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Gender dysphoria and the trans movement.


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Yep, it sure is....


Robert Morris, former Texas megachurch pastor and Trump adviser, indicted for child sex crimes​

Morris is a former spiritual adviser to President Donald Trump, and Gateway — one of the nation’s largest megachurches — has been particularly active in Dallas-area GOP politics.

By Robert Downen
March 12, 202516 hours ago

View attachment 19166812

Appears that way. I was more so speaking of the groomers right here in this thread

moose eater

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Appears that way. I was more so speaking of the groomers right here in this thread
I doubt very much that the folks you've identified in this thread as groomers are, indeed, groomers.
30-some years ago when I was a contract clinician to Uncle Shmuck, in all of his pro-alcohol-addled glory, and there was hullabaloo among the military higher-ups in the FAP, re. nudists and exhibitionists, I had the opportunity to demonstrate for them (via research and stats) that in the -many- nudist groups, there was a far lower rate of child molestation. Difficult for them to comprehend because it was counter to their presumptions and their own engrained inhibitions, their rather knee-jerk conclusion was that people who bare their bodies without shame (or in this case, otherwise are playful with presentation, such as drag as an art, or choose a change) are abhorrent to the point of victimizing others.

However, their fears were not fact-based, but rather conditioning-based.

In fact, when I worked clinically with people contending with pedophilia, often court-mandated, post-parole, those I saw typically had one thing in common. All them, pretty much to the number, came from religiously rigid, suppressive/repressive or mystical backgrounds that often-correlated sexual openness to sin.

The forbidden fruit syndrome.

Baptists (though in one case it was curiosity that resulted from a suppressed past, and wasn't, in my opinion, full-blown fixation on children for sexual purposes, and definitely inappropriate as all hell, though he was too inhibited to hold his wife's hand while walking in public; he was a Master Sgt.). Charismatic Catholics (over 1,000 offences involving roughly 1 dozen children in his case, and a truly fucked up religion in many ways, looking at how their church, Catholicism in general, handled the pedophile priest issues), a Fundamentalist Born-Again Pentacostal Minister in a wheelchair... giving hi8m (and in the eyes of his parishioners) the false appearance of being benign) ... and on and on.

Not that they're not out there, but I never once had an Agnostic or Atheist sex offender client. I'm sure they're out there someplace.

All of my sex offender clients suffering pedophilia had that one variable in common: repressive pasts re. religious indoctrination and shame involving the human body. The forbidden fruit syndrome.

And if there's anything we've observed from marketing and conditioning, when an object/product is announced to be coming to an end, no longer available, many more people seem to want it all the more... Not all, but many. Marketing facts having to do with a variety of aspects of the 'forbidden' (or no longer available/denied) fruit syndrome. But much deeper in re. to repressive religious indoctrination.

moose eater

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Satanic worshipers probably don’t fit the mold …..
If you check the local area, the two primary military locations, Ft. Wainwright (Army Post) and Eielson Air Base both have had a flurry of their enlistees getting popped recently for child porn or sexual abuse/assault of a minor.

Like the brass when I was working for them, most look in the wrong places because of knee-jerk assumptions that lack merit.
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I recall a recent legal case involving someone who was accused of being the opposite gender than what they were, and accosted by a Puritanical Karen, and the allegations by the Puritanical Karen were proven to be incorrect. Being an accusatory jackass can get expensive sometimes.

Unfortunately, it's not always common that truly ignorant people have really deep pockets. Trump and Elon being among the exceptions.
happens all the time. we call those people transvestigators.


Well-known member
If you check the local area, the two primary military locations, Ft. wainwright (Army Post) and Eielson Air base both have had a flurry of their enlistees getting popped recently for child porn or sexual abuse/assault of a minor.

Like the brass when I was working for them, most look in the wrong places because of knee-jerk assumptions that lack merit.

Every one of them should be executed if caught, no exceptions

moose eater

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Every one of them should be executed if caught, no exceptions
For many people dealing with pedophilia, it's often a dopamine thing, coupled with maladaptive ability or disability to feel competent or secure/adequate with same age peers and/or women.

Some fight it but sometimes slip or fail. Others have little intention of discontinuing.

Many different therapeutic approaches have been tried, some more successful than others, but all of them relying on the offender wanting/needing to get past it and control it. Being known as a pedophile in one's hood isn't often a method to win friends or influence people... at least not in the positive sense.


Well-known member
For many people dealing with pedophilia, it's often a dopamine thing, coupled with maladaptive ability or disability to feel competent or secure/adequate with same age peers and/or women.

Some fight it but sometimes slip or fail. Others have little intention of discontinuing.

Many different therapeutic approaches have been tried, some more successful than others, but all of them relying on the offender wanting/needing to get past it and control it. Being known as a pedophile in one's hood isn't often a method to win friends or influence people... at least not in the positive sense.


moose eater

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You laugh, but I doubt you're aware of the number of therapies for such conditions even 35 years ago, let alone now, and the psychological make-up or array of personalities and issues within that population.

Some feel little or nothing about their offenses, and some are haunted by them, but feel a compulsion that they struggle with, and all points between.

With the Charismatic Catholic fellow with over 1,000 offenses against about 12 children, seeing him failing to display any overt regret or remorse, not that he absolutely didn't suffer any of these things, and to some degree engaging in reality therapy and wanting to observe his reaction, I once told him, as a parent with a very young child, that I could sit with him, and maybe (if he shared it) try to work through his problems and barriers, but that as a parent, had he molested one of my children, I would've had no problem putting a bullet through his head.

His reaction was minimal.

It was unprofessional of me, but I also wanted him to know what -some- parents feel about such things even hypothetically, let alone in the here and now. And, as stated, I wanted to observe his reaction to the extremity of emotion that a parent can feel about these crimes.

And his crimes had mostly been committed when he was acting as a babysitter in a fairly small rural community.

And you know what? Most of the parents whose children had been victimized said (insisted) it was all a set-up, and that they'd let him babysit their kids again, were it not for the court orders that he remain separate from children under the age of X.

Same with the Pentacostal Born-Again minister. He had already completely accepted responsibility for his crimes, served his time like the previous individual (who went back to prison for a good while) and his parole requirements included he abstain from ANY contact with children under age X, yet his neighbors, who had young children who liked to play in his yard, for whom he'd asked me to tell their parents to please keep their kids away from him, those kids' parents insisted it was all bullshit.

Such is the degree of delusion and denial in many cases on the parents' side much of the time in realizing or accepting they had 'allowed' their child to be 'injured', not to mention the other barriers that arise in dealing with these things on the offender's side.

It's not exclusively offenders who make that an uphill battle. It includes parents who can't come to grips with what has happened to their child, can't accept that sometimes sex offenders seem like very normal people, like the boy or girl next door (most I had as clients were very meek, endearing, and would go out of their way in a boundary-challenged way to help with things, even if they hadn't been invited to help; often built in manipulative attempts to be trusted and accepted) and parents in such relationships with 'the sweet kid offender next door' type often see themselves in many cases as overly complicit if they accept the offenses as real, even if only passively complicit, and cling to denial to erase that and make it all better.

It's a ripple effect of clusterfuck.

But many want to 'get better', and some do.


Well-known member
😂 Its like you're trying to justify their actions

To hell with trying to get to the bottom of why they are the way they are. They're dangerous and unpredictable


Well-known member
I have zero sympathy for kid fuckers. All the psycho babble is an attempt to make an excuse for people who want to have sex with kids. In my opinion , they don’t deserve a space in society among us


Well-known member
😂 Its like you're trying to justify their actions

To hell with trying to get to the bottom of why they are the way they are. They're dangerous and unpredictable

Yep, exactly my thoughts. First let’s make it a condition. Sympathize with them. Eventually let’s make it a preference. We share the earth with some weird motherfuckers


Well-known member
And they're starting to let the "low risk" offenders stop registering after 10 years here in my state. Thats a bad move considering they usually repeat their actions and get more desperate as they age

moose eater

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And they're starting to let the "low risk" offenders stop registering after 10 years here in my state. Thats a bad move considering they usually repeat their actions and get more desperate as they age
Low risk offenders
😂 Its like you're trying to justify their actions

To hell with trying to get to the bottom of why they are the way they are. They're dangerous and unpredictable
Curious wherein any of what I wrote you conjured or fabricated an acceptance of the behaviors? That takes a pretty creative imagination.

Yes, understanding why they come to be sex offenders is part of the discussion and goal, and for them to take responsibility to control the behavior. Are you going to be there all the time to stop them, Rob? I thought not.

So it's a matter of them learning to discipline and stop themselves, redirecting inappropriate urges or thoughts, and parents in denial aren't helping too much.

And neither one of you has demonstrated that you have the first clue about the various avenues or modalities in therapy for such things to come about.

moose eater

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And they're starting to let the "low risk" offenders stop registering after 10 years here in my state. Thats a bad move considering they usually repeat their actions and get more desperate as they age
Wanna' hear about one of those low-risk cases here?

Dog (the infamous bounty hunter from television fame) had a daughter up here in a very small community. A fellow who worked out at the mine near a former friend in the bush was over 19, and Dog's daughter was 16 or 17, and she became pregnant. It wasn't a fling for a night or two, they had a relationship.

He went to court on the modern version of statutory rape... only because he was slightly too old for our age of consent laws.

Bearing in mind that such relationships in villages and small communities are not that uncommon; limited fare to choose from and 3-4 years age difference isn't that massive. Some of these communities have total populations of under 100 people, and unlike the Mennonites and Hutterites who would travel to other communal farming centers that were part of their overall group to find mates, that doesn't often happen in a conscious manner in our version of mainstream communities.

He was convicted, placed on the sex-offender registry, and when he applies for a job, the place he's applying to has no idea if he was diddling babies in their cribs, raping the old woman next door, or did what he actually did.

Presumptuousness is a motherfucker. Try hard not to be a part of it. It adds a burden to an already challenged society steeped in enough biases based in lack of knowledge, and I know for a fact that you're prone to presumptuousness.

moose eater

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Unlike this guy, in today's Fairbanks Daily News Miner, and I knew a former MP pig of an individual who previously did distantly similar gigs with his adult daughter who was strung out on opiates here decades ago; giving her pills if she agreed to his coercion to do various favors for him, though not sexual that I know of.

Man sentenced to 40 years for drugs misconduct​

  • Haley Lehman
  • 8 hrs ago

    A Fairbanks man was sentenced to 40 years flat Tuesday afternoon for giving drugs to a teenager.
    Darren Leonard Edwin, 40, was convicted by a Fairbanks jury of three counts of felony first-degree drugs misconduct, two counts of felony second-degree weapons misconduct for possessing a firearm in furtherance of a drug offense and two counts of felony third-degree weapons misconduct for a felony possessing a concealable firearm following a trial in June 2024.

    According to the state’s sentencing memorandum, law enforcement was investigating Edwin for dealing drugs in 2021 when they found that he has been providing heroin, methamphetamine and cocaine to a teenager. The girl told law enforcement that people would pay her in cash and drugs for sex and she would give the cash and drugs to Edwin. Investigators found two handguns at Seven Gables Inn in December 2021.

    Assistant District Attorney Lindsay Ingaldson asked the court for a “very lengthy sentence.”

    “He’s a dangerous drug dealer and frankly he’s a predator,” she said. “Our community needs to be protected from people like Mr. Edwin, especially vulnerable children.”

    Edwin has 36 prior convictions since he was 13-years-old, and Ingaldson said that Edwin did not use those as opportunities as a “wake up call” but refused opportunities for substance abuse treatment.
    She argued that isolation should be a priority in Edwin’s sentence. “He’s a huge risk to the public and his sentence needs to reflect that risk that he poses to prevent him from harming others.”

    Assistant Public Advocate Megan Commoli requested a sentence of 20 years with ten years suspended.

    “Mr. Edwin had it tough from the start,” she said. She said that Edwin made attempts to get into substance abuse treatment and is “not too old for treatment” at 40.

    “He seems motivated to not live this lifestyle anymore,” she said.

    Edwin told the court, “I’ve been sober, it feels good, started going to church, trying to change my life around. All I can do is better from here on out.”

    Edwin’s cousin, Krystal Workman, told the court that Edwin has dealt with trauma his entire life after witnessing his father, Melvin Edwin, murder his mother, Patti Hyslop, in front of him when he was 10-years-old in Tanana.

    “He’s not a bad person. He’s made some mistakes in his life, just like other people have,” she said. “The jail life is all that he has ever known.”

    Superior Court Judge Thomas Temple found aggravating factors that Edwin has three or more felony convictions, he was parole at the time of the offense and was a worst offender.

    He said that Edwin’s criminal history was “very egregious” and “very extreme.”

    He said that Edwin’s previous sentences did not rehabilitate him and he has “no real prospects for rehabilitation.”

    “He is simply the stereotypical person who has a revolving door at the jail,” Temple said. “He walks in when he’s caught breaking the law or trampling on the rights of others resulting in a criminal conviction. He walks out and immediately engages in crime to the detriment of the community.”

    Temple said that Edwin is a danger to the community and needs to be isolated to protect the public.


    Note that there's a slight air of the officials being more upset about the dope, than the fact that he was using a minor in multiple roles in these offenses.



Well-known member
Wanna' hear about one of those low-risk cases here?

Dog (the infamous bounty hunter from television fame) had a daughter up here in a very small community. A fellow who worked out at the mine near a former friend in the bush was over 19, and Dog's daughter was 16 or 17, and she became pregnant. It wasn't a fling for a night or two, they had a relationship.

He went to court on the modern version of statutory rape... only because he was slightly too old for our age of consent laws.

Bearing in mind that such relationships in villages and small communities are not that uncommon; limited fare to choose from and 3-4 years age difference isn't that massive. Some of these communities have total populations of under 100 people, and unlike the Mennonites and Hutterites who would travel to other communal farming centers that were part of their overall group to find mates, that doesn't often happen in a conscious manner in our version of mainstream communities.

He was convicted, placed on the sex-offender registry, and when he applies for a job, the place he's applying to has no idea if he was diddling babies in their cribs, raping the old woman next door, or did what he actually did.

Presumptuousness is a motherfucker. Try hard not to be a part of it. It adds a burden to an already challenged society steeped in enough biases based in lack of knowledge, and I know for a fact that you're prone to presumptuousness.
That right there is a very rare situation and i believe statutory offenders don't have to register that long

Dog the bounty hunter :D Shame on the 19 year old for not doing his research moose

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