100 dollars to $10,000 dollars per year that cut has been alive (in that keeper's possession). Anything less than 5 years old I really wouldn't do this for though > it simply hasn't proven itself worthy through the test of time on many levels, first being market viable, but also being able to simply survive the barrage of diseases and pests that will likely befall it, which also takes some love and care of a grower to keep it... Meaning, it was worth keeping as well versus anything else.


I completely agree with your points about pest avoidance and clone value.

On one hand, I would love to be able to go to an event where I could discuss cannabis growing face to face with people and trade genetics and information.

On the other hand, an event with all those growers is a recipe for bringing unwanted issues backto the garden with you.

I love your points about the bugs and diseases. That isn't talked about enough. I'm hesitant to bring any clone into the room, let alone from someone I don't know personally.

I couldn't agree more with your points on the pricing of clones in relation to age. Absolutely spot on.

For example, how it was done when I started growing. It was commonplace for people to set others up with a commercial producing clone in return for a percentage (oftentimes hefty) of the first or the first few harvests.

Personally, paying a lot for something that's only been around a couple years is crazy.

Of course everyone's different but there's only a few clones I would go to great lengths for and they've all been around 20+ years and are truly unique and exceptional.

I'm the same way when it comes to avoiding bringing pest issues home with me. After I visit the hydro shoo, I take the same precautions. Those are important points to consider and save a lot of trouble in the long run.

Being proactive with pests is the only way to be.


Active member
The experience is what you make it. You can get bugs walking into a hydro store.

You should definitely be quarantining your cuts in a separate area and taking clones from there.


Well-known member
The experience is what you make it. You can get bugs walking into a hydro store.

You should definitely be quarantining your cuts in a separate area and taking clones from there.

Absolutely. Being proactive about prevention is the key, not total avoidance.

To be honest, I would be so thrilled to speak about cannabis in person with others, I would be all over an event like that. As of now, forums are the only way I can interact with other growers.


Absolutely. Being proactive about prevention is the key, not total avoidance.

To be honest, I would be so thrilled to speak about cannabis in person with others, I would be all over an event like that. As of now, forums are the only way I can interact with other growers.

These gene traders shows aren't really that organized, it's not like a convention it's more like a farmers market of sorts. It's just a random mismash of vendors tables full of barely labels clones some seed vendors and ppl wandering around.

The first few one at the motorcycle club was pretty good as there was a lot of good clones and elbows of good quality flower and concentrate for sale. At these ones there isn't supposed to be any THC products being sold and the clone vendors are charging out the ass for barely known cuts.


Well-known member
Absolutely. Being proactive about prevention is the key, not total avoidance.

To be honest, I would be so thrilled to speak about cannabis in person with others, I would be all over an event like that. As of now, forums are the only way I can interact with other growers.

So I've gone the total avoidance route on taking in clones for many years now. I see many strains I would love to get though. What's the best way to handle cuts when taking them in? Separate area for sure but what products do people use to treat the clones to make sure you kill anything that might be on them and is not gonna hurt you...


Active member
So I've gone the total avoidance route on taking in clones for many years now. I see many strains I would love to get though. What's the best way to handle cuts when taking them in? Separate area for sure but what products do people use to treat the clones to make sure you kill anything that might be on them and is not gonna hurt you...

1 tablespoon of wettable sulfur
W/ 1 tablespoon of Sals Suds
to 1 gallon of water will take care of most bugs and pm.

If small enough you can dunk your plants right into this solution.


Well-known member
I can't remember who it was, but somebody who was a guest on the Pot Cast talked about a 2 week regiment with micronized sulfur spray (if I recall correctly it was an interval between the sulfur spray and plain water, but it was awhile ago that I heard it), with the clones in isolation, before introducing them to the main grow area.


Active member
YAY out of jail for speaking truth to power!


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You can get bugs walking into a hydro store. [/FONT]
Well home depot, lowes, and any other local garden center or any place really they sell plant or have horticultural products can be a vector for bugs and mold.

Local farmers markets where you're just buying produce. Anything touched by people + plants is a potential vector. Its also overboard, but I still keep these things in mind.
Most growers I know get PM from their garden plants around their house.

Spraying and wiping your co2 tanks down is a good idea... [DID YOU KNOW! Growers in Mass are THE largest buyers of CO2 in the state (from our lovely friends at Airgas)

The second largest is Fenway/Gillette stadium if anyone cares to know lol..]

And kinda spray everything from you get from a store with some kind of cleaner. I started thinking about rockwool blocks recently..

And the assholes working in the plants making them and packing/shipping them... What gets on them and travels about.. Ugh..

Oh and I'm probably wrong about UV... So.. Yeah. Idk. Probably doesn't work actually, so, idk. We can't hold our breath yet on that actually being a solution for mold or other pests. I'm gonna see what better testing can be done and nail it down....

But I talked to some experts, and, yeahhhhh, probably a no go.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]On one hand, I would love to be able to go to an event where I could discuss cannabis growing face to face with people and trade genetics and information.[/FONT]
The problem when I go to things like this is most people are not "real" growers or were trained in any way in actual horticultural science.

Dont get me wrong, smart people, but most people who grow cannabis, even indoors, are gardeners, not growers. Most people dont have a sophisticated knowledge of nutrients, they couldn't tell you what kinds of schedules they keep, or the PPMs they like to feed using their brand or formula. And no one's using a custom formula lol. No one has barely any knowledge of IPM or pesticide usage, and people still use teas and think they work. Well. > Thats most people on forums anyways lol...
But also most people don't keep clones, especially for that long, and or, simply couldn't keep it that long.

What's the best way to handle cuts when taking them in? Have a separate tissue culture nursery miles away to clone in, and then a super strict protocol of people who transfer those plants inbetween. I'm talking definite non growers, using cars that have been sprayed down... Etc., etc.,..

Separate area for sure but what products do people use to treat the clones to make sure you kill anything that might be on them and is not gonna hurt you...
The whole "separate area thing".. Like... What about when you go check on the clones, and then walk back to wherever you go. And then you check your grow. Youre going back and forth between areas... Its no bueno. Thats not a separate area, it's just a hassle for you..

And,. someone offering suggestions like, here, use this soap and sulfur solution, it will kill everything like bugs and mold (NO NO NO NONN NONNNNOO BO NO NO).. nO... It wont. Sorry.

I've done too much research on this to know, you're not killing everything... It might not hurt, it can kill somethings, but your not killing EVERYTHING. What about the mold and bugs on your clothes and in your hair? What about the spores and bugs IN THE MEDIA?? On the cup/planter??

You're not getting rid of root aphids or russet mites or other things with a sulfur dunk that's for sure.

Like... Just, don't listen to cannabis people about weed and weed growing or what will work on bugs. Its a recipe for disaster lol.

When it comes to things like this, I listen to the experts, like The Buglady

And look at me! I'm probably going to go! Maybe! And we can smoke some weed and anyone who wants can (try) and punch me in the face for being a dick! lol.


What would I do? God Idk........

I'd probably want to keep it at a friend's place for a few weeks at least.
A NON grower. Now THAT's a friend lol.

I'd hit it with PROPER levels of pesticides on a good schedule for that time to kill pests and mold, ie. likely 2 applications of any typical pesticide again GOING BY DIRECTIONS ON THE LABEL and spraying accordingly...

THAT, is the first big one that'll get you into, or keep you out of trouble.. ACTUALLY using a pesticide properly, not overusing, under-using, getting good coverage, using a good sprayer, using a proper dosage for cannabis... Etc.

If you wanted to be safe against mold I'd probably hit it with eagle20. Yeah yeah people can go scream like babies but it's a fairly safe and often used pesticide that is effective especially if used correctly and after some veg time or a round of clones it will have cleared from the tissues of the plant. People claiming myclobutanol converts to cyanide on combustion simply have no evidence of such, there is no peer review, no actual lab testing, it's just another myth like white ash vs black ash and organic vs conventional nutrients, etc., etc.

This things do leave residuals in the plant, but they also clear out over time. Most of the tests you see with residual pesticides were from misapplications, over-application, spray drift from other farms, using pesticides during times you shouldn't when you are definitely going to fail, like during flowering, etc.

The fact is we have no idea of the harmful combustion products within cannabis samples from pesticides and their inhalation in such small amounts over time. And this is for any pesticide. One could argue, like me, that the burned tars, hydrocarbons, the smoke itself and other particulate matter, are much much more harmful than residual pesticides in cannabis.

Especially given the fact people smoked schwig from mexico and everywhere else for years from the 50's on, and we've never since found any connection to, well, any health problem and the smoking of marijuana, (and God knows THEYVE TRIED), i donno... And that shit likely had DDT sprayed on it like, up to the 2000s FFS. Anyone old enough to know, dude, we smoked brick. (lol funny how the kids... the kids will have no idea lol..).. I fucking smoked bugs from mexico. And I passed my tests. Mostly lol.

Its better to stay safe than be sorry, but God knows the bugs and pesticides I smoked over the years, and I'm a damn genius. Would I be MORE of a genius? IDK.. Like I said, only God knows, but that being said, I smoke pot! So. Like... THAT is probably going to dumb my genius down more than residual pesticides in the parts per million or billion.

Oh where was I? Hmmmm... Right, pesticides.

Hit it with a good neem oil. Hit it with azamax (they ARE different, one is a suffocant, the other an Insect growth regulator). Hit it with spinosad (monterey jacks). Hit it with some eagle20 to kill the mold. Not all at once. Wait some days after using one pesticide, and hit it with another. Then some days later, you are treating again with the first used. You can mix pesticides, but I dont often like to.

Most pesticides call for reapplication 1 or 2 more times usually 7 to 14 days apart from the first treatment. Eagle 20 states you want to use 2 and maybe up to 3 applications. Spinosad you usually only need once and it is effective for up to 3 or so weeks. Neems and aza can be used every 3-5 days and will likely need repeated applications, ie. more than 3 times, but they are safe enough.
Make sure to use a PURE neem or aza, without additional active ingredients.. IE. like many no-name brand products or products geared towards marijuana growers as opposed to growers in general... So stick with brands like Safer, Azamax, etc.. Actual big companies that know what they are doing and have been around and are following the Epa regs.
Regalia has shown to have some effectiveness against PM.. BUT it also fails mold tests on cannabis so that's a big issue, you're fighting mold with mold lol, and which ones worse lol..


Well-known member
You're not getting rid of root aphids or russet mites or other things with a sulfur dunk that's for sure.

You ever had russet mites before? I have. Sulfur is probably your best weapon against them. A single dunk for 20 seconds on a new incoming cut will knock them all out.

Sulfur should be mandatory, unless you're able to scope every inch of your new cuts. Don't trust your eyes. Russet damage won't show until your plant is totally infested, which can take several weeks.

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