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Funky Cold Medina


ICMag Donor
just something to blow your minds. Roll a nice one and dig this. Imagine holding a a pot seed between your fingers and extending your hand towards the stars. The size of space the seed takes up is @ the size of the night sky this pic was taken. In a dark area of the sky noless. Almost everything in this picture is a galaxy. Now can you dig that?

picture taken by HST2004. You can find the whole picture by searching ultra deep field. Thank you Hubble telescope. Wow
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Active member
Wow is right! Pretty amazing and mind blowing man!

I was just telling a friend the other night while lookin up atem, trying to explain how truly insignificant we REALLY are in the big scheme of things.. of this nature. He tries to tell me that Earth is so special somehow and that it’s the only one with ‘conditions’ to inhabit ‘life‘. Aint buyin that for a sec myself. TOO damn big. The sun is soooo small too! … Pretty groovy man I dig it. :tup:

So.., a kickass thread ya got here!! Im luh-huvin it man, very nice. No doubt your doing all these here justice!!!! Im impressed :D

Everything is sick dude, you’ve got it down man!

TickleMyBalls said:
Hand watered Organic Hydro...and 20 years of growing experience. :yoinks:
.. WORD! For sure got the jug n cubes K.I.S.S. to a science!

All this talk of dialing the SCBB, what is the verdict there?? ….Cant wait to see what comes outta those clones Neptune… thats gonna be awesome.. Mebbe a TomHill repeat? ;) :sasmokin:

U ever seen colors like that on the Dabney HiE? I never seen her do that… looks like its been chili there though lately CB.

So the WW hermed Berkster? U think something happened or mebbe she herms a bit?

Hows the bubba coming along? Thats all I wanna smoke lately… other things just gotta sit back n cure cuz for me with the bubba jar its hard to give em any attention.

EVERYTHING looks amazing doode.

All yall have a good weekend! :wave:


ICMag Donor
thanks for the luv, The scbb is an easy clone and produces some skunky colas. Also gives a good high. Nice yields. Not even try, and get 3oz. it makes tons of frosty trim leaf for hash. It's not a favorite of mine to smoke. Nothing sweet or candy about the scbb. Y'all know me, ima sweetpot smoker. But the reports on her from others is good. We may keep her around for awhile. ty wookie
I'm diggin the dabney, sure is pretty and reminds me alot of the bluebuddah. Like it could pass for mom of the BB. hmm.. very similar yet not as dense. Also the dab gets me nice and high. Not as flavorful as berks blueberry, but kinda close and a pleasure to smoke. Shes a keeper, but i aint tossin my berry cause of it.
The jjww is a herm. plain and simple. Besides your bwg13 makes it look real subpar IMO. I love the dense nuggets it makes and the smoke is powerful. Very nice earthy smell with something else hidden in there. Definately KIND clone bra. I did find one large nanner in her but nothing to cause alarm. The jjww will start making banana's @ 30 days. I had 3 of them and they all did the same.
The bubba sure is a pretty one. It has some real dark , almost black fans. Not the best run this round. Looks to yield less than the puss. Can't identify any scent yet on the bubba, as shes only 30 ish in 12/12. But looks super encrusted in trichs. She sure stretched on me. There is a vast difference from daylight temps and dark temps. Causing most of this stuff to stretch like a mofo.
The puss kush is probly my fave besides the pg13/c99. I actually luv the hell outta them. the puss is like toking on some mint leafs . It's excellent stuff too. Just crushes my head after only a couple hits. The real good pineapple flavor of the PG99 blended in a joint with some puss has been the fave blend lately. Only problem is the puss didnt yield much. But what it did make is splendid.
Chaos, real nice stuff here luv. I have the second spec. in 12/12 and is much larger and more intimidating than the initial one. She sure is fast and furious with the trichs eh?.. Great flavor in the joint. I liken it to some fine red berry wine. Good daytime tokin and has some really pretty nugs. Bag appeal all the way.
Green crack, got one @ 39 days 12/12 and getting to luv her as well mang. What a great scent she got. Ima lover of the sweeties and she is in my mind. Looks to be a happy plant in kiss and very quick to build trichs. Alot of it as well for trimming and making bubble. Some kinda addictive scent. Been a long time since i toked any real crack.(15yrs) So i cant say it resembles crack. But i do want to keep sniffing it over and over. hmmm
AG13 is next to GC at same day and looks miniscule. Smells like a bag of hardcore onions mixed with some underarm stank. wtf... Gonna be interesting to smoke some of it to see how wasted i get.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
mmmm that nova looks yummmmmmmm..

tiny lil bubba nuggies too, next time youll probly want to veg her longer. the bubba needs some longer vegges probly the same with the puss. everything looking real pretty and colorful!


Active member
Nice thread Chili its been a while. How are you ? I see that you still have some of the best eye candy. I really love the looks of your Sour Diesel.



Hey Chili. You are firing on all cylinders bro. That green crack looks gggggreat! Makes me want to go score some rocks. Thanks for popping in my JO thread. You're doing that bitch proud yourself.



Very nice work there Chili, as usual! I'm just always amazed at how frosty your ladies get... every photo you take, I see gobs of resin covering plump and fully developed buds... just fantastic bro! Much respect!


Active member
Ya man that bwg13 is one ill keep around for as long as possible. She is special to me. Will throw an occasional nanner or two but u ive never seen anything get pollinated… think they are sterile… and they are very few if they even show. I like the Berks Blue flavor a lil more than the Dabney too, they for suuuure have their differences though, cant take away from Dabney. Toss the ww u think? No bueno?

Bubba yields horrible for me too man but like Jay said much better if ya give it some veg. She likes to bush out too if she can.. Bubba makes the puss look like a beast, lol. Puss can do ok if she gets big in veg. That bubba stretches too man, does it to me every time.

Glad u like that Pgc99. She is a good one. Big thanks to ole Lone, truly one of the coolest.

Greeeat bag appeal on the chaos… people really go crazy for that stuff. Im with you on the joint flavor.. One of my favorite part of the chaos.. Is that taste and joints of it rock. The look and taste is what makes it special for me especially the flavor and smell.

You’ll like the green crack dude, shes definitely a sweetie. Very quick too. Dense too. Shes awesome smoke man, great plant. Got a real big Ag13 bout to throw in I cant wait for that one.

Blowfish is lookin sick Cap’n. That Berkley is a healthy one too.


ICMag Donor
i like the straight up strong high the bwg13 dishes out. The flavor is real nice for a white widow for sure. Even better in a blended joint with something sweet. The next one in 12/12 is a monster. Done perfectly and looking it too. Ya man, you may want to flower one of those jjww out to see what its all about yourself. But in my op she no bueno.
I wanted to also drop a line about the Tangerine Haze. I think the best way to describe her is WOW. I started the initial clone of her 10 " tall in 12/12. She very quickly shot up to 4'. Has a very large and swollen main cola at 55 days. With several satelite branches. The business end is definately the main cola. Real nice smell as well. I say its almost the same as the Jackie O. Maybe abit more citrus if you can believe that. It's possibly a long flowertime cause she still swelling up. I guess @ 70 give or take. The 2nd clone of it was vegged way longer . LOL started @ 2' with several tops. woot. It's already over 6'. Probly gonna be 7 and a gigantic tree worthy of a treehouse when done. This plant grows. I'm excited to smoke on it. I needed another big sativa to replace the nevilles plant we ran. Peeps just didnt dig the nmlh enough to keep her around. I didnt favor it either. We ran her for a year though. :bat:
I'll tweek the bubba and puss till i get them snappin. I think i caught a coffee scent from the bubba today. It looks like it just encrusted with trichs and stopped swelling and growing at all @ 39 days and ima bout to chop it cause i did her wrong. Hate wasting the footprint. Got another humongous rep of her started 12/12 so we'll see whats up. She like nutes or not..?...BTW is that a mintyness to the puss? It's amazing. I love it, actually alot. gets me a nice high and i dig that flavor.
Green crack is nice stuff it seems. Could be toking my owns in a couple weeks. First clone is at 40 days and looks like overnight half the pistils turned orange. kinda freekish. It has a sweetness to it but also some aspirin/weird medi type scent. I kinda rubbed a lower to get a smell. It's real gooey and loaded with trichs. I liked the sample and am excited for more.
I been all over the pg-99! Tokin it silly, you know i love them sweet ones.. woot. Also the high is a perfect daystone. It's my new (looks kind, smells sweet, tokes smooth, dont knock me out)strain. ty very much.. keeper
Ya since I lost the crypt, the chaos has replaced it in the frost and beauty category. I'm letting the first one cure in the glass jar. I keep breaking into it for a sniff and a small perfectly formed nug. Amazing plant, very fast flower. The second rep of her is a 3' mongrel with a massive main cola to die for. She directly under a hot 400hps. Looks to be luvin it too. Lots of large dense buds orbiting around the main. :woohoo:
I'm not knowing what to think about the ag13. its such a slow veg and no stretch to 12/12. Smells real strong but not a pleasure to my nose. I remember toking the g13bx from jlp awhile back. It was extremely strong indica. Knocked me flat out. But i didnt like the flavor. We'll see whats up with her. I may need to keep her around for sheer power if its smokeable. I'm somewhat interested in it.


Damn berk, here I was thinking that you only had great photo and growing skills, but after reading this thread, I notcied that you give some of the best strain descriptions Ive found. They have been alot of help too as I am preparing to run some of the same cuts you have describerd. Glad to se some true blue heads still doin it despite the bullshit. Keep on keepin on my friend, you and the whole crew :yes:



Active member
Damn a huge list of big hitters you have in your stable Berk, its like a buffet. mmmmm
You still doing PBP or back to GH ?


just don't molest my colas..
budrunners said:
Damn a huge list of big hitters you have in your stable Berk, its like a buffet. mmmmm
You still doing PBP or back to GH ?

dude, you don't even know the half of it. take all of the descriptions he gave in the last two pages and multiply them by like 3. and I have a feeling he's on PBP for bloom and GH for veg. just a guess :moon: