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Full room reset. Current Culture RDWC. GG4 clone only, what did you expect from me?


Well-known member
Look at this sexy foaming action I am getting from the 3M....oh yeah! :whee:
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I have found that clean and sterile cloning equipment leads to high rates of success. You also need the healthiest donor plants possible. I normally see 90 plus percent getting roots.
Have a great day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
I have never really been totally happy with my fan setup for this room. Always moving 1 around out of my way on the floor. The one that was wall mounted was a huge 20". Always in the way and even on the low setting giving me windburn on the close branches. Would always have to move that 1 to to work in there.
I came up with a solution. I used some pvc I had and made a mounting rail. Now I use 2 AC infinity cloudrays mounted to that pvc pipe. I love it. It keeps them out of the way and I can adjust them anywhere they need to be. These 2 are much quieter than my old setup as well. Win.
Hard to get a good picture but you get the idea. Nice.
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Plants are looking great. Did the second of 3 sprays last night. Hit them 1 more time and then time to take some clones Friday. Looking forward to the run.
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I feel like I have the room setup better than ever and that makes me feel good.
Have a great day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
I cannot believe I missed this during the reset but I did. Was doing some cleaning this eve and saw this on my main air pump.
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Yikes both wires exposed! Still insulated from each other but not by much. So pulling it apart to fix the wiring.
Anyone seen the inside of one of these? I have not. Interesting.
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Basically 4 mini pumps stacked on each other.
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One of the reasons I always have backups. You never know when something you need is going to give out.
Back up in place and pumping. I will be fine till I can fix those wires tomorrow. I am too tired tonight.
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Check your wires regularly people.
Have a sweet day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Worked on fixing that pump wiring this AM. Easy fix just takes a bit of time and some basic tools. Love fixing stuff instead of having to buy new. Especially so when it is just something so simple.
Started by chopping out the the bad part...and finding some Wago's. I know they are not the same but they will work fine and it is what I had on hand.
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While working on it I noticed how bad/missing the "filter" was. I mean wow. I never even knew these came out. They say nothing about it in the owners manual.
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I cut some cheesecloth to fit and popped it back in. I will be doing this to the other 2 I have ASAP now that I know.
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Filter done, now on to fix the wires. I wanted to reuse the strain relief. I had to drill it out because it was molded to each wire. No worries worked fine.
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Stripped the 4 wires and snapped the wagos....almost done. I for some reason have no sealant. This operates as a air vessel so it needs to be airtight except for the intake. Running to store to get it so I can seal it up and be done.
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Easy fix, took about 45 minutes. Back in the air business!
Have a sweet day all. Peace, negative.

Gone Camping

Well-known member
Thanks for the comments about the setup. Taken me awhile to get here...It is basically what I dreamed of having as far as equipment for a long time. I wish I had more space but don't we all...lol.
I had been through about 6 meters until I got to Bluelab. Hanna handhelds x3, Hanna monitor type with separate probes and another brand I cannot remember right now. They all crapped out quickly or were completely unreliable. I treat my stuff with care and clean and calibrate every grow. The quality was just not there. I have had the 2 bluelabs now for like 5 years or more. Have the combo handheld and the larger one I cant remember the model. Perfect all the time, no issues. The only prob I have had is killing that 1 probe a couple weeks ago because I let it dry out completely....totally my fault. I basically forgot about it as I was doing the reset. Easily replaceable because it is BNC connected to the monitor.
In my opinion it is totally worth it. I am all water here so knowing the Ph all the time is important.
Hope you have good luck with the cut you have and thanks for watching along.
Peace, negative.

I am running two flowering tents with 12 gallon reservoirs each. Two of the Guardian's would be nice but I could just move the probes back and forth as they are right next to each other. Having that info at a glance would be precious to my bad back and legs. Think I'll pry the wallet open..

And great minds think alike.


Well-known member
I am running two flowering tents with 12 gallon reservoirs each. Two of the Guardian's would be nice but I could just move the probes back and forth as they are right next to each other. Having that info at a glance would be precious to my bad back and legs. Think I'll pry the wallet open..

And great minds think alike.
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Sweet there man. Those are looking nice. PVC for the win. I remember when I had a free standing trellis made of 3/4 pvc. Worked well.
I got my clones taken today as tomorrow I am flipping to flower! Cleaned up the cloner with that 34A stuff from 3m and took 6 cuts. We are under a t5 HO 4 bulb lamp. Aerocloner as you see with some pool shock and Hormex and Jacks to start. .4 ec or so. I have had amazing results with this method for years now. I never change what do. I will see roots like bottle brushes in about 2 weeks.
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6 GG4 clone only ready to roll.
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Been a busy day for me already. Was out hilling my potato crop that is booming along earlier...good fun!
Have a sweet day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Nothing feels better than when the garden is how you like it and everything is clean and organized. Love your style man. And the GG4 is some of the greatest cannabis on the planet.
I appreciate that man. When I first started growing I knew that keeping things clean and well organized was one of the keys to winning. I am good with that, I have a very perfectionist based personality...I also knew that I wanted to grow with a little bit of style not just hack stuff together and get by.
I completely tore this room to the studs and started from there...it has been a long time getting to this state but the rewards are worth it. I also am lucky to have had a father that taught me a ton about how things work. Lets just say I am not a stranger to how tools work. Worked many years on big, high dollar mechanical equipment. This growing stuff is easy peasy...lol.
Have a great day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
It is a wonderful thing to have a garden. I encourage everyone here to use the skills you have at growing to grow your own FOOD! It is not hard, it just takes the time and consistency.
Just pulled these strawberries. Delicious and all by me is one of the best parts. Nearly free as well. With the prices of food here in the US skyrocketing it is like pulling money out of the ground.
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Got a mad potato crop coming in as well! Picture is from today June 1st.
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Just a little 3 x 6 raised bed...lol. It is actually a old bed frame so that's funny to me.
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I am working on building several cedar ones. I am lucky enough to have a acre out of town and the most fertile ground ever. I have plenty of room to provide a lot for myself and I am working toward that goal every day.
Here is a list of what I have going now...going to be a bigger list next year.
Apples, plums, apricots, strawberries, tomato, potato, chokecherries and some little herbs like thyme and rosemary. I love it!
Hoping to add rasberries, blackberries, zuchini and a peach tree next year.
Have a great day all.
Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Hey all. 5 days into flower now and things are going well. Plants look good. Have a couple things showing up on some leaves. Could be from the tent and being so crowded and underlit. Also the Green Cleaner can be a bit rough on your leaves. Have some edge yellowing/browning on older growth that looks like low K. New growth looks healthy. I am getting a touch of tip burn to. Even some yellow veins on a couple leaves.
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Question. If I back down the Jacks to stop tip burn how do I still get the correct amount of micros in there? If I back off on the Jacks that of course lowers all other elements in the water. I have found that there is a no N version so that would lower the N value by 5. I dont have any tho. I have been using some MPK as well to boost the K up a bit.
I have had this problem over and over again since switching to LED and just cant seem to get it to go away. Every grow does pretty good but always edge yellowing or browning and tip burn. I even went so low with Jacks last run I never went over .7 ec. But the edge yellowing and even cal def was there even more.
I am pretty happy with all aspects of my grow except this one. Would really like to find a solution after all these runs with LED coming out this way. The end product is still excellent but leaf health tells me the overall plant could be better.
Whole room.
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Temps are around 72 with lights on and about 67 or so when lights off.
My VPD is always out of range with my humidity topping out at about 40.
Running Jacks 321 full strength with a bit of added cal and mag. I generally use the homemade calmag to bring my 0 ppm water to about a .3 EC. Then I add the full strength Jacks. Gives me about a 1.6 EC or so.
Going at about 550-600 PPFD at the tops. Been keeping it a bit lower than normal. I would usually be at 750 or so now.
Ph is 5.7. Water temp is 67 and the EC right now is 1.4.
Plenty of fresh air and exhaust.
Thanks guys. Have a great day all.
Peace, negative.


Well-known member
I’d say getting your temps up a bit would be the best option. 72 ambient isn’t going to get the leaf temps into range for proper photosynthesis. I run CMH/mixed to provide a bit of warmth for the leaves. You could also set up you exhaust fan to turn on and off based on temp. I’ve done that too to help keep temps up. You could throw some cal/mag at it, but that doesn’t help as flower progresses IMO. If you could bring those temps up 7-10 degrees I’d be interested to see how they respond.


Well-known member
I’d say getting your temps up a bit would be the best option. 72 ambient isn’t going to get the leaf temps into range for proper photosynthesis. I run CMH/mixed to provide a bit of warmth for the leaves. You could also set up you exhaust fan to turn on and off based on temp. I’ve done that too to help keep temps up. You could throw some cal/mag at it, but that doesn’t help as flower progresses IMO. If you could bring those temps up 7-10 degrees I’d be interested to see how they respond.
I had a feeling the temps might be causing some of this. I have a heater set up to use in there. I will have to get it going. I have no ability on turn extract on and off as it needs constant in and out for fresh air. I think the heater option is the best. I have used it in the past. I only used it for 1 grow and that prob was not a good enough test of it. Heater in tonight and I will set enviro control at 77 to turn off at. Turn on at 72. Give that a go and see what happens. I feel like the night time temps would not be as big of a deal or would they? Feel like just adding the heat during lights on time...
Thanks much for the ideas Jcue81.
Have a sweet day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Yeah, I would target 77-80 ambient under LED and you should see an improvement. No need for the heater at night. Once you get further into flower you could probably ditch the heater.
Put the heater in last night for the day cycle. It is on a photocell. Kept it about 77. Lowering my dead band to 2 degrees either way. I can feel the difference now I hope it helps the plants.
I placed it hanging from roof blowing into the leaves. Kept it away from the roots. If you do use a heater make sure you disable the on lights. This one had a red led that would indicate it was operating...HAD one. I removed the light and just changed the wiring slightly. This type of heater uses the wire coils that heat up. If you keep them on low the wire wont glow red and create another light source. Not coming on at night so not really a issue. If you were using it someplace real cold where it would be used at night beware of the coils glowing.
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We are at day 6 of flower. Just getting started. There going to go boom and fill this place up.
Have a sweet day all. Peace, negative.


Active member
Hey a call to all the RDWC growers out there. I use 34% hydrogen peroxide to clean my pipes and chiller and cloner. The stuff is amazing as long as you handle it properly. Well lately all the online supplies are no more. You can not ship it at that strength or pay a big hazmat shipping charge. So everyone stopped selling it and now you can only find 8% It used to be around 70 bucks with free shipping for a gallon.
The chemical places want a "statement of use" and a business license to ship to you and still charge a Hazmat fee. Not good. I searched for alternative and found 1. It is a product made by 3M called 34A. It is a peroxide cleaner that is made for use in the commercial cleaning systems. Made to be diluted with water for various cleaning tasks. I am cleaning my cloner with it now and its perfect. 3m wont say what's in it because it is a "industry secret" but its 34 percent hydrogen peroxide. Here is a picture of the bottle.
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You have to pop out a little dispenser cap that goes to the system they use to dilute it. Then use it just like you would the 34% H2o2. Best part about it is that you pay no hazmat fee and can get it cheap and at many places. About 40 for a gallon with free shipping. Going to stock up on it a bit.
Hope this is helpful to those that use the product. It is a amazing no touch cleaner. If you have not tried it you should. Just remember very caustic and will cause burns to skin and eyes. Where eye pro and gloves when pouring it out and putting it in equipment. I will sometimes use Ph down to create a more acidic solution. It cleans better that way. Good shit!
Have a great day all. Smoking on some long cured flower today. From 2 grows ago so at least a 6 month cure on it. mmmm
Peace, negative.
Check out chlorine dioxide.
Best for pipe slime.

Also can be used similarly to ozone, but safer


Active member
I had a feeling the temps might be causing some of this. I have a heater set up to use in there. I will have to get it going. I have no ability on turn extract on and off as it needs constant in and out for fresh air. I think the heater option is the best. I have used it in the past. I only used it for 1 grow and that prob was not a good enough test of it. Heater in tonight and I will set enviro control at 77 to turn off at. Turn on at 72. Give that a go and see what happens. I feel like the night time temps would not be as big of a deal or would they? Feel like just adding the heat during lights on time...
Thanks much for the ideas Jcue81.
Have a sweet day all. Peace, negative.
Temps are also what jumped out at me.
For night in early flower, trying to match lights on temps while reduce stretching.