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G13... Legends, Theories, and Facts


Well-known member
So what's the deal with Bodhi's 88g13/hp male, like did he have a pack of seeds and selected it or was it already a famous breeding cut he obtained?

I'm running some the chem D cross and it's a bit finicky tends to look over watered even if it's super dry before the watering, doesn't look like it's going to be a big yielder but it's also the first round with her, roots very nicely

They grew out some G13xHP.
From the 88 seed drop, a guy popped the seeds and they each selected skelly, cuttle fish, and puck cuts.
Since bodhi works with them in that network the male... id ask him...
its spread across several people in different states, some of those cuts names and such change with holder
skelly and puck it may be the same cut ?

In 88 you run a pack and keep clones (keep the genetics intact),
f1 f2 f3 etc is how elite cuts are lost, hybridization as well, genes are lost with each reproduction IBDep
Do a repro every 10 years from fridge or something if need be,
unless you can do large numbers every year or two

>>>Best>ibes :huggg:
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They grew out some G13xHP.
From the 88 seed drop, a guy popped the seeds and they each selected skelly, cuttle fish, and puck cuts.
Since bodhi works with them in that network the male... id ask him...
its spread across several people in different states, some of those cuts names and such change with holder
skelly and puck it may be the same cut ?
In 88 you run a pack and keep clones (keep the genetics intact),
f1 f2 f3 etc is how elite cuts are lost, genes are lost with each reproduction

>>>Best>ibes :huggg:
No way he had any of the original f1 beans from ndnguy and swampy.
I had the last of them straight from ndn.
I made the f2 gen he sent out to everyone.
I also sent him a bunch out of the f4 gen as well.


Well-known member
I dont know anything about all these myths, fables and legends
I bought a collection of old seed and I have many crosses carrying the G13 tag I really never looked at until you guys started posting at this thread, so it seems it was a popular strain with western breeders some years ago
What caught my attention is this shit was grown in cfa koppen environment in Mississipi freshwater basin
I find it hard to believe there is an indica for this environment so I decided to try some crosses

I am reading descriptions and well, if this strain is humidity resistant growing in Mississipi I find it very hard to believe it is afghan/paki. Kushes dont like cfa koppen at all
Local agronomy engineers claim liquid trichoderma works against botrytis so I am testing their claim

I sprouted this pack, reading the description is what I would think, it is a mold magnet for humid environments. How come they are keeping something which is a mold magnet in Mississipi cfa koppen climate???
9 seeds out of 10 excellent germination like most of the seeds coming from SamS. I just sprouted 5 seeds of Ohz x Skunk from the Master in order to test this trichoderma thing because at cfa koppen Ohz x Skunk rots at mid flower guaranteed. So sticky shit have a lot of problems at this wetlands weather

I sprouted a pack of G13 x Lemon Larry. I am reading this Lemon Larry is another legend and mythical strain Og Kush.

I will sprout a couple more packs with G13xHashplant crossed to sativas to see

But my main question for you guys is:
Whoever grew the original G13 cut, is it humidity resistant good for Mississipi?
Are there more strains no matter if indica or sativa coming from this area of Usa adapted to outdoor high humidity swamp cfa koppen climate?

Merry Xmas and Xmas eve everybody


Well-known member
I grew the 88G13HP, very potent stuff but I found them to be PM magnets, did anyone find the same ?
its was not a pm magnet for me..

I found it potent enough wld weed that had a modern vibe..it tasted good too

it was not potent like we think of what G13 should be

th more wld Ghaze for me felt closer to g13..cardboard taste weird potent not happy buzz.

g13bw was the closest to being uber potent for me..I almost hurled on one pheno.. no kidding

that was Pacific's g13 x with WhiteWidow


Well-known member
its was not a pm magnet for me..

I found it potent enough wld weed that had a modern vibe..it tasted good too

it was not potent like we think of what G13 should be

th more wld Ghaze for me felt closer to g13..cardboard taste weird potent not happy buzz.

g13bw was the closest to being uber potent for me..I almost hurled on one pheno.. no kidding

that was Pacific's g13 x with WhiteWidow
I have to admit, it was a shared grow room I did it in, a 20kw room that had heat and humidity issues and also wasn't clean, compared to my standard. Other strains at the time like shishkaberry didn't get touched by PM. All of the 88 stunk like burnt rubber, I had one pheno that was uber potent, it was a stretch indica, tall, with a centre cola, long side branches with massive internode spacing. It looks exactly the same as a pheno that ak bean brains pulled from his NL#1


Well-known member
Did Sandy Weinstein work at the AG station with Dr. Carlton Turner, and the g13 before Mr. Nice got it?

View attachment 18935019
Strain: Mr. Nice G13 X Hash Plant
Breeder: Sensi Seeds
Location: Indoor; below 600 Watt
Photo made at: Flowering; Day No.60
Upload date: 09.01.2011
Picture from: juanliethoni

According to the Mississippi Clarion-Ledger, Ole Miss will begin offering the program in late 2024.
Earn your masters degree online !
Sam took a tour of the mississipi uni and got to see carlton turner and some of what they were doing. They had no clue about a g13 over there or anything similar too it.
The guy the g13 actually came from with links to the agricultural facility was still around not long ago....... I remember he was even on one of the forums about 15 years back...although he made no mention on the forums that he was the source of it...and as far as I know never bragged about it to any one either.....the guy was a outdoors gorilla grow vet.....he had a unique way of getting his stuff done outdoors (thats what he was showing on the forum he was on at the time) and was very secrative about it...that comes with those of us who lived in the time were if found out growing we were looking jail....the guy who took nevil to him is well know in the community too but he also dont say much on the subject...though im sure if he is asked he would.....shanti baba got the cutting he has now off that same gorilla og that nevil got it from all those years ago....though shantis is maybe a s1 of that old clone or a sister of the original clone....or could be a well worked bx the guy himself did to the same old original clone....I say that cus shantis defo has a different shape to the plant...but outcrossed from the descriptions ive herd of plants coming out of the outcross of shantis current g13 cutting.. it sounds like its passing on almost identical traits to what the old clone did taste and scent wise....ive not tried the hybrids myself from shantis stuff with it yet...I really should do..to see if it actually matches up.


Well-known member
View attachment 18935346
HT April 2006 Pix of the crop
View attachment 18935352
HT FEB 2011
:thinking: @RandyCalifornia can you believe High Times actually posted a pix of the first branch?
thats just silly :ROFLMAO: crusty but ... can imagine whats on that top
That top picture is g13 haze....not sure why they have it just labled as g13....looks like the old south holland cutting of cg13 they had....maybe even one of their grows....... ghs selfed an old cg13 cutting and sold it as nevils haze for ages....probably still do...though its maybe at s2 or s3 now
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Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
It's possible the afghani stuff boel was working with in Hawaii was imported and became known as a hashplant
in 89 to 91 when I was first brought into a circle of hard core growers (and bikers) and began my journey with this plant, the 3 strains were Afghani 1 , Hawaiian Indica and Purple Afghani. I can't verify this because my mentor is passed away a few years now but I know there was a connection with BOEL because it's one of the names I remember. Steve Tuck was another name that got dropped in those circles back then.
By 95/96 I was cash cropping on my own but also running trim crews for a completely different group of people with clandestine grows affillitated again with bikers but different club. They were growing 3 strains in every single one of those big operations. First was NL5 ..... no idea on where it came from but was a killer NL that yielded really well and the americans loved it. Next was the Blueberry which was already on the scene before DJ Short debuted at the seed banks in 98. Then there was the Hashplant and again, no idea where it came from but this one was what the affiliate growers told me was only for HA club stash. I got to know one of the members that ran a couple of the shows and after a time I asked him to pay me with clones instead of cash for one of the jobs and I only got 3 clones LOL one of each of the three above. Normally that would have been a 5grand payout for me so I guess I paid 5grand for those three clones LOL

What I would give to have that hashplant back in my stable.
It tasted like the finest afghan black hash , like a bowl full of fresh trichomes and the flavor literally stuck to your mouth. The smell in the room was like incense and fine hash smoke. The exhale offered a change in pallate with an incensey hashy sandalwood that was absolutely divine exhaling out the nose.
To this day I would have to say I have not encountered a plant like her.
She was not a yielder in the usual sense of a cash cropper's point of view and she had wide stubby leaves that cradled the tops of the flowers kinda like how bubba kush flowers form up. Anyhow..... I'm still searching

that hashplant bore no resemblance to any aghani or hawaiian indica that we grew back then.


Well-known member
You wont ever recrate the same power from a reproduction of a f1...especially not f1 from those day were the parents weren't just stacks of genetics layered on top of each other....in those days most of those genetics used were still fairly pure....there are tons of g13 repros now but I bet none of them can match wat was the original power coming out the f1....you would be more likely to find similar to the clone putting two f1 gentinics back together again....eg f1 g13nl x f1 g13sk....with both of those being f1 one generation removed from the clone the traits from the clone are still carried....doubling up the 2 f1 hybrids both having 1 parent each from the same clone a generation removed forces the genetics to push back in the same direction....somewhere in those resulting seeds you will something farley close to the original clone in event the original clone is lost and the f1s can no longer be remade....with the parents in those days being used being farely pure and not a jumble of genetics, when outcrosed to a different pure strain you get something called hybrid vigour....the results come out with bigger, stronger growing plants, with bigger leaves,more resitance to pests and viruses and more potency....just inbreding these f1 strains to themselves to further generations diminishes that....in as quickly as three to four generations of a reproduction/inbreeding you can end up with something coming out completely different to what you started with.....people aren't able to do the same nowdays wen making f1 as most of the parents used now have genetics stacked on either side that are related being inbred over and over inbred to each other....the way they are making some of these potent new strains now is when something is found usually in a bag seed the good plant most likely coming from a fairly good plant that has self polinated...so for example the trait of potency is doubled up....but cus of the way its been done eg by selfing that potency comes at the detriment to many other traits...eg lower yields, smaller leaves less resistance to pests and viruses ect...there is a key to producing strains and genetics that stand out in quality....and a key to producing seed were even growing small amounts of seed you will find keeper after keeper....its a dying art that very very few people know how to do or if thay know how they cant be bothered doing.....alot of strains have been reproduced over and over....haze, skunk, g13, g13hybrids nl, nl hybrids ect ect....there is little if any of the original clones left or any of the original f1 hybrids....people are working with plants and seeds many many generations removed and the results are no were near the same.....if your able to keep a pure landrace stand out plant hold the clone giving you those results...a back up is made in the event that parent is lost....and the back up it must be made in two ways...one in a way that re gives you the highest chance of finding the highest quality plants...2 in a way to maintain the healthy of that pure strain.....that way with the f1 hybrids the clone giving you those high quality restults isis also keept/held onto in clone form...but in the event of loss you still have the f1 seed....and the ability to find the pure high quality parents that made the f1 hybrid and reproduce the f1 seed and re find the f1 plant giving you those high quality results....this is how to retain the ability to make the best...and not go to the next best you can do or the nesxt best from that and ect...each time dropping quality just to maintain the genetics of the strain alive....just thought id throw that in there with some talk of how to keep things going made.....but then also keeping in sight that very high standard of how to keep and do the very best you can with the genetics and not slip downwards.


Well-known member
You wont ever recrate the same power from a reproduction of a f1...especially not f1 from those day were the parents weren't just stacks of genetics layered on top of each other....in those days most of those genetics used were still fairly pure....there are tons of g13 repros now but I bet none of them can match wat was the original power coming out the f1....you would be more likely to find similar to the clone putting two f1 gentinics back together again....eg f1 g13nl x f1 g13sk....with both of those being f1 one generation removed from the clone the traits from the clone are still carried....doubling up the 2 f1 hybrids both having 1 parent each from the same clone a generation removed forces the genetics to push back in the same direction....somewhere in those resulting seeds you will something farley close to the original clone in event the original clone is lost and the f1s can no longer be remade....with the parents in those days being used being farely pure and not a jumble of genetics, when outcrosed to a different pure strain you get something called hybrid vigour....the results come out with bigger, stronger growing plants, with bigger leaves,more resitance to pests and viruses and more potency....just inbreding these f1 strains to themselves to further generations diminishes that....in as quickly as three to four generations of a reproduction/inbreeding you can end up with something coming out completely different to what you started with.....people aren't able to do the same nowdays wen making f1 as most of the parents used now have genetics stacked on either side that are related being inbred over and over inbred to each other....the way they are making some of these potent new strains now is when something is found usually in a bag seed the good plant most likely coming from a fairly good plant that has self polinated...so for example the trait of potency is doubled up....but cus of the way its been done eg by selfing that potency comes at the detriment to many other traits...eg lower yields, smaller leaves less resistance to pests and viruses ect...there is a key to producing strains and genetics that stand out in quality....and a key to producing seed were even growing small amounts of seed you will find keeper after keeper....its a dying art that very very few people know how to do or if thay know how they cant be bothered doing.....alot of strains have been reproduced over and over....haze, skunk, g13, g13hybrids nl, nl hybrids ect ect....there is little if any of the original clones left or any of the original f1 hybrids....people are working with plants and seeds many many generations removed and the results are no were near the same.....if your able to keep a pure landrace stand out plant hold the clone giving you those results...a back up is made in the event that parent is lost....and the back up it must be made in two ways...one in a way that re gives you the highest chance of finding the highest quality plants...2 in a way to maintain the healthy of that pure strain.....that way with the f1 hybrids the clone giving you those high quality restults isis also keept/held onto in clone form...but in the event of loss you still have the f1 seed....and the ability to find the pure high quality parents that made the f1 hybrid and reproduce the f1 seed and re find the f1 plant giving you those high quality results....this is how to retain the ability to make the best...and not go to the next best you can do or the nesxt best from that and ect...each time dropping quality just to maintain the genetics of the strain alive....just thought id throw that in there with some talk of how to keep things going made.....but then also keeping in sight that very high standard of how to keep and do the very best you can with the genetics and not slip downwards.
💯 correct. I truly believe in this, the best smoke was from them days where selections where being done on high quality landraces and the crossed to create true f1s. What's your thoughts on using well worked IBL of hybrids and using these as the p1. Example IBL x IBL with both of those IBLs being hybrids many generations back


Well-known member
Sam took a tour of the mississipi uni and got to see carlton turner and some of what they were doing. They had no clue about a g13 over there or anything similar too it.
One of the guys is gone, well make that two, so no more will be told except for hearsay from his, their point of view

enough has been laid down for people to understand the history of G13 ?

BOEL "thee hash plant"

G-13 this one is from the late 70s
Legendary Indica, lots of myths, nothing concrete...
Neville (The Seed Bank) write in his 1987er-catalouge:
G-13 is an outstanding indica cutting reputedly 'liberated' from the government research program in Mississippi, and now we have it. Widely grown as commercial indoor plant in the US, G-13 has proven to be one of the best breeding plants in our collection. G-13 hybrids have fast indoor flowering, high resin production, excellent potency, and extreme hybrid vigor.

UW Purple this is the 90s
UW Black UW Purple UW is a marijuana strain that comes with its own superhero origin story. Popular rumor has it that a clone plant was stolen from a certain Pacific Northwest university's medical research lab in the early nineties—in some versions by a rogue graduate student—and has since been a popular top shelf indica. These buds show their university pride with purple coloring, and the dense, sticky buds are at the top of the class when it comes to potency. Almost entirely indica, this strain’s powerful high is sedative and popular for pain relief and insomnia. A mix of tropical fruit and a little spice, the aroma also earns high marks.
ACC - this is a very hardy dependable old school strain, smuggled out of University Of Washington's lab by a grad student/ grower and acquaintance who entrusted my breeding skills to create seeds to preserve the Cholcocine induced mutant genetics. after an untimely bust I was for some time the only one left holding these cherished seeds which I shared sparingly from my grow in Richmond Beach Washington, this strain helped my wife when she had Cancer and eased her passing. There are different degrees of cannabinoids present due to its mutant background also sometimes presents polyploid buds that seem immense at times, very soothing medicinal high and very special purple hues

UBC Chemo
Info from the BCBD-Forums: I can tell this story as my family was involved with the liberation of UBC Chemo and I gifted cuts to BCBD a week before I got nailed.UBC is and was clone only.It was developed by the canadian govt and a cool old fella who is very respected named David Suzuki. This cut was in my family for a very long time and kept very safe until the shit hit the fan.It was and is one of the best med pots out there.
very woody stocks with unusual leaves, short, squat with a 11 week flowering time with heavy yields of kick ass indica.... (28.8%) thc...same plant 5th estate did a show on.

These are often confused with each other

Selection of elite 1000 x 1000 plants
1 in 10000 is a winner its a lottery...
with landrace. Ibl x ibl better mileage if the line is stacked with 30%thc phenos

Like TDS said "poor breeding"
has led to decline of alot of lines
Landrace P1 lines have that wild in them
After a few generations genes are lost
Try to do your best !!! Breed and seed !!!
One female can catch alot of different pollen

A high thc ibl male to your favorite landrace female cut most likely find some good ones, with stalked glands
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Well-known member
I had one pheno that was uber potent, it was a stretch indica, tall, with a centre cola, long side branches with massive internode spacing.
wow ..sounds like a great outlier...I am growing one now and its medium height fat dense resinous colas

I will try to pay attention to what the high is like

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