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Gender dysphoria and the trans movement.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
Let's hope that your wisdom is contagious...

Sneeze on the autocrats!



Well-known member
your notion that sexuality is being influenced by the food people eat
you obviously ate only the manliest foods and i know you have all the facts
All I'm saying is I'm not closed minded enough to not think chemicals, hormones, or some other crap in our food could possibly mess with our development or cause strange issues. I don't have all the facts. I have my opinion, and you have yours.


Well-known member
All I'm saying is I'm not closed minded enough to not think chemicals, hormones, or some other crap in our food could possibly mess with our development or cause strange issues. I don't have all the facts. I have my opinion, and you have yours.

It’s a very real possibility that some people can’t grasp.


Well-known member
I can't grasp that they can't grasp, :ROFLMAO:

🤣🤣🤣. Some people don’t care to be informed I guess. Maybe they prefer ignorance because it’s easier. I would agree with you that it very well could be a connection. If anything, it’s contributing to the obesity problem in young people

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
minors can not enter in to a legal contract, why his that ?

One reason is because some people have a monopoly on the use of force and have built a legal system using that monopoly which says minors can't enter into a legal contract. The age of what a minor is, varies a little depending on locale, so not all forcible monopolies (governments) agree with each other what that age is or ought to be.

I agree with what I think your intended point is, "some people of a young age would make dumb choices if they entered into contracts or made permanent changes to their body". That's true that will happen.

My disagreeing with your idea that government should intervene isn't my endorsement of the dumb choices. It's an endorsement of the right of people to make choices, even dumb ones, concerning themselves and their children and I oppose most things that get in the way of that.

I don't know exactly what it might take for me to intervene in somebody else life without their permission. If I saw a mom beating the shit out of her little kid in a supermarket, I'd probably try to stop her. I think you would too. Second thought...I'm pretty old though and no guy wants to get his ass kicked by a lady in public.



Well-known member
The law is setup that way to protect minors because they don’t have the mental competence to have contractual capacity.

I try to keep bringing that up because if minors are viewed that way in the eye of the law, why are we allowing them to make these life changing decisions at an age where their brains aren’t fully developed.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
The law is setup that way to protect minors because they don’t have the mental competence to have contractual capacity.

I think that is generally true, but not cast in stone.

In some instances a highly intelligent 15 year old with a 140 i.q. could have better capacity to make choices, assess risks etc. than a 42 year old with a 70 i.q.


Well-known member
I think that is generally true, but not cast in stone.

In some instances a highly intelligent 15 year old with a 140 i.q. could have better capacity to make choices, assess risks etc. than a 42 year old with a 70 i.q.

There are some very intelligent young people out there. But IQ only tests one area. How emotionally intelligent is that same 15 year old ?
That 15 year old isn’t done growing yet. Physically, mentally or emotionally. That’s why you can’t consent at that age.