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Gender dysphoria and the trans movement.


Well-known member
I’m jaded. I knew trans people 30some years ago before “trans rights” became a darling of the social justice warriors. Most of these posters only support it because they are instructed to support the cause. It represents being open minded humanitarians. Soft touches.

I know the next thing will come along and they will forget this cause. It’s political. Nothing but. Covid vaccinations and human caused climate change…same thing…instructed to get on board…or else they’re fascist….enemies of free thought and compassion. 😂

The internet man. You can be anything you’re told to be.

You summed that up perfectly


Well-known member
Matt Walsh was 100% right. You can’t even get the transition supporters to lock in to a position because they already know of can’t logically be defended.


Well-known member
ppl that accept trans ppl exist and don't wanna be bigots?

Why do you make it a habit to respond , only to a portion of a statement and take it out of context ?
Nothing you just said represents the views of anyone in this thread. Including the people who disagree with most of what you say


Why do you make it a habit to respond , only to a portion of a statement and take it out of context ?
Nothing you just said represents the views of anyone in this thread. Including the people who disagree with most of what you say
it's not outta context, you said

"transition supporters", i was asking if you mean ppl that are ok with trans ppl existing


Well-known member
“From 107 583 patients, matched cohorts demonstrated that those undergoing surgery were at significantly higher risk for depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and substance use disorders than those without surgery. “

Study behind a pay wall

What right do trans people not have, that normal people have?